CHAPTER 16: he is innocent

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you are all going to this movie screening in the town
p: why do we have to come here
k: because we planned too ?
j: I know but
k: but what ...
j: idk
you sit next to jj pope is the other side of jj and kie is sat next to u
y/n: I'm gonna go get us some drinks u guys what anything ?
j: yeah a Pepsi
k: same for me
p: and me
you go and get some drinks and rafe walks up to u
r: hi
you look at him disgusted
y/n: don't talk to me
r: cmon y/n it's in the past now alright *tries to grab ur hand
y/n: you move it away* in the past are u serious rn u shot jj u really think I'm gonna forget that
r: chuckles* well ur mom took the blame tho right so not a lot u can do
y/n: you roll ur eyes* doesn't mean u won't get what u deserve one day
you go to walk away and he grabs ur arm back
r: hey before u go tell ur boy that we know what he did
y/n: what boy are talking about exactly ?
r: oh he'll know
you glare at him
r: bye
y/n: psycho
you go back with the drinks
y/n: just saw rafe
j: he didn't hurt u did he ?
y/n: not exactly but he said tell ur boy that we know what u did
pope and jj look at eachother
j: um where is he exactly
y/n: over there
they all turn around and topper kels and rafe are standing smirking at them
p: great the whole death squad
j: don't stare bro *moves his head back round* if they corner me *grabs the bag* I've got protection
k: jj u better not have brought the gun here there is kids here jj
j: no no it's not the gun
k: oh im really convinced jj
y/n: guys wtf have u done what's going on
j: me and pope was doing deliveries yesterday and rafe and topper jumped me
y/n: are u serious
j: so we pulled the plug in his boat and it went down
p: and they know it's us for sure
y/n: omg are u ok pope
p: yeah I'm ok
k: so what's gonna happen ?
j: idk but they are insane so probably gonna jump us
y/n: sighs
you all sit and watch the movie and it starts getting dark
p: whispers* jj I need to pee
j: me too *looks* fuck they are blocking the bathrooms
p: ok we gotta go down there where they won't see
j: alright
they get up
y/n: where are u guys going
j: we gotta ring it out
k: what are u gonna do hold it for eachother
y/n: chuckles* that was a good one
j: shakes his head and goes with pope
p: this feels better than a blow job
j: like u no how that feels
p: ok well I think this would feel better than a blowjob
j: chuckles* u need to get urself laid man
p: tips from u idk about that
j: excuse me am I in a happy and healthy relationship yes or no ?
p: sighs* yes
j: exactly
they start to walk back and the kooks walk towards them
t: what's up guys
j: what's up *walks backwards
t: drowned my boat didn't you
p: idk what ur talking about ?
k: don't play dumb pogue
r: gets in jjs face* round 2 i think but will u come back alive this time
jj spits in his face and punches him
topper and kels start fighting pope
you and kie notice they have been gone a while and that the kooks left
y/n: kie over here
you run over
k: topper get tf off him *hits topper with the bag
you jump on Rafe and hit him multiple times
y/n: get tf off him rafe
r: rafe pushes u off and u land on the floor
j: y/n
r: stay out of this
kie is still trying to help
you get a light from the bag and light the screen for a distraction so they go
t: guys we gotta go
r: this ain't over pogues
they run off
you run to jj
y/n: are u ok
j: yeah ill be ok
kie helps pope
y/n: cmon guys let's go home
you go home and clean up the boys faces from the blood and bruising
you sit and wipe jjs face
y/n: does that feel ok
j: yeah thank u
y/n: np *kisses his cheek
k: when are johnb and Sarah coming back
p: I have no idea
y/n: Johnb said he might be late coming back finding the map
k: me and Sarah gotta be home in the morning for midsummers *rolls her eyes
y/n: I forgot about that
p: I've gotta be ready for that too gotta help my dad
schoop walks in
s: pope can u come with me please
pope realizes and goes into shock
y/n: what are u doing
s: I'm arresting u on damage of property
j: hey woah u can't do that
y/n: schoop no he got jumped are u fucking serious
j: it wasn't him it was me
you all look at jj
p: jj what are u doing ?
j: telling the truth for once
y/n: jj
j: you no where I'm from
i was so pissed that them assholes on figure 8 beat him so I got angry , I can't let u take
The blame for something I did
s: pope is this true
j: it's true
s: I know what u think I'm asking pope damn it
pope looks at jj who gives him a look to agree
p: yes
you look at jj
he uncuffs pope and handcuffs jj
y/n: no u can't take him
j: dw it's gonna be ok
y/n: no jj *gets tears in her eyes
kie holds u supporting u
y/n: u can't take him schoop
s: I'm sorry but it's my job
he puts jj in the cop car
y/n: noooo *cries
they drive away
pope gets mad
k: pope calm down ok
p: why did he take the fall
k: because he cares pope u have a lot to loose in jjs mind he doesn't think he does
you go into ur room and cry
k: pope u go home and get some rest ok ill make sure y/n is ok
p: nods
k: hey it's gonna be ok jj will get out dw
pope goes home
kie goes in and puts her arms around u
k: jj is gonna be ok
y/n: sniffles* I can't loose him again what if he doesn't get out then he is gone again for something he didn't even do
k: shhh it's ok breath he will get out it's jj ok
y/n: nods
k: do u want me to stay here tonight because I can sort something with my parents
y/n: it's ok I don't want u getting in trouble
k: u sure
y/n: yeah ill see u soon
k: text me ok
y/n: ok
k: I love u *hugs u
you hug her back
y/n: I love u too
kie goes and u lay in bed alone
you haven't been in bed alone for a while the chateau is quiet which is weird and u didn't like it
all u wanted was jj right now and the thought of loosing him again scared u a lot

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