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'I've never really seen her like this before... Even when she's poorly she's still usually such a happy little soul.' Courtney says shaking her head as she paces around the living room with a very unsettled Bunny in her arms.

'I don't even have any calpol left... How stupid could I be letting it run out? That's one thing you should always have in the house in case this happens.' Courtney says, more to herself than anyone else causing the blonde to sigh.

'Why don't I pop to Boots and pick up some Calpol? We can try giving her that and see if it brings her temperature down?' Leah suggests getting up off the sofa and making her way over to rest the back of her hand against Bunny's forehead.

'W-Would you mind? I don't want to take her out and I just- I don't want to leave her either.' Courtney admits and Leah can immediately see the worry on her girlfriend's face.

'Of course I don't mind, Court... Let me just grab hoodie and I'll go. Is there anything else you need while I'm out?' Leah asks.

'Uh- If you could pick up a packet of nappies that would be great. I was going to pick them up tomorrow but if she's still like this I won't get out and you'll be away at camp and I just-' Courtney begins causing Leah to smile slightly.

'You don't need to explain. I'll pick up nappies while I'm out. I'll be as quick as I can, okay?' Leah says and Courtney nods her head.

'Thank you.' Courtney almost whispers.

'You don't have to thank me. Just make sure you take deep breaths, yeah?' Leah says and Courtney nods her head.

'I won't be long.' Leah adds as she leaves the room to grab her hoodie from the bedroom before heading out to Boots.


'Court, I'm back... Where are you?' Leah asks as she makes her way into the apartment carrying the Boots bag.

'Bunny's room.' Courtney replies. Making her way through to the toddler's bedroom, Leah can't help but smile as she sees Courtney curled up in the rocking chair with Bunny fast asleep in her arms.

'Thought you only went for Calpol and nappies...' Courtney says gesturing to the Boots bag in the blonde's hand.

'Mm... Picked up some little extras didn't I. Want to see?' Leah asks and Courtney nods her head. Sitting down on the bedroom floor, Leah places the bag in front of her and pulls out both the Calpol and nappies.

'Got the necessities obviously.' Leah says and Courtney smiles.

'Then I figured I'd pick up some of these wee fruit yoghurt pouches... The ones you said she really likes because I thought maybe she'd eat these even if she isn't eating much else.' Leah explains causing Courtney to smile and nod her head at the blonde.

'Then I saw these little Gruffalo biscuits so I thought maybe she'd like them? Then I kind of got a bit distracted and I thought well when I'm feeling shitty I really like to curl up in some new pyjamas...' Leah says as she pulls out a pair of Bluey pyjamas in the toddlers size.

'And every little girl needs a Care Bear, right?' Leah adds pulling the final item out of the bag.

'You're amazing, you know that right? How much do I owe you?' Courtney asks and Leah shakes her head.

'Don't be silly, Court. You don't owe me anything, it's fine... How long has she been asleep for?' Leah asks.

'About ten minutes or so.' Courtney replies covering her mouth as she yawns.

'Why don't you let me take over for an hour or so? Get yourself to bed for asleep?' Leah suggests.

'You don't have to.' Courtney says and Leah nods her head.

'I know I don't have to... I want to Court.' Leah replies. Glancing down at Bunny in her arms, Courtney smiles slightly before looking back up at Leah and nodding her head.

'Her temperature has come down a bit.' Courtney says softly as she slowly stands before transitioning the toddler into Leah's arms who takes a seat in the rocking chair.

'Get some sleep, love.' Leah says.


'See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me. And no one knows how far it goes. If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me, one day I'll know... If I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go.' Leah sings softly as she washes some dishes at the sink while Bunny sits in her highchair just behind her.

'Hate to interrupt this lovely moment you're having with Moana...' Courtney says causing Leah to smile as she glances over her shoulder.

'Hey, love... Have a good sleep?' Leah asks and Courtney nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... I needed it. How's she been? She looks perkier.' Courtney says smiling as she runs her hand over Bunny's head.

'She's been good, slept for maybe half an hour after you went to bed then got up. I gave her some Calpol just to keep her temperature down and she's just demolished one of the strawberry yoghurt pouches and now is eating a banana.' Leah replies.

'Yeah? That's good. Thank you for today, Le... I know I was having a bit of a freak out this morning but I just-' Courtney rambles as she makes her way over to the blonde who shakes her head.

'Don't be silly. I'm here for whatever you need, whenever you need it. You were worried and that's perfectly understandable. You said she wasn't her usual self and that's a worry for any parent, I imagine.' Leah says wrapping her arms around Courtney who immediately rests her head against her chest.

'I got you. I've always got you.' Leah adds tightening her arms around the brunette who sighs.

'Do you want to go for a lie down? I can take over from here.' Courtney offers.

'I'm okay. I'm actually not that tired.' Leah replies shaking her head.

'Will we get a takeaway tonight? I don't feel like cooking.' Courtney admits moving away from the blonde and back over to Bunny who reaches her arms out towards her.

'Mumma!' Bunny says and Courtney grins as she lifts the toddler into her arms.

'Takeaway sounds good to me.' Leah replies returning to the dishes.

'What time is it just now?' Courtney asks and Leah glances down at her watch.

'A little before 4.' Leah replies and Courtney nods her head.

'We've got time... Why don't you leave the dishes and we can go snuggle up on the sofa with a movie?' Courtney suggests.

'Sounds great.' Leah replies smiling.


Glancing down at her phone, Courtney sighs as she reads the time on the screen. 5:47pm. Her left arm is stretched out and resting on Leah's hip as the blonde sleeps peacefully with her head resting on Courtney's knees and Bunny cuddled into her chest. They've been sleeping for a little over forty-five minutes and Courtney is torn between letting them sleep on or waking them through fear that neither of them will sleep tonight if they continue sleeping this late. Brushing her fingers against the tiny bit of skin which is showing where the blonde's t-shirt has risen slightly, Courtney sighs and makes the decision to just let them sleep on because they both so clearly need the sleep. Grabbing her phone, she shakes her head and begins to upload a picture to her story that she'd taken early of the pair of them.

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