Chapter 8: playground bully

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TW//: bullying, slight blood, physical violence between children.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa had decided to take their six kids to the park since the long week of school was finally over; the kids were excited to get out and about, especially little Jongho who waddled as fast as he could beside Mingi who held his hand. Hongjoong had taken the weekend off while Seonghwa was on vacation for about two weeks from work due to unused sick days. It was the perfect opportunity to get their little ones out.

Once the family arrived at the park Seonghwa made sure every child had sunscreen on before they went to play, "remember, keep an eye on Jongho. Don't go too far away from the main playground, if you want to go to the big slide take Yunho with you. Okay?" Every child nodded, even Yunho who was buried in his phone. They'd decided to get the boy his first phone since he was thirteen now and they could text him to make sure the littler kids were okay. "Alright have fun, we'll have lunch in a couple hours." Hongjoong sat at the table with Seonghwa, his cheeks already flushed from the long walk over.

The children ran towards the playground to play, excited for their day in the park with their parents. Wooyoung and Mingi had immediately decided they wanted to attempt the monkey bars with Yunho's help, San only having one had decided he'd push Jongho on the swing for a bit while Yeosang played in the sand. The Kim children played together happily, everyone was content and doing their own thing. Yeosang had build a small tower in the sand next to San, who pushed Jongho with a smile his younger brothers laughs made him happy, he hoped Jongho would always be this happy as he grew out of his toddler years. "Sannie, look!" San turned his head, Yeosang smiling up at him from the ground. "Do you like my castle?" It was one of Yeosang's more talkative days, San always enjoyed hearing yeosang's voice after he was nonverbal for a bit. "It looks great Yeosang. Keep it up!" He rubbed his older brothers head gently, Yeosang was everyone's baby. It didn't matter than he'd be ten in a month, he was just so sweet and loving, anyone would be lucky to have a Yeosang.

Nearby Wooyoung and Mingi were playing on the slides; taking turns going down and giggling happily, Yunho sat on the bridge next to them, watching his brothers closely. As Wooyoung and Mingi played another kid, around Yeosang's age, came up to them looking quite intimidating. "Are you gonna go down or just sit there dummy." The kid sneered at Wooyoung. They little boy cocked his head, pigtails bobbing slightly. "I'm going down, and I'm not a dummy. You're being mean." Wooyoung stood up now, his eyes meeting the other kids. "Yeah. Whatever. Why is your hair girly? Only girls wear doggy ears, are you a sissy?" Wooyoung frowned, tugging on his shirt. "N-no! I'm not!" The older boy got closer, making Wooyoung back up until his feet were right at the edge of the slide where he'd sit to go down. "Yeah? You're not a sissy? Wanna bet!?" , "yeah! You're not gonna-" Wooyoung couldn't finish as he was pushed back, his back hitting the plastic of the slide hard knocking the air out of his lungs. "Hey! That's not nice!" Mingi yelled, having seen only his brother being pushed over. "Shut up! And get out of my way." The older boy pushed Mingi back as well, making the boy trip over his own feet and onto his knees. Yunho; who'd been alerted to his brothers yelling approached the boy, "hey leave my little brothers alone, they're just playing." He lifted Mingi up off the ground, dusting the boy off. "You're no fun. Whatever." The kid left, but not before turning back to Wooyoung. "Think fast sissy." Wooyoung had been sitting up when the boy threw a rock at him, hitting his forehead. "Yo! What the heck!? Where's your parents!" Yunho yelled.

Hear the table Hongjoong perked up a bit; Yunho was yelling, what was going on? Seonghwa had dozed off on the blanket under the shade of the tree, his lips parted slightly. "What's going on?" Hongjoong got up heading over to the playground, he needed to check on his kids. When he reached the playground his jaw dropped as he watched what had happened, he'd only just got there when he saw the rock hit Wooyoung's head, the small boy now sobbing uncontrollably while Yunho had Mingi in his arms yelling at the kid who threw the rock asking where his parents were. Wasting no time Hongjoong scooped up Wooyoung, cradling the crying child in his arms. "Wooyoungie, breathe baby it's okay." He pat his back as he held him, looking up to Yunho. "What happened!? Where's the other parents? Why did you hurt my child!?" Yunho had come down with Mingi pointing towards a woman who sat on a bench. "That's his mom, he came up and started calling Wooyoung a sissy for his hair and then pushed him!" Wooyoung only nodded slowly, his crying still hard and little gasp leaving his lips as he struggled to catch his breath. San, Yeosang, and Jongho had come over now. San holding Yeosang's hand while Yeosang held Jongho. "Is wooyoungie okay?" Yeosang tilted is head. "He's gonna be okay, just shaken up." , "appa! He's bleeding!" San gasped, Hongjoong pulled his son back a bit to examine his face. Sure enough a patch of blood had soaked into his white shirt from a still bleeding cut on Wooyoung's temple, above his eyebrow. "Oh Wooyoung...Yunho, go get Eomma!" Yunho nodded, running off to wake up Seonghwa while Hongjoong grabbed a handkerchief he kept with him pressing it to the wound on Wooyoung's head. "Is wooie Kay?" Jongho patted Wooyoung's back with his small, chubby hand. Hongjoong couldn't help but melt, "wooie will be okay, momma is gonna make sure the cut isn't bad okay?"

Yunho returned quickly with Seonghwa; the other man had a panicked look on his face, his pink hair frazzled. "Where's my baby!? What's wrong with him!" Seonghwa kneeled down next to Wooyoung, checking the wound on his head. "It's only a scratch fortunately, you'll stop bleeding in a bit." He switched places with Hongjoong, soothing the boy who had mostly stopped crying. "Where's the kids mom? I want to talk to her." Seonghwa and Hongjoong decided to take Wooyoung with them while Yunho and San lead the other kids back to the table to eat lunch.

"Excuse me." Seonghwa spoke softly, the woman who sat with her son looked up. "Oh! Hello, is something the matter?" Hongjoong took a deep breath, "it seems your son pushed and then threw a rock at our son. He's bleeding and has a cut on his forehead from where the rock hit him." The woman gasped, turning to her son. "Kibum! Did you hurt this little boy!?" The boy, who looked ashamed nodded. "I'm sorry, I was only trying to tease." The woman sighed, "I deeply apologize for my son's behavior, how's his cut? I'm a nurse, let me.." she grabbed a small med kit out of her purse. "Go ahead please." Seonghwa nodded, brushing his hair out of his eyes. The woman nodded as she cleaned up the wound on Wooyoung's head, "just a scrape, clean it every few hours and it'll be okay." She smiled softly. "I'm nurse Kim Joonhyun, if you ever need anything here's my business card. I noticed a few other boys, are they all yours?" Hongjoong chuckled, "yep! All six of them! They're all biologically ours believe it or not." Joohyun laughed. "Oh you think six is a handful? I have eight. This guy is the youngest." Hongjoong's jaw dropped, "yeah eight is too many for us unfortunately." The adults chatted for a bit before separating, Hongjoong and Seonghwa decided they'd had enough of the park for one day and would head home after lunch. Even with an injured child and a bully, the day had been well spent.

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