14. "you and the old man?"

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"She doesn't tell us about you. We know what she felt, but also bits of it." I heard a voice say. I couldn't tell since it was a whisper.

"She said she tells you everything. Especially good things, and that I was a good thing." Chan spoke now. Why were they speaking about me? And why the hell were the girls exposing me? It's not like I had anything to hide, especially from Chan, but still.

"She tells us everything. But with this...with you? She's giving us nothing." Madi spoke, no longer whispering.

"Yeah, and she usually tells us everything except the intimate things. That's when she keeps it to herself." Vic commented, and I mentally rolled my eyes. Why the hell were they talking about this? As I was questioning whether to open my eyes or not, Madi asked,

"Why are you doing this? And what is your plan? Because of what we're seeing here-" she was cut off by his phone ringing. My stomach dropped as it stopped. He probably hit ignore.

"Elle, wake up." He brushed a finger down my cheek, and I wanted to smile and kick my feet. Opening my eyes, I blinked a few times, and as I turned, looking up, I locked eyes with Chan, whose face was above mine.

All I could think about was how close he was. His eyes moved lower and lingered on my mouth before looking back up. Blushing, I inhaled deeply and spoke. "Hi."

He grinned, making my heart stutter. "Hi back." He brushed a few strands of hair off my face, a small smile playing on his full lips. "You are really cute when you sleep." He murmured, and a laugh burst out of me, surprising both of us.

"Don't say such things. But thank you." I smiled, hiding a yawn behind my hands. That's when I realized I was in his lap. How did I get here if I had my head on his shoulder? Did I wake up and get comfortable? What the hell? "How am I on your lap?" I yawned again, and this time tears rushed forward.

Brushing them gently away, he answered, "It looked like your neck hurt, so I turned my body as we lowered you. And then you got pretty comfortable." He laughed, making me blush.

"I'm sorry. But thank you." I whispered, and he shook his head. But before he could speak, Madi walked in from wherever she was, with Vic trailing behind her.

"Your mom wants you to call when you wake up."

"You told them already? Why?" I asked, suddenly wide awake. My heart started racing as I thought of all the stress and fear they have right now.

"I mean, we had to. You were in the hospital. I wasn't going to wait and have them scold me for not saying anything." Madi crossed her arms. Vic sat down, looking at the floor, while biting her lip.

"What else?" I asked. Vic bit her lip while looking anywhere, but me was her tell for when she wasn't saying anything. And she suddenly found the floor magnificent. Madi breathed in deeply before taking a step closer.

"Ross wants us to lay a charge." My mind went blank. Why would we do that? We don't want to bring any more attention to us or have anyone know about this. Because if we do, a lot of news articles will talk about it and speculate that it was a crazy fan... Especially considering the hate tweets, comments, and messages we've received. Luckily, we muted all apps for messages when all this started.

"I know E. I don't want eyes on this any more than you do, but if we don't, Ross said he'll fly back over to do it." I smiled at that. He really would, and we shouldn't doubt him. He may have had some not-so-smart moments, but he was one of the most loyal people we know. Sitting up, I shook my head.

"Okay. We'll call the police tomorrow, but first. We'll call the parents." I nodded, looking around.


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