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To Elle :
I've fucked up Elle xx

From Elle :
What's happened? What have you done? Xxx

To Elle :
Leah came over for a takeaway after her game last night xx

Almost immediately after the message is marked as read, her phone rings and Elenor's name flashes across the screen causing her to smile slightly as she glances over at Bunny who is sitting in her highchair eating some banana.

'Hello...' She says accepting the call and holding the phone to her ear as she leans back against the kitchen counter.

'I need all the details... What happened? Did she stay the night? Did anything happen between you guys?' Elenor asks causing the brunette to groan.

'Nothing like that happened, Elle... Just getting to know each other as friends remember? We just had some pizza and got to know each other a bit better. Bunny woke up and just wouldn't settle so she ended up meeting her much earlier than I would have ever planned.' Courtney replies.

'So what are you on about you've fucked up? Nothing happened between you guys so surely you can continue just getting to know each other as friends? Have you guys arranged to see each other again?' Elenor asks.

'No, I just- I think I like her, Elle... Last night it felt like I'd known her for years when we were just sitting chatting and laughing together.' Courtney admits.

'Fuck me you've got it bad, haven't you? What time did she go home at if she didn't spend the night?' Elenor asks causing Courtney to sigh.

'Midnight-ish... I'm not really sure. I managed to eventually get Bunny back down and then we just sat and spoke a bit more.' Courtney replies.

'So have you guys arranged to meet up again?' Elenor asks.

'No, nothing arranged yet.' Courtney replies.

'Well arrange something, Court. You like her and honestly she came to see you immediately after playing a game, she clearly likes you too.' Elenor says.


'Don't look at me like that... I know Katie has probably told you all about the other night but I am fine, I promise.' Leah says shaking her head as she wraps her arms around the blonde.

'She's just worried about you, Le. You've not been your usual bubbly self lately and it's something everyone has picked up on.' Beth replies.

'I've just needed time to adjust, it's just taken me a minute.' Leah admits and Beth nods her head.

'I get that, Le. Break-ups are hard and it must have been harder for you having to see Jordan every day at training; at least when Daan and I split she had already left Arsenal but it was still difficult to process it all.' Beth says and Leah nods her head as they make their way through to the living room.

'What did Katie actually tell you?' Leah asks as each of them take a seat on the sofa.

'That you got absolutely pissed and she had to take you home where you proceeded to cry for half an hour before you fell asleep...' Beth says softly causing the blonde to groan.

'I felt guilty.' Leah admits.

'Guilty? What on earth do you have to feel guilty about, Le?' Beth asks watching the blonde shrugs her shoulders.

'There was a girl at the bar... We got talking, maybe done a bit of flirting and I just- I went to hers last night after the game for a takeaway.' Leah admits biting her bottom lip as she glances away from the blonde.

'I still don't know what you've got to feel guilty about, Le... I watched you and Jordan grow apart before you split, you went from doing everything together to suddenly not really doing anything together. You split up because it was the best thing for both of you to do... You can have a flirt in a bar in some woman, you can go on dates and have fun. You're still young.' Beth says causing Leah to groan.

'Look, Jordan was a massive part of your life and she always will be because nothing will ever take away that chapter of your life. Nothing will change those years that you two spent together or the memories that you guys made but you are allowed to move on, Le.' Beth adds as Leah runs her hand over her face.

'So tell me about the person at the bar because Katie didn't really give me any details on that?' Beth says watching a small smile appear on Leah's face.

'She's amazing, Beth. She uh- She's just moved here from Scotland so she doesn't really know anyone and I just- There's something about her that makes me feel so comfortable around her, just talking about everything and anything... She has absolutely no idea about football, had no idea that England won the euros. She gets all nervous and just rambles a hundred miles an hour.' Leah replies.

'You like her.' Beth says watching the blonde bite her bottom lip.

'I think I do, Beth... I just- It all feels a bit too soon, you know? I almost feel like I'm letting Jordan down, like I'm betraying her.' Leah admits.

'She'll want you to be happy, Le... Together or not, Jordan adores you and all she's ever wanted is for you to succeed at everything and for you to be happy. Don't let a good thing go because of the situation.' Beth says softly.


'Say mum.' Courtney says smiling down at the little girl who is sitting up in her pram giggling as she clutches a little pink rabbit in her hand and a dummy in the other hand.

'Oh my goodness, mumma didn't think this through did she? I should've gotten this all in when your Auntie Elle was here.' Courtney says as she shakes her head and begins trying to balance the three packets of nappies between the basket cradled in the crook of her elbow and the pram in front of her.

'Need a hand?' A familiar Irish accent asks causing her to glance over her shoulder coming face to face with the Irish defender from the bar.

'Sorry, I don't know if you remember me... I'm Katie, from the bar? Leah's friend.' Katie says and Courtney immediately nods her head.

'Of course I remember.' Courtney replies smiling.

'Need a hand? Looks like yours are full there.' Katie offers and Courtney immediately nods her head.

'That would be a great help, thank you.' Courtney says smiling as she watches the other woman take some of the boxes into her hands.

'I probably should've got this all in when my friend was still down here but I was clearly too busy getting drunk.' Courtney says causing Katie to laugh.

'What's this cuties name then?' Katie asks as Bunny immediately pops her dummy into her mouth and rubs her eyes with the stuffed-bunny's ear.

'This is Bunny... Well her full name is Beatrix but everyone has always called you Bunny, haven't they?' Courtney says smiling as she leans forward and taps the little girl's nose.

'She's gorgeous. How old is she?' Katie asks.

'Nine months...' Courtney replies smiling.

'Look I want to apologise for the other night, I promise I don't usually get that drunk especially not with people I've just met and I know I kept Leah away from your guys team dinner or whatever it was and I just- I'm sorry.' Courtney says biting her bottom lip.

'You've got nothing to apologise for. Honestly, Leah didn't want to attend the team dinner anyway. I forced her because I figured I needed to do something to get her out of the slump she's been in and I thought team dinner would do that... Turns out she only needed to meet you.' Katie replies.

'W-What do you mean?' Courtney asks.

'I don't know how much you guys have spoken or whatever but since getting drunk with you that night, Le has her spark back and that's what we as a team wanted, it's what we needed.' Katie replies smiling.

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