20. "I feel alot for you."

17 5 3

I woke up at 12pm. Surprised at how late it was, I quickly got up to shower and wash my hair. When I was done, I walked out to see Vic and Madi fully dressed. Music played softly from one of their Spotify accounts they linked to the TV. 

"Good morning, baby. How'd you sleep?" Madi asked. Stretching out my arms, I made myself a cup of coffee.

"Morning. I slept okay, thanks. You?" I yawned so wide that my jaw hurt.

"We slept fine. We woke up a while before you, too. I was so tired, I don't know why." Vic muttered, taking a long sip from her mug.

We sat for a while in silence, a Kendrick song playing in the background. Madi's phone rang, and her whole face lit up as she answered, quickly walking out. Smiling at her back, Vic hit me, and we giggled quietly. 

"I'm so happy for her." I whispered, not wanting her to hear us. 

"I know! Me too. She deserves to be happy." I turned back to her. Looking at her, my heart melted at her beauty.

"What about you? How's Mathew?" I took my last sip and went to rinse my cup out. Vic swirled her little coffee around as she looked down.

"He's not anything anymore. Just a one time thing, you know?" Her voice had a hint of sadness in it. I reached over and squeezed her hand. 

"You okay?" She nodded, looking up at me. Smiling down at her, I kissed her hand. "It'll get easier." I whispered because I understood what she felt. It was still too early to start thinking of a new relationship. Of a new anything, actually. As her ex, Xavier, played such a huge part in her life. She smiled and rinsed out her cup. Madi walked out and smiled at us. 

We then made a quick brunch. We sat for a long time just talking and laughing about how Madi's new crush was going. And gossiping about Matthew and how good he was. Which was awkward since she wasn't impressed, especially for his age and how he mentioned he had loads of experience.

Ross called to say the video can happen next week on Thursday, after we said yes to it, which gives us four days to practice the dance. He found us a different place to film, as we were scared Stays would know the other place already.

2pm, I realized I still needed to film before the dance left my mind. So I got up and stretched out my body.

"I'm going to do my dance quickly. When I'm done, we can go for the groceries." I suddenly felt nervous to see them. To see him. Especially after our goodbye and how hard I took it. 

"Why don't we go? Since they'll be here in a few hours, we can go early, and we'll be done when you're done. Two birds, one stone." Madi suggested. That actually made so much sense. And then I could start cleaning and getting dinner ready.

Nodding, I got up. "That makes sense. Yeah, that'll work." We all got up and got ready for our day.


"Bye Elle. We're not taking a key with." Vic yelled through the door. I stayed in my room because I was too shy. I've never been this exposed to a video before. My makeup was dark, and my hair was straight. I wore no jewelry except my B necklace.

"Okay." I yell back. Walking out in Vic's long black platform boots I borrowed, I opened the door to lock after them. I was met with wide eyes and gasps of shock. They stared at me as if I just wore star stickers over my lady bits. But it wasn't true. I wore her boots that reached my knees with an oversized shirt that was long enough to just cover my butt, and if I walk or move, you see half my ass and panty. That's all. 

"You look so hot." "I'm turned on right now," they said at the same time, making me laugh. 

"Thank you." I blushed. But before they could even say anything else, I walked to the door and shoved them out. And I then decided to do the video here instead of in the small room.

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