CHAPTER 17: midsommer

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you can't sleep your laying awake cuddling jjs pillow wondering if he is ok in jail
you do end up falling asleep for a few hrs
johnb comes back the next day
He opens the crack off the door to see u alone with ur face all red from crying
Johnb sits on the bed waiting for u to wake up
you wake up and see someone there
y/n: jj ?
jb: not jj its me
y/n: where have u been
jb: getting the map where is jj and why do u look like u have been crying
you tell ur brother what had happened
jb: shit he will be ok it's jj he always figures something out
y/n: but what if he doesn't jb and he ends up in there and rafe walks free I can't deal with that
jb: he won't I know he won't ok
you hear a motorbike pull up
you run outside and see jj
you run to him and hug him tight
y/n: I thought I lost u
j: hugs u tight* u won't loose me I'm here now ok
you see he has more bruises on his face
y/n: jj where did u...
johnb comes over
jb: dude we missed u man I knew u would get out
they hug
jb: ok so this map leads to somewhere ok and we might of found this
j: idk man if this is a good idea ppl have died over this
jb: looks at him confused* why are u changing ur mind all of sudden
j: jb peterkin has said those guys who was after us are dead showed me the pictures if we carry on like this we will die too
jb: why u acting so scared because u got ur ass beat
y/n: don't u fucking talk to him like that
jb: I'm just saying
y/n: no idc jb we need to discuss this not like this alright
jb: but I'm just saying 400 million jj how much do u need for restitution ?
jj thinks
j: alright fine maybe ur right
y/n: jj can we talk a sec
j: yeah
you pull him to the side
y/n: jj u would never lie to me right ?
j: of course not why ?
y/n: who hit u
j: doesn't wanna say but won't lie* my dad
you look at him and hold his face you could cry for him but hold it in for him
y/n: why did he hurt u
j: nothing that hasn't happened before
y/n: jj he shouldn't hurt u though it's not right
j: is what it is
y/n: look at me
he looks at u
y/n: next time u go home I'm coming with u I'm not letting u go home alone ever again
j: babe it's fine
y/n: jj its not fine ok I know u very well and ik u hide ur emotions but he had no right to beat u ok
j: nods
you hug him and he hugs you and tries to cry
you guys get on the boat and go to where the midsummers is
y/n: would be nice to rich
j: we will be rich soon baby
y/n: smiles at him
he smiles at u
jb: ok jj get the others and get out ok easy
j: yeah but if I get ambushed it's on you
you and jb help him get ready
jb: we will be waiting get in and get out ok
j: yes I will
y/n: be careful ok
j: dw I will *kisses ur head and goes
y/n: jb
jb: yeah
y/n: don't shout at jj again
jb: I didn't shout
y/n: u did and I didn't like what u said either
jb: sighs* look y/n ur taking this too far
y/n: no I'm not who do u think hurt him then
jb: schoop or peterkin
y/n: omg it was his dad u idoit
jb: wait are u serious
y/n: yes he got out and he beat him god think before u speak next time
jb: ok sorry I will
y/n: good
jj goes in and gets pope
j: I'll be back pope stay here
he gets Sarah's attention
j: do u no where kie is
s: um no I don't
j: ill find her u stay here be ready to leave
s: okk
rafe grabs jjs shoulders
r: im wondering if u could give me my time
j: yeah well im kinda on the clock rn gentleman
k: well pogue what u doing here
jj runs and they chase him into the locker room and rafe grabs him
r: is this round 3 maybe
j: 5 on one rafe pretty unfair don't u think
?: what's going on in here
j: sir these lovely gentlemen caught me I've violated all kind of laws they were about to escort me out of here sir u got me that is what u should do
he grabs jj
j: u guys are looking spiffy too u power puff girls have fun
r: tell y/n she looks pretty hot for a pogue
he breaks free and punches him and the guy grabs him
r: really nice seeing u again jj
he gets escorted out
k: let go of him
mc: Kiara
k: u can just boot him I'm a member of this club
he breaks free
j: thank u kie guys we gotta go cmon
Sarah runs
mc: Kiara don't u dare
k: I'm sorry *runs too
pope comes as well and they get on the boat
y/n: hey guys
s: heyy
y/n: wow u guys look amazing
k: thanks
you guys go to the chateau and discus the plan
jb: ok so tomorrow we meet here and we go and follow the map to find the gold
k: I can't believe we are doing this
s: do u really think we might find it
j: I think we will
y/n: u are very positive about it jj
j: well u gotta be positive stupid things have good outcomes all the time
y/n: chuckles and smiles at him
p: ok I've gotta get back before my dad kills me but tomorrow we will be ready for this
k: me too
s: and me
jb: wait Sarah can u stay tonight
s: smiles* if u want me too
y/n: awww
k: makes a sick noise and leaves and so does pope
j: chuckles* goodnight Johnb I can see ur really tired *is being sarcastic
y/n: laughs
jb: chuckles and shakes his head* goodnight
s: chuckles* goodnight guys
you and jj go in ur room
you change into one of jjs tshirts
he goes and hugs u from behind
y/n: smiles* hello handsome
j: heyy *smiles and kisses ur neck
y/n: smiles and watches him through the mirror he keeps doing it which u kinda knew what he wanted
you turn to face him and kiss him
he kisses u back and it turns into a rough make out
you both get undressed and jj gets on top of u
y/n: last night sleeping without u was awful I never wanna do that again
j: me either baby
he kisses u again
j: I love u so much
y/n: I love u too
you have sex
jj gives u after care like he normally does
while u lay in his arms
j: can I be honest with u
y/n: of course u can
j: I've never been this intimate with anyone not even my parents would show me any affection and honestly you make me feel so safe
you kiss his hand and look at him
y/n: I'm really glad I make u feel safe u make me feel safe too and I know how that feels but u deserve to be loved jj and im glad im the person that can be that for u
j: smiles* I'm glad u are too

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