CHAPTER 4: your not bad

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you arrive back at the château with jj and u both hear Sarah and Johnb having sex
y/n: omgg
j: that's so gross
you run outside and go and sit on the hammock
j: chuckles and goes and lays next to u on the other side
y/n: I'm not going in there until that's over
j: u think I want too either
y/n: chuckles
you and jj sit and talk for a while
johnb and Sarah come out and see without u both noticing
s: do they like each other
jb: I know jj does
s: I thinks she likes him back
jb: u think so
s: yeh when have u seen her that happy especially with jj of all people
jb: never
s: exactly *smiles
Sarah comes over
s: hey guys
j: are u satisfied now Sarah
y/n: chuckles
s: wait u heard that
y/n: yepp all of it *chuckles
johnb goes over
jb: what is going on
s: they heard us
jb: are u serious
j: laughs* every single bit off it dw we are traumatized
y/n: laughs* very traumatized
All 4 of u chill and play some games and drink some beer for the rest of the night
s: I'm tireddd
jb: think it's time for us to go bed
j: yeh yeh probably to have sex again
s: shut up I'm tireddd
y/n: good night guys
jb: nightt
j: and then there were 2
y/n: chuckles* I am kinda tired too
j: nooooo I'm not being left on my own
y/n: I'm not going sleep yet cmon u can chill in my room with me
you go in and lay on ur bed
y/n: jj could u turn around while I get dressed
j: yeh *turns around and smiels to himself
you get changed into a sports bra and comfortable shorts and get in bed
y/n: u can turn back around now
he turns back around and looks at what ur wearing and sits on the bed next to u
j: so how was it spending the day with me today
y/n: not as bad as I thought it would be
j: see I told u
Do u still hate me ?
y/n: I never hated u j
j: u didn't ?
y/n: no why would I hate u

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