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note: just wanted to quickly say updates are going to be a little bit all over the place just now as there's been a huge life-changing event which means I won't be able to write as much for the time-being, however I do have some chapters already pre-written so they'll be going up. Apologies for any delay after that.

'Morning...' Leah says smiling as she feels Courtney's arms wrap around her waist from behind as she stands at the kitchen counter looking out of the window. Immediately, Leah's hands move down to rest on top of the brunette's which are resting against her lower stomach, her thumb gently rubbing circles against the back of her hand.

'Big day today, ey? You excited?' Courtney asks and Leah nods her head as she leans back into Courtney's embraced.

'Mm-hmm... It's always exciting when you get to a final, it's a bit nerve-wracking though at the same time. What about you? This is your first game as an adult, isn't it?' Leah asks glancing over her shoulder at Courtney who grins.

'Mm... Looking forward to actually getting to see you run about the pitch for ninety minutes in person and not watching through a tv screen.' Courtney replies and Leah fakes a gasp.

'Well now I feel like you are just objectifying me.' Leah says causing Courtney to laugh as she loosens her arms around the blonde giving her space to turn around and face her.

'What can I say? You've got a nice set of legs on ya.' Courtney replies.

'What am I supposed to wear today?' Courtney asks quietly as Leah wraps her arms around her and presses a soft kiss just below the brunette's ear.

'Whatever you want to wear. You know I think you'd look amazing in a black bag.' Leah replies.

'I'm being serious, Le... I don't really have anything football related to wear let alone anything Arsenal related.' Courtney says as the blonde leans back slightly to look at her.

'You don't have to wear anything football or Arsenal related, babe. I promise anything you pick out is going to be absolutely amazing, as long as you are comfortable.' Leah replies shaking her head.

'So I can wear anything?' Courtney asks and the blonde nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... Maybe avoid blue, well unless you want to support Chelsea.' Leah replies.

'And no one is going to judge me for not wearing anything Arsenal related?' Courtney asks causing the blonde to smile.

'No one is going to judge you and if they do? Send them my way.' Leah replies.


Her eyes scan the crowd as she makes her way around shaking hands with the other players. They did it, the managed to win their first piece of silverware in four years and she almost can't quite believe it.

'Where is she?' Beth asks as she wraps her arm around Leah's shoulders causing the blonde to sigh.

'Not sure. I can't see her... I didn't even see her when we were warming up.' Leah admits. Reaching into her pocket, Beth pulls out her phone and immediate dials the other woman's number before passing the phone to Leah.

'Hello?' Courtney says causing Leah to smile as she holds the phone to her ear..

'Hey, you... Did you make it? Where you seated?' Leah asks.

'Mm-hmm... See the corner where Al is doing her thing? I'm pretty much directly in front of her.' Courtney replies and Leah glances towards the direction of her friend.

'Got you... I can see you. I'm gonna send someone over to bring you and Bunny inside once the medal presentation has been done, if that's okay? I want to see you but if I come over then you're going to be hounded so I'll send a steward and staff member over.' Leah says.

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