Chapter one: The Kim Kids

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Disclaimer//: this is a bit Yeosangie centric, I couldn't resist.

"Wooyoungieee! That's mine give it back!"

Seonghwa woke with a groan; what could his kids possibly get into at, he looked over at the clock. 6:45am blinked on the digital clock next to the bed. Sighing softly he got up from the bed, leaving his sleeping husband to go check on what his kids were up to.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong had been dating for 14 years, married for 10. They had six children; Yunho, 12, Yeosang 9, San and Mingi, 7, Wooyoung, 5 , and Jongho, 3. The six children were often rowdy and loud, though deep down they were sweethearts and very well mannered. This morning however seemed to be one of those days,

"I had it first Jongho! Let go!"

Seonghwa sighed, heading into the playroom where Wooyoung and Jongho were tugging on a pastel blue Paw Patrol blanket. Jongho wasn't letting go anytime soon, the three year old had quite the grip on blanket while Wooyoung struggled to hold on.

"What is going on here!?"

Seonghwa asked, running a hand down his face as he plucked the blanket out of the arguing children's hands. Wooyoung puffed up his cheeks and pointed, "Jongho took the blanket I was gonna take downstairs to watch cartoons!" Jongho rolled his eyes, a habit he got from Hongjoong and Yeosang.

"But eomma it's my blanket! Wooyoungie has his own. Why can't he use it?"

Seonghwa sighed crouching down looking into Wooyoung's eyes, "he's right wooyoung. Where's your blanket?" Wooyoung stomped his foot, pouting slightly. "Appa put it in the wash last night, I spilled juice on it. I just wanted to borrow Jonggies." Seonghwa smiled gently rubbing his small shoulder, "did you ask Jongho if you could use his blanket?"

Wooyoung sighed shaking his head. "No Eomma, I didn't ask. I'm sorry Jonggie, I should have asked to use your special blankie." Jongho smiled and hugged his older brother. "It's okay hyungie, I forgive you. You can share it with me okay?" Wooyoung nodded and Seonghwa handed over the blanket to them both. "I'm gonna check on your older brothers alright? Just be quiet-" , " Eomma! Yeosangie needs help!" Yunho's voice called through the house. Great; another problem before 8am, sending off his two youngest kids he headed towards the sound of Yunho's voice.

Turning down the hallway into Yunho and Yeosang's room his heart broke at the sight; Yeosang sat up in bed crying quietly, a white substance covered his front and bedsheets while Yunho rubbed his back. "He woke up suddenly and started throwing up, I don't know what happened. His head is a little warm." God bless their oldest child for being such a good caretaker for his little ones.

"What's going on yeosang?" Seonghwa kneeled down beside the bed rubbing his back; the small boy wiped his mouth, only succeeding in smearing the vomit on his face. "I felt a little sick earlier, but I went back to sleep...then when Yunho woke me up the shaking made my tummy feel icky and I threw up." Seonghwa lifted the boy out of the bed, not wanting him to sit in his own mess much longer and pat his back gently. "Yunho can you go wake appa and help with your little brothers? I got Yeosangie now, we might have you sleep in Sannie and Mingi's room tonight if Yeosang is still throwing up later." Yunho nodded walking out of the room after gently squeezing Yeosang's clean hand.

Seonghwa carried Yeosang to the bathroom to get the boy in the bath, the time was roughly 7:15am, he'd have Hongjoong make the kids breakfast then make Yeosang some yogurt to soothe his stomach. "How you holding up pumpkin?" The eight year old shook his head against his shoulder, "yucky, I think I'm gonna throw up again." Seonghwa quickly set him down guiding him to the toilet, where as he said another round of vomiting began. This was going to be a long morning.

"Eomma where's my...oh yuck! NEVERMIND!"

San left as fast as he came making Seonghwa chuckle softly as he comforted his sick child, San was the dramatic twin between him and Mingi. Mingi settling on being a bit quieter and reserved while San and Wooyoung made up for the noise. Once he was sure Yeosang was done, he placed the boy in the tub before going to grab some clothes from his room where he found Hongjoong already cleaning up the mess.

"Hey babe, you didn't have to clean it I would have." Hongjoong shook his head. "Ah it's okay, Yunho poured the other kids some cereal and put some waffles in the toaster so I decided to clean up while you gave our pumpkin a bath. Is he holding up okay?" Seonghwa sighed, "he's thrown up twice, might want to get a puke bowl for the living room." Hongjoong grimaced but nodded. "Poor kid, he always gets the bad end of the stick. His immune system has always been weak." That was true; Yeosang had been born at 30 weeks, very early and very small, he got sick easily because of it and was scrawny in appearance. Their son was a fighter though, and he proved he could do anything they pushed him to.

"Appa, Eomma, Is Yeosangie okay?"

Sweet little Mingi waddled in with his teddy bear; his eyes wide with worry, Mingi was always very sensitive when it came to his hyungs and younger brothers. Seonghwa nodded grabbing a pair of pajamas for Yeosang to wear. "He's okay hon, just a little sick. Go back downstairs with Yunho okay? Appa told me he's making waffles." Mingi nodded, bounding off again. Seonghwa made his way back to the bathroom after leaving Hongjoong to finish clean up; Yeosang was leaned back in the tub, his black hair sticking to his forehead. The poor boy looked pale and small; kneeled down beside the tub he grabbed the wash cloth, "let's get cleaned up and go downstairs and watch a movie yeah? Then Eomma will make that yogurt you like when you're sick." Yeosang only nodded, not wanting to talk much.

Once all the kids were settled in the living room Seonghwa and Hongjoong sat with Yeosang between them; the boy fast asleep half in his Eomma's lap and half in Hongjoong's. Mingi was coloring with Jongho, San and Wooyoung playing oddly quiet in the den that they turned into a playroom, and Yunho read a Spider-Man comin on the recliner. The morning had settled down a great deal for the parents of five; at least for now, though they couldn't complain. It was a perfect way to spend their Saturday with a sick child ; Yeosang sat up slowly rubbing his eyes, looking up at Seonghwa with a yawn. "Eomma, my tummy feels a little better, can I have tea?" Seonghwa pat the boys head and nodded, passing him over to Hongjoong fully. As he headed to the kitchen to make tea he couldn't help but smile. His little family was perfect, even with their flaws.

Once the evening rolled around Yeosang was feeling much better, happily playing with Yunho with a mask on to ensure he wouldn't get the others sick. Jongho had fallen asleep after dinner, Wooyoung and San were helping Mingi with a puzzle at the dining room table, and Hongjoong had gone to work for the night leaving Seonghwa on the couch sipping a cup of tea. Watching his kids with a loving gaze he checked the clock, it was getting close to time to put the kids to bed, minus an already sleeping Jongho.

"Alright my little treasures, who's ready for pajamas and a movie before bed?" Yeosang was the first to hop up, running over to his Eomma to be picked up. Seonghwa easily plucked up the boy while Yunho gathered the other three to help out his Eomma. "Eomma; can Yeosangie pick the movie tonight? Since he was sickie this morning?" Mingi asked softly as he let Yunho help him into his pajamas. Seonghwa nodded looking at Yeosang who was brushing his teeth beside Wooyoung. "What do you think pumpkin? What movie should we watch?"

Yeosang thought for a second; his eyes squinted as he rubbed at the corner of his eye, his birthmark visible with the hair moved out of the way. "Uhm...can we watch Turning Red again?" Seonghwa nodded, letting the boys finish up their bedtime routine by themselves as he headed to the living room to turn on Disney+ on the tv. He also got Jongho out of his day clothes and into some pajamas, placing the youngest in bed before he joined his other children in the livingroom. Yeosang; who had been on the recliner with Yunho quickly scrambled over to his Eomma to cuddle. As the movie started Seonghwa sighed happily. Yeah, this was perfect.

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