The reaper, the child and the knight.

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I don't own the picture and you heared the man. Keep that shit up.

"Ruby! Are you sure you want to go to school?!" said Qrow while he was angered that someone used up all his data. "Yes! Nothing happened!" shouted Ruby back down excited with Death following her down the stairs. "Ruby i..." began Tai who was in the kitchen. But once he saw her he wanted just to go as far away from her as possible. Tai caught himself again after shaking his head and said:" i have made you pancakes for breakfast and your lunch box is also filled."

"Thanks dad!" said Ruby excited which would have warmed Tai's heart, wouldn't it have been frozen solid in fear. "Come Ruby! We have to eat fast that catch the bus! Today is class test day!" said Yang trying to be with Ruby, even if the constant aura of death around her almost freezes her solid. "She is my little sister i have to be with her." thought Yang. "Oh biscuits! We have to go!" said Ruby while stuffing her face with pancakes cleaning her plate in seconds before taking her back pack and running with Yang to the station.

"Qrow?" asked Tai. "Yes Tai?" asked Qrow. "Why can't i be in the same room as my little girl anymore with out being frozen in fear?" asked Tai sad. "That i don't know Tai. That i don't know." said Qrow.


"No wait!" shouted Yang only for the bus to drive away. "Is the bus important?" asked Death. "he brings us to school, Mr Shadow." said Ruby. Yang looked around to see who she is talking to but has not seen anyone, but she doesn't say anything. Death waved his hand and immeadetly the bus came to an hold.

The door of the bus opened and the bus driver ran out bleeding out of every opening of his body. He was coughing up bile and blood out of his rapidly deteriorating lungs while it looks like he is about to fall down. "Tell my wife i loved her. And delete my browser history." said the bus driver into a walky talky. He walked a few steps and then died in the bushes. 

"The bus stopped." said Death.

"But the bus needs a driver, Mr Shadow. They always turn that wheel thing to drive." said Ruby and Yang is asking herself again who she is talking to. Atleast she would have, wouldn't it have been for the frightening display of dying in front of her which is now carved into her memory. 

"I see." said Death and thought for a moment. Death waves his hand again and the bus driver was semi alive again. He was zombie. He walked back in and sat himself down on his place. "Yay! We have a bus driver." said Ruby while Yang was about to pee herself in fear. Ruby almost dragged her inside so frozen in fear was Yang.

When all three of them were in the bus tried the children to move away from Ruby. The bullies went to the end of the bus while the nerds were frozen in fear. Ruby saw a row where three people could sit down and one was already in there. "Albert? can i sit next to you?" asked Ruby sweet. Albert was meanwhile pressing himself to the window to be as far away as possible. 

Immeadetly the person who normally bullies Albert, grabs him and runs with him to the last row where they hug each other in fear.

"That works to." said Ruby and let Yang go in first before she sat herself down. Death simply stood. He then waved his hand and the bus doors closed before the undead bus driver went pedal to the metal. Ruby cheered, with Yang feeling both fear and joy while the rest screamed in fear.

"The school is right there! Dear oum help us!" said an old men who wanted to bring his grand child to the school. He then looked to the side and saw Death who waved his hand as he saw that humans used that as greeting. "GAAAAAAAAH! I am gonna die! Let me out! I am not ready to die! Death is upon me!" shouted the old men while banging on the windows to be let out of the bus for he thought that death was gonna harvest his soul.

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