22. "Don't stop."

22 3 3

Jeongin and Seungmin had played rock, paper, scissors, winner got to choose what we watched while we ate. And since Seungmin won, which made Jeongin whine like a spoilt three-year-old, causing us all to laugh hysterically, Seungmin decided to watch some of their old music videos and chose a random playlist mix. It started off with Back Door, and they all started rapping. Hyunjin even started dancing with. It was so interesting to watch and see them all enjoy each other's presence like that. Leeknow, Vic, and Felix made dinner while the others were playing a swapped choreo game and also teaching Madi and me the dance.

"What's your plan for the week?" Jeongin asked as he took a big bite of meat and rice. He sat at Chan and my feet, next to Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jisung, while Madi, Vic, Leeknow, and Felix squeezed on the three seater. And yes, I sat on Chan's lap because he asked me to, despite both of us holding a bowl of food.

"We're filming a video, and we'll be recording, and we're going to start creating a beat for a song. Our song." Madi smiled as my stomach dropped. It was so exciting and weird to say that. To say we're going to record our own song. Not a cover. It made me want to jump and scream in happiness.

"No way? You're doing your own music?" Chan asked, shock written all over his face. He lowered his food as he stared at me. The way he looked at me made me feel like I was on top of the world. There was admiration in his stare. Admiration and something else I couldn't quite place. But it felt amazing to have that stare directed at me.

"That's so cool. I know it'll be a good song." Jisung said, wide-eyed with excitement. He nodded at himself as if agreeing with what he said. I smiled and turned to look at Chan. A wide smile took over, creasing his eyes, causing the dimple that I started to really love show. I smiled back as Vic spoke.

"Yeah. We're just testing it out and seeing how it goes. Hopefully it'll do well." She whispered the last part as if scared to mess with the universe. 

Just then I got a message from Ross, and my stomach dropped. 

'here's Young Tigers number. I called, and he said he'd help you. Let me know when you're coming home.' 

I looked up, my heart suddenly racing as I met Vic's stare. Turning back, I scanned Chan's face as he stared back at me in confusion. 

"Be right back." I whispered to Chan and kissed his cheek, causing him to grin as the boys made ooh sounds. I nodded for the girls to join as I walked past them. 

"Remember Leeroy?" I asked using Young Tiger's real name. He went to school with us, a few years older, but he and I had a year-long fling, and we stayed friends after. He was a small rapper, but as the years went on, he got bigger in our town, and since we were also a cover group, he would let us open for his shows. And his recording booth was the one we rented out. 

"Yeah, what about him?" Madi asked, wiping her hands on her chest. I bit my lip as I stretched out my arms. 

"He said he'd help us with our music. Ross called him, and he said yes." I whispered as their eyes widened.

"So this means it's real? Our music is actually starting?" Vic asked, tears filling her eyes. I hugged her as Madi stood still. 

"Does this mean we're moving back?" She asked, and my heart started racing. I didn't have an answer to that. Even though that was my first thought. I reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. 

"We'll talk about it later. We'll call him and discuss it." I stared at her, waiting for her to answer me. But all she did was bit her lip as he stared at both me and Vic for a long time before nodding and walking to her room. 


"Here's three rooms. And I assume you guys would sleep together?" Madi spoke, pointing to Chan and me. It was a while after our conversation earlier, and she seemed better but still had a distant look to her. 

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