CHAPTER 22: not the same as it was

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its been a week or two and you haven't processed loosing ur brother and ur bsf
jj carved a grave in the tree at the chateau with Sarah and Johnb on it
you sit by it most days talking to them alone wishing they was here
rafe and ward attended sheriff Perkins funeral like it was nothing
you all still don't no what ur gonna do about it as you know the cops won't believe u
jj is at work and ur sat alone at the tree
y/n: hey jb
u smoke
home isn't the same without u rn
it's too quiet
I hope ur having fun with dad say I said hi to him
sarah I miss my bsf
u was the best Cameron for sure
you made my brother so happy and I appreciate u being such a good friend to me
I miss u both so much
you go and sit on the couch outside wiping ur tears away
you see jj come back looking stressed
y/n: jj what's wrong
j: I've been fired
y/n: are u serious why
j: because I stuck up for Johnb when the kooks were talking shit about him
sits down next to u
j: idk how im gonna get another job now
y/n: it's ok we will find something and we have that left over stolen money
j: that's only for emergency
y/n: ik but if we need it to stay here then we can use it
j: nods and wraps his arms around u
you lay ur head on him
y/n: it's too quiet
j: I was thinking that *plays with ur hair
y/n: are kie and pope still coming over later
j: yeah they said they would
y/n: nods
j: I can't believe we have school tomorrow
y/n: I really don't wanna go
j: ik me either but we don't have a choice
y/n: sighs* Ikk
kie and pope come over
k: hey guys how u doing
y/n: not good jj lost his job
k: are u serious
p: how
j: I had a fight with the kooks because they was talking shit about Johnb
p: jj u gotta be careful
j: I know but I can't let them say bad shit about him he is my bsf and he is innocent I'm not gonna let ppl speak on his name bad no way
k: he is right pope but jj we can't have anyone else in jail rn ok
j: fine
pope and jj go and make some food and you are sat with kie
k: how are u coping with all this ?
y/n: smoking and drinking about the only way at this point
she looks at u sad
y/n: tears roll down ur face* I miss him so much
k: hugs u
you hug her tight and cry
y/n: I have no more family kie
k: yes u do we are ur family ok
y/n: nods
k: we all love u and we have got ur back
y/n: sniffles and nods
the boys come over
j: u ok y/n
y/n: yeah just having a chat with kie *wipes ur eyes
j: ok *kisses ur head and sits down
p: ok this year I need to work hard at school
j: pope that is the last thing on my mind rn
p: I need to get my grades up for that scolar ship I walked out on or my dad is gonna kill me
k: honestly I just wanna survive my parents not yelling at me for being a pogue
you sit quiet listening to the others
you all sit and chill out for a while till it gets late
k: I'll pick u guys up tomorrow ok
y/n: ok
Kie and pope leave
you go stand in the door way of johnbs room
jj goes behind u and hugs u from behind
You stand and look around
y/n: idk why I just stand and stare at his room
j: idk but I feel like I wanna do it too something comforting about
y/n: yeah I agree
j: cmon let's get to bed
you go and get into bed with jj
he holds u close to him and u fall asleep in his arms
next day ur alarm goes off for school which ur dreading
you get dressed not wanting to go

its been a week or two and you haven't processed loosing ur brother and ur bsf jj carved a grave in the tree at the chateau with Sarah and Johnb on it you sit by it most days talking to them alone wishing they was here rafe and ward attended sheri...

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kie arrives and you and jj get in the car
jj has a flask with him full of beer in his pocket
He gives u some because u both know ur not gonna get through today without it
k: hey chill out guys
j: if we black out don't remind us
k: it's not funny
you look out the window while jj holds ur hand
you get out and ppl are all staring at u
you see a little grave thing for Johnb
you grab onto jj
k: we gotta stick together ok
p: holds Kiaras hand
you hold her hand and link arms with jj and you all ignore everyone
you eventually get to class and sit down not listening at all
t: y/n are u listening
y/n: um yeah
jj is sat next to u and kie and pope are across the classroom
j: whispers* we don't have to come here tomorrow ok
y/n: good cus I don't want to be here
t: maybank can u please be quiet
j: sorry
you sit in the lesson and feel ur phone vibrate
kie pope and jjs do too
you have a look
k: whispers* did u get it
p: nods
you all go over to kies table and show eachother and it's a selfie of Johnb and Sarah
you run out the classroom and so does jj
p: can I be excused
k: family emergency
they run out and sit outside
y/n: is this real
k; idk could it be
j: idk text it
you text the number and it responses with a message only you all would no
you cry happy tears
j: it's him guys
you all get happy and emotional
you go and hug jj really tight and he hugs u tight and spins u around
you all have a group hug
another text comes through
k: in nassau staying super low , gotta clear my name so I can come home
j: hell yeah we are gonna do it Johnb
you all celebrate happily
k: P4L guys we are back
j: P4fuckingL
you all hug again

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