Semblances and shrinks

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"Well Ruby, with your semblance now out, it would be a good idea to train you." said Qrow. "Yay! Do i then also get a cool weapon like you?!" said Ruby excited. "Only once you get into signal." said Qrow.

"Cmon. She needs to know of the tools for her craft. What do you want little lad. A morning star? A spear? Or do you want a sword like your favourite knight?!" said Percival excited.

"I want a scythe which can mechashift into a longsword and a big gun!" said Ruby to Percival excited. "Hahaha! Nothing less then mine and lord Deaths weapons combined you want to master!? Ha! I like that lad more and more with each request she does!! Only the best weapons for the laddie!!" said Percival while laughting.

"Ruby the scythe is to difficult. How about we begin with aura training and then with sword training?" asked Qrow. "That is bollocks. To master the craft one have to train from early on. In the hands of a master even a feather becomes a dangerous weapon!" said Percival. "She is still a small human. She has still to develop." said Death. "Yes she still has to develop. And the best way to do it is training. Come on nothing is gifted in life. So training it is. What is the first of marvelous exercises your uncle lets you do?" asked Percival excited.


"The first thing is to strenghten your aura. For that you can either wait or do aura exercise. Now sprint as fast as you can between those trees. And only use your semblance" said Qrow. And Ruby followed what Qrow said. Even if she flung herself into the tree on multiple occassions on accident.

Yang did her aura exercise with her father. Even if it looked different from Ruby's. "To activate the basic action of the semblance is easy once the semblance has already being activated." said Drill seargent Qrow.

"Ooof!" said Ruby as she hit the tree with the pillows bound to it again.

"Stopping is another story. You stop to use your semblance when your aura is out. Or when you can stop your semblance yourself. To do that imagine your semblance having some kind of off switch. A button, a lever it doesn't matter. Just imagine a off and on switch. With enough training it will become like a second nature to use your semblance. It is like a muscle. The more you train it the better it works." said Qrow. 

"Okay uncle Qrow!" said Ruby and continued to use her semblance to run from left to right between the trees. That is until she accidently used Percivals semblance and hit the tree with it causing her to launch the tree into the air and then over the cliff. "ok. Maybe we should use an actual anchoring system next time instead of just tree roots." said Qrow as he walked over to the stump. 

"Haha! That is the best thing i have seen since two hundred years." said Percival while Death stayed silent and watched the training.

"Aura is a spiritual thing so to gain more of it you need to meditate. Close your eyes, feel the aura inside you." said Tai while Yang was fiddeling around. "For that training you need regularly expand your aura in intervalls." said Tai while his aura was seen flaring up for a moment before calming down. Yang was in the meanwhile trying to do the same seating position as her father before falling down.

"What are they doing there?" asked Death Percival. "Well there are two ways on how to strenghen the semblance and aura. The more harmless way is meditation and certain breathing exercise which has been brought to us since ancient times. What it achieves basicly making the aura bigger. It mostly used by those aura wizards who use giant amounts of aura for their actions. You basicly produce more aura to protect you." said Percival before pointing to Ruby. 

"What the other person does is something more like a warrior related technique. It is basicly away to lessen the drain on the aura by basicly training it like your body. Here is the increase in aura much less potent while you learn how to lessen the strain of the semblance on your aura. Depending on the semblance it is also training for the body." said Percival proud of himself that he still remembered what his teacher said. 

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