the Rose and the Reaper

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(It may or may not have some Fate influence. Sorry i couldn't resist)

Once the tests on Ruby were done the family brought her home. But unknown to them was another passenger in the family car. It was an black little blob only seen by Ruby. With a child like wonder she watched as the blob wandered around the car and seem to eagerly watch everything that is happening.

"Snot blob." giggled Ruby while pointing to the blob. "Snot blob?" asked Qrow confused and looked towards the point where Ruby pointed and saw only shadows. One was darker then the rest but that was it. "There is nothing rose bud." said Tai who not even saw the darker shadows.

"I am not a snot blob. I am... Mr Shadow." said mr Shadow who remembered the name Ruby gave him. "Mr Shadow!" said Ruby excited causing everyone in the car to be concerned. Tai and Yang because they saw nothing and Qrow because he has a pretty good idea who Mr Shadow is. "Ruby?" asked Yang confused. "Yes." said Ruby excited. 

Yang wanted to say that there is nothing but she didn't want to hurt Ruby more then she already has. "What does he look like? Cause i don't see him." asked Yang to entertain her sister. "He looks like a black moving blob." said Ruby while Death stoped and looked at the sky, shocked that he can't see them. It was way after the sun down and he still couldn't see the stars from the window, even if the sky should have been filled with them like a brilliant painting

"Where are the stars? The human realm has stars if i remember correctly. Millions of them." said Death while running around the car in his little blob form. "Daddy. Mr Shadow asks where the stars are?" said Ruby. "Well the stars can't be seen rosebud. There are to many lights on. It is to bright to see them." said Tai while driving. Then a loud cry can be heared.

"It is impossible. Sure we are no longer we are no longer inside the walls of the city but there never was an Nevermore on Patch." said Qrow identifying the scream. "yang. I am scared." said Ruby once the nevermore cryed out again. "Don't worry. Ruby. Big sis will protect you." said Yang equally scared, but tried to be strong for her sister.

"Never... more?" said Mr Shadow before turning around on his place near the rear window of the car and seeing the giant avian grimm flying at them. 

"Potential danger to anchor registered. Proceed with termination." said Mr Shadow and "blinked" with his eye. 

Immeadetly all the turrets on the wall armed and loaded themself while the guards are shocked where looking shocked at what was happening. All the turrets fired their shells which bend and arced in their flight to hit the Nevermore which was blown to bits and pieces before it evaporated.

"Termination complete. Proceeding with information gathering." said Mr Shadow while he looked through old flyers on the floor of the car. Ruby was cheering at the fireworks. Even if he found that warm feeling return when he heared Ruby cheering for him. "next time something bigger just to be sure the extermination worked." thought Death.

"What was that?!" asked Qrow shocked as he saw the Nevermore firework. "Normally those turrets don't even have the accuracy for that! What is going?!" said Tai shocked that they swhot down the Nevermore without ever sounding a grimm alarm. "It was Mr Shadow! He made a fire work!" said Ruby happy while clapping excited with her hands. 

"Qrow, i think there are smaller nevermores... nope nope they are dead." said Tai as he saw the smaller nevermores getting hit by a small meteor which then strikes the earth.

Ruby was cheering while that happened. Yang was also beginning to cheer as she saw that fire work of grimm feathers, fire and stone. "What is going on?" asked Tai. "Mr Shadow can shoot meteors! Yay." said Ruby excited."Cool. The sky shot down some dumb ravens." said Yang excited

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