CHAPTER 28: guess whos back

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you arrive back at the chateau
kie sleeps on the spare bed in the kitchen and pope sleeps outside on the couch
you get in bed with jj
j: I'm sorry
y/n: jj it's ok really i promise
j: ok
you cup his cheeks
y/n: we all do stupid things for the ppl we love
j: smiles at u* I know what that's like
y/n: smiles* we will figure something out ok
j: nods and smiles* ok
y/n: cmon let's get some rest it's been a long day
jj cuddles u from behind
you hold his hand and lean against him
j: I love u
y/n: I love u too
you both fall asleep
in the middle of the night
jj starts shaking
you feel it and wake up and try to wake him up
j: mumbles* get off me
y/n: jayj wake up
he wakes up really scared and grabs onto u
you hold him
y/n: it's alright it's not real it's just a dream
j: takes a deep breath and stays in ur arms
y/n: kisses his head* ur safe
j: he calms down* he hit me again and again what if he comes back
y/n: jj if he does we will sort it and u no ill beat the shit out of him if he ever lays a finger on u
j: nods* I haven't had one of those dreams in a while
y/n: might be because of yesterday
j: nods* probably
he wraps his arms around u
you play with his hair to relax him
y/n: I love u
j: I love u too *falls back asleep
you watch him sleep and go back sleep
next day
you wake up and put one of jjs tshirts on and go and sit outside
y/n: hey kie
k: heyy
y/n: u ok
k: um im ok
y/n: tell me the truth
k: ugh fine ok so me and pope are having a thing
y/n: no shit
She hits u
k: u sound like maybank
y/n: chuckles* he is my bf
k: shakes her head* anyway tbh I'm not feeling it and ik pope has liked me since we have been friends and im scared to break his heart
y/n: honestly u gotta be honest ik it may hurt him but u gotta be honest
k: I guess ur right
y/n: you should never feel like u have to be with someone u gotta put urself first do what is right for u
k: thanks y/n
y/n; it's ok that's what best friends are for *smiles
k: smiles at u
jj comes behind u and hugs u from behind
j: watcha talking about
k: girl stuff *chuckles
j: shakes his head* well ur with my gf so im involved
y/n: smiels and chuckles* no it doesn't
j: heyy why are u taking her sideee
y/n: chuckles
j: popeeee they are beingg mean to me
p: I think u will be ok
y/n: chuckles
you hear honking noise
k: is that ...
Johnb comes out of the twinkies
jb: guess who's out the clink boyssss
y/n: omggggg
you all run over and have a grp hug
jb: wait where's Sarah *looks concerned
k: um she went to see wheezie yesterday she um didn't come back
jb: shit
y/n: we will find her jb dw
j: let's celebrate
you all celebrate Johnb being home and sit on the dock
jb: I really think ward got to Sarah , the dude got me choked up
j: wait what
jb: the dude tried to have me killed in jail
got some random guy chocked me up
y/n: omg are u ok
jb: I'm fine but I'm telling u we need to find Sarah
k: it's ok
jb: no it's not kie
k: no really it's ok she is right there *points
Sarah is on a boat with topper
y/n: why is she with topper
s: Johnb
she jumps off and goes and hugs him tight
s: what happened
jb: they dropped the charges
s: are u serious that's amazinggg
jb: where have u been
s: rafe jumped me last night
t: butts in* he almost drowned his sister luckily I was there to save her
you look at kie who is rolling her eyes and u do too
jb: well I guess i say thank u topper
t: it's all good someone had to save ur gf
jb: well actually she isn't my gf
t: ok so what is she then
jb: tell him
s: I'm umm with him
you and kie make a awkward face
t: oh ur with him are u guys clear on that
j: I think it's clear u gotta go now
y/n: chuckles
topper goes
Sarah and Johnb go and have a chat and so do kie and pope
y/n: Sarah and jb are fighting
j: sighs* because of what she said
y/n: yep I mean I get it like she was with topper but he saved her life but she should of said they was married
j: yeah but it's Johnb he doesn't think all the time
y/n: chuckles* u really starting to sound like me
j: chuckles* we are the og couple anyway we never fight barely
y/n: no we don't we get along that's why
jj gets a phone call
j: hello
you listen
j; ok we are coming
y/n; what's happened
j: get in the Twinkie , POPE something has happened with ur pops
k: we gotta go SARAH JOHNB
you quickly go to popes and see heyward with his forhead bleeding
you fix him up and clean it up
h: thank u dear
y/n: it's alright
p: what happened dad
h: some guy came in here asking for some key
p: was it this key *shows it
h: where did u get that
p: above grandmas pharmacy
y/n; wait what is that
p: those ppl who attacked us they want this key but I have no idea why
h: maybe ur grandma will know
p: we gotta go see her now guys
jb: cmon let's go
you all get in the Twinkie and go to the old ppls home
you kie and jj gets out
p: hey I think I'm gonna do this one alone tbh I don't really need u *is talking to kie
j: oh we are just one big happy family today aren't we
k: rolls her eyes and gets back in
y/n: pope just go
pope goes and sees his grandma
jj gets in the Twinkie with Johnb
y/n: girls let's go get a drink
you kie and Sarah go to the cafe and get a drink
s: Johnb is so mad at me
y/n: I mean I get both sides luckily topper was there or u would of died
s: exactly but I felt awkward saying I was married after all of that
k: that kinda makes sense
y/n: u guys picked the wrong guys
k: what and u picked mr right *chuckles
s: chuckles
y/n: actually I did we get along great
s: surprisingly maybank is the only one who is actually managing not to fuck up
k: chuckles* yeah that is crazy
y/n: chcukels and shakes her head* what happened with u and pope kie
k: he is giving me the silent treatment because I'm not in love with him , I did what u said and he didn't like it and now he is pissed
y/n: he is just hurting rn but he will be ok eventually dw
s: men are so dramatic
y/n: chuckles* literally

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