CHAPTER 8: stupid shit

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you are awake in the middle of the night and go and sit on the couch smoking a blunt
you can't stop thinking about ur mom and how she has just turned up
your hurt by it and u miss ur dad
jj wakes up and feels ur not there and looks for u
he sees you on the couch and brings one of his hoodies and sits down next to u
j: why are u sat out here by urself what's up
He tries to put the hoodie on u
y/n: it's fine I'm not cold and everything with today with my mom she shows up acting like she wants to play happy families fucking bullshit and not a single word about my dad *smokes
j: she doesn't deserve you parents suck trust me you got me and you got the pogues and Johnb has ur back he loves u
Johnb hears and listens to the conversation
y/n: I just don't want anymore problems and I don't want jb under any pressure
j: I know u don't but u won't have to worry about him I'm gonna help u both alright
y/n: u don't have to do that
j: idc ur my family jb is like a brother to me and ur my gf and I um
you look at him
j: I love u and I won't let someone hurt u ok
you keep looking at him
y/n: u love me
he nods yes
You kiss him
y/n: I love u too
j: u do
y/n: of course I do
he smiles a lot
j: ik ur freezing so please put the hoodie
y/n: fineeeee *puts it on
j: smiles and kisses ur head* cmon let's go get back into bed
y/n: ok
Johnb goes back in his room quietly
jj picks u up and takes u back in the room and snuggles you in bed and warms u back up
j: ur gonna be ok I promise
you snuggle into him
y/n: I love u
j: I love u too
He relaxes you and puts u back to sleep and texts Johnb
j: I know u was listening
jb: thanks for taking care of her she worries and I can't stand mom for hurting her ur good to her j and ur a great bsf
j: it's alright i care about her a lot I won't let them hurt her or u bro
next day
you are asleep in bed in jjs arms
he watches u sleep and plays with ur hair
you wake up and look up at him
y/n: morninggg
j: smiles* morning how did u sleep
y/n: I slept ok *smiles
j: smiles* good
you sit on his lap
y/n: thanks for last night
j: it's ok u don't need to thank me
you lean down and kiss him and wrap ur arms around his neck
he holds ur waist and kisses u
you start getting into a heated make out but Johnb walks in
jb: shit sorry
j: chuckles* this better be good
y/n: what do u want
You get off jj
jb: kinda important
y/n: what
jb: ok so it's Sarah's birthday soon and idk what to get her
y/n: umm well I got her a necklace so don't get her that
jb: shit that was my idea
y/n: well ur gonna have to think of something else
jb: fuck sake
j: I need a beer rn
y/n: let's get up and go meet kie and pope
you get changed

you get on the boat and drive to pick up pope j: POPEEEEE GET IN THE BOAT p: I can't pops got me doing stuff j: cmon mr h don't be a pussy h: I heard that u little bastard y/n: chuckles* get in the boat h: pope don't u dare pope jumps on h: POPE p...

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you get on the boat and drive to pick up pope
p: I can't pops got me doing stuff
j: cmon mr h don't be a pussy
h: I heard that u little bastard
y/n: chuckles* get in the boat
h: pope don't u dare
pope jumps on
p: I promise I'll do it later
jb: woahhhhh
you drive to pick kie up
y/n: kieeee
k: heyy *jumps on and hugs u
y/n: hugs her* I've missed u even tho it's been a few days
k: chuckles* I've missed u too
you all drink some bear and chill on the boat
p: so u guys gonna tell us how long u have been dating
j: hmmm can't tell u that
y/n: nope we can't *chuckles
k: how did it happen then
y/n: idk It just kinda did , something felt right about it
j: smiles and puts his arm around u* yeah it did
k: smiles* never thought I would say this but u guys are cute
j: heyyy *kicks kie
k: get ur toes away from me jj maybank
j: what's wrong with my toes
y/n: jj keep ur feet to urself
j: fineeee
p: chuckles* that easy to control jj wow
y/n: chuckles* what can I say
p: so have u guys fucked *chuckles
jb: HEY no we are not talking about that
k: laughs* why not
jb: I don't wanna no
j: laughs* yeah we have
jb: omgg shut uppppp
you see something
y/n: jb stop the boat a sec
jb: what
y/n: just stop it
jb: alright
you take ur shorts and tshirt off and jump in
j: y/n what are u doingg
you swim down and grab something and swim back up
y/n: guys I've found something
j: can u not just jump in next time u scared  the shit out of me
you put a bag on the boat and open it
y/n: holy shit
there is money and a motel key
j: omgg *grabs the money
k: guys we can't keep this
j: umm yes we are
jb: jj idk bro
j: who else is gonna have it
y/n: he does have a point
p: what if someone comes after us
j: they won't relax
k: jj this is a bad idea
j: not all of us are rich Kiara
k: I'm just saying this doesn't feel right
j: well im keeping it y/n what do u think
y/n: I found it and we are keeping it
j: yessss that's my girl
k: y/n are u serious
y/n: yes I'm serious we have no money someone dumped it so it's ours if u want some u take some if u don't then don't
k: ughh fineeee
you share it all out
j: I wanna know where this motel key is for
y/n: I suggest we go now
jb: guys do u ever think about the consequences
y/n: not really
j: nope
y/n: dont be a pussy jb cmonnn
jb: ik ur more the trouble one out of us both
y/n; pleaseeee it will be funnn
jb: fineeeeee
y/n: yessss
Johnb drives to the motel
k: omg this looks like a meth lab
j: I thought the château was bad
jj ties the boat up
p: hey dont let him do anything stupid *points at jj
j: oh we will
you get off the boat and Johnb stops u
jb: absolutely not ur staying here
y/n: chuckles* sorry what
jb: ur staying here idc
y/n: oh cmon I found it
jb: idc this might be dangerous
you punch him in balls and run in
jb: owww fuck y/nnnn
j: chuckles* jb she will fine cmon
jb: ughhh
k: chuckles
you walk up to the room
jb: don't punch me in the balls again
y/n: or what *you walk backwards
j: chuckles and watches u
jb: I will fight you
y/n; chuckles* go on then
jb: rolls his eyes
j: hey guys this is it
jb: do u think anyone is in
y/n: i dowt it cus we have the key
you open the door
y/n: u wouldn't catch me staying here ever
j: neither
jb: right look around for anything suspicious ok and don't steal anything
j: ok we won't *puts a watch in his pocket
you find a packet of cigs and put them in ur pocket
jb: finds a code and unlocks a safe* um guys
y/n: what
jb: ur gonna wanna see this
you both go over and there is loads of money and a gun
j: omfg *grabs the gun and gets excited* this is so fucking cool *pretends to shoot* babe take a picture of me *poses with the gun
jb: do u want to make ur own criminal evidence jj
j: shit didn't think about that
you pick up some cash and put it in ur pocket
you hear some weird noise at the window
Kie and pope are pointing saying the cops are coming
Johnb looks out the window
jb: shit cops
you all shut the safe and climb out the window and stand on the edge of it out of the window frame
Johnb is one side and your the other side with jj
he is holding u close to him making sure you don't fall off
jj accidentally makes a noise and u all freeze and panic
the cops end up leaving and you all come down
p: did u guys find anything
j: oh yeah we did *shows the gun and the money
p: wtf
k: Johnb
jb: shit u took that jj
j: yeah why not
k: is that all u took
y/n: found some cigs and a watch and some money
p: u realize that is like a crime scene
j: pope calm down no one will no we was in their
k: omg u guys are stupid
y/n: sometimes u have to do illegal shit cus now we will have some money so as jj says
j: stupid things have good outcomes all the time
y/n: chuckles* exactly
k: fine but we keep this shit to ourselves

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