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'Morning... Give that here and I'll re-do it for you, it must be cool by now. You could've stayed in bed and I would've brought you some breakfast.' Courtney says softly as she glances over her shoulder at Leah making her way through to the kitchen.

'Thank you.' Leah replies quietly as she passes Courtney the hot water bottle.

'How are you feeling? You still look a bit peaky.' Courtney says and Leah nods her head.

'I don't feel great.' Leah admits as she leans on the breakfast bar watching Courtney fill the kettle.

'Why don't you go back to bed and I'll bring this through to you with some food? Bunny's just gone down for a nap so I can lie with you for a bit?' Courtney suggests.

'I should probably just go home... I don't want to ruin your day.' Leah replies.

'Bunny and I don't have any plans. We'll probably just potter around the house. The weather is miserable anyway.' Courtney says as she sets the kettle to boil before making her way over to the blonde.

'Mm... You don't want to be dealing with me when I'm like this.' Leah replies shaking her head as Courtney wraps her arms around the blonde.

'I absolutely do want to be dealing with you. No one should be on their own when they're feeling shitty... We can go to your place and pick up some stuff if you need to.' Courtney says and Leah sighs.

'I'm so tired.' Leah mumbles.

'Go back to bed, sweetheart. What do you fancy to eat? Toast? Some eggs?' Courtney asks and Leah shakes her head.

'No, I feel a bit sick. I don't think I could stomach anything.' Leah admits.

'Right well go through to bed and I'll bring your hot water bottle through when it's ready.' Courtney says softly as she kisses the side of the blonde's head.

'Mm... Just a minute.' Leah almost whispers, her head resting against Courtney's chest as she feels the other woman gently rub her back.


'Al's here with my stuff...' Leah says softly as she makes her way through to the living room where Courtney is sitting watching Bunny bounce in her jumperoo. Glancing over her shoulder, Courtney sighs as she notices the blonde slightly hunched over as she clutches the hot water bottle to her stomach.

'Why don't you ask her to bring it up or I can go down for it? You look in absolute agony, babe.' Courtney suggests.

'Mm... She's going to bring it up for me.' Leah replies causing Courtney to smile slightly.

'I'll open the door.' Courtney says softly. Forcing a smile onto her face, Leah leans on the back of the sofa and watches as the brunette makes her way over to the front door. She opens the door slightly before making her way back over to the blonde.

'I'd ask if you're feeling any better but I'm assuming you probably don't... Do you think you could manage a bit to eat yet?' Courtney asks running her hand over the blonde's lower back.

'Maybe some toast.' Leah replies and Courtney nods her head.

'Okay, I'll go and make you some toast then. Butter or jam?' Courtney asks.

'Butter please.' Leah replies. Pressing a gentle kiss against the blonde's shoulder, Courtney makes her way through to the kitchen.

'A-ba!' Bunny shouts reaching her arms out towards Leah who sighs.

'Oh I wish I could come pick you up, sweetpea.' Leah says as there's a small knock on the front door.

'Hello?' Leah says glancing towards the door.

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