Chapter 5: hospitals with the Kim's

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Seonghwa pressed the wash cloth to the wound on his son's head, the small boy had stopped crying once he was soothed by his mother and swaddled up in his arms.


Yeosang had come into the kitchen complaining about being dizzy when he fell forward; his head catching the edge of counter, Seonghwa immediately dropped the plate in his hand rushing over to his child that was now unconscious with blood trailing down his face.

"Shit! Yeosang!" He grabbed a wash cloth pressing it to the wound on his head before lifting up the boy and running over to their babysitter next door. Changbin would be free all day and if need be he could pick up the kids from school with his boyfriend Seungmin; knocking on the door Yeosang had woken up and began to sob hysterically in Seonghwa's arms, "shhh it's okay baby, mommy's got you." Changbin came to the door opening it with a smile that quickly turned to panic. "Oh my god what happened!? Is he okay!?" , "he hit his head on the counter, I don't know how bad it is but I'm taking him to the hospital with Hongjoong. Could you pick up the kids if we aren't back by two pm?" Changbin nodded, "yeah no problem! Go take care of your kid okay? I'll head over and watch the house for ya and even prep an afternoon snack for them." Seonghwa rocked Yeosang as he carried him to the car after giving Changbin a rushed thank you. He decided to hold the boy as he drove to the hospital, he didn't trust his son would be able to hold the washcloth to his head alone and if he got a ticket so be it. He needed to call Hongjoong.

*end of flashback*

Hongjoong quickly did a u-turn as he called into work, his son was more important than whatever shitty pop song they'd be working on. He found it hard to follow the speed limit on the way to the hospital; wanting to get to Yeosang and Seonghwa as quick as possible, his babies needed him. Once he arrived at the hospital he quickly found a parking spot and rushed inside where Seonghwa had told him he'd be waiting; he breathed a sigh of relief seeing Yeosang was mostly calmed down and relaxed in his mothers arms, "hey baby! How's our little pumpkin holding up?" Seonghwa looked about as bad as he felt, hair frazzled and eyes wide with tears. "He's okay, the doctor is trying to get him in as fast as possible but it stopped bleeding." Hongjoong nodded taking his son into his arms so Seonghwa could rest a moment, "hey pumpkin, you took a scary fall didn't you?" Yeosang nodded his head slowly, having slipped into a nonverbal state due to the trauma of the accident. "Want a snack bubs? I doubt you ate. Let's get you something in your tummy before you see the doctor." Yeosang only gave a little nod again turning back to look at Seonghwa who was sitting down with his eyes closed and head leaned back.

"M..mommy too..?" He spoke softly, "yeah, let's get mommy a snack too." Hongjoong shifted the boy on his hip walking over to a vending machine close by, just so they could hear when the doctor called for them. Grabbing his wallet he turned to his son, "what do you want pumpkin? Daddy will get you anything you want." Yeosang stared into the machine before pointing to a pink package, "gummies." His voice was soft as he lay his head on Hongjoong's shoulder. Hongjoong rubbed his back as he gathered what the boy wanted as well as something for Seonghwa; Yeosang seemed to be more relaxed and like his normal self rather than a scared or panicked child, their son always had a habit of putting on a brave face. "It's okay to be scared pumpkin, you don't have to hide it all the time ya know. You and your mommy are the same when it comes to that." Yeosang nodded his head, his small hands reaching for his gummies and who was Hongjoong to deny his son anything.

It took about 40 minutes before they were able to see a doctor; 40 minutes of struggling to keep a now fussy nine year old awake long enough to make sure he didn't have a serious head injury, 40 minutes of comforting Seonghwa and their son. Hongjoong himself was a bit irritated now that the doctor was taking his time checking out their son; asking unnecessary amount of questions, Yeosang even seemed to be getting a little antsy and kicking his feet in an effort to get down and self soothe. "I know bubs just a bit longer." Seonghwa took his son into his arms so Hongjoong could stretch.

"You said he felt dizzy and fainted." Hongjoong bit his tongue instantly, how could this doctor not get the the fucking point. "Sir with all respect, he's autistic and clearly frustrated. Can we please just get his wound looked at and leave." The doctor glanced at Hongjoong with a hum before checking the wound on the boys head; Yeosang kicked his feet out whining, he wanted to go home and get out of this small room. "Mommyyy! Daddy!" He whined trying to wiggle away from the man touching him, his nails digging into Seonghwa's arm. "It's okay pumpkin almost done." The doctor took a step back and sighed. "It's just a scrape, he's very lucky. As for the dizziness does this happen often?" Hongjoong rolled his eyes, reaching over to take Yeosang again. "He gets sick a lot, his immune system is bad." The doctor nodded before getting up. "I see, well if that's all I must see other patients, have a good day."

"What a -" , "Dick." The both spoke at the same time; Seonghwa laughed softly and nodded, "some doctor he is, I should have just kept him home and monitored him." Yeosang waddled in between them holding onto their fingers. He was too overstimulated be focus on being carried now, his eyes focusing straight ahead. "Hey pumpkin, let's have ice cream before your brothers come home yeah?" Hongjoong moved his hand to ruffle the boys long hair, the child nodded eagerly. "Strawberry please?" Seonghwa agreed with a hum. At least their son was okay and he'd be even better once he got his ice cream and relaxed.

Yeosang was fast asleep in his car seat when they arrived home, his little face squished against his arm while he slept. Giving Seonghwa a chance to admire his little birthmark while getting him out of the car. Hongjoong had decided to stay home and help with the other kids getting home from school and doing homework, Seonghwa would need the extra help since Yeosang would need extra care. Laying the boy down on the couch he grabbed a blanket and covered his son with it, leaning down he kisses his forehead lovingly before sitting next to him. Ready to enjoy the peace before his other children came home.

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