Chapter 10: 6 sick kids part 2

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The next few days weren't much better, Seonghwa had been up and down with Jongho all night while Hongjoong had fallen asleep in the bathroom floor with Yeosang who refused to leave his lap or the bathroom in fear of throwing up again. Yunho however was starting to show signs of recovery, he wasn't throwing up anymore just a bit achy and getting cold chills every now and then, helping out with his little brothers when he felt like he could. The Kim house was already chaotic on its own; but with 6 sick kids it was definitely worse.

"Mama!" Jongho wailed in Seonghwa's arms as Seonghwa rocked him. The three year old was running a fever that was refusing to come down, no matter what they did. The last thing Seonghwa wanted to do was load up six sick children to go to the hospital. "I know baby bear, I know." He shushed the toddler, pacing the kitchen back and forth while holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder. "Come on Eomma, I need you." He sighed. It had been Hongjoong's idea, to call their mother (Hongjoong's mother in law) to help get the kids a bit back on track and allow the couple to go out and get the necessary items for their children. After a few more minutes the phone picked up, "hello? Seonghwa! It's you! What do I owe the pleasure?"

Seonghwa sighed bouncing the fussy toddler on his hip, "hey mom, look I need a favor. All the kids are sick and Hongjoong and I need to go out and get a few things. Could you help out with the kids for a few hours? Jongho is really fussy, but the other kids are just tired and wanting to feel better. The only ones still throwing up are Yeosang and Wooyoung." He could hear shuffling in the background, then the sound of his mother's keys. "I'm on my way dear, why don't you two take Jongho to urgent care for a checkup. He's only a toddler, might be good to get him looked at." Seonghwa hummed in agreement. "I'll get him changed. See you soon mom." , "see you soon son." Hanging up on the phone Seonghwa headed to the bathroom to check on Hongjoong and Yeosang.

His husband was still sleeping peacefully, his son however had woken up, rubbing his eyes a bit. "Mama." He got up waddling over, "there's my pumpkin, come here." Yeosang nuzzled against his leg, "appa fell asleep, but I feel better now." Seonghwa smiled, "yeah, feeling better? So is your yuyu hyung. Wanna go see him while I wake daddy?" Yeosang nodded, waddling off to the living room to find his big brother. Seonghwa kneeled down, shaking Hongjoong gently. "Hey babe, wake up." Hongjoong groaned as he opened his eyes. "Well good morning my star, and my baby bear." Hongjoong got up off the floor, taking Jongho from Seonghwa. "Why don't you take a shower baby, I can handle the kids for a minute."

Seonghwa nodded, smiling softly. "Thank you, mom is coming so we can go out to get a few things." Hongjoong nodded, "that's great, I'm grateful to get any fresh air now that the kids are slowly getting better. Yeosang's fever broke last night too." Seonghwa smiled proudly, kissing his husband. "I'll shower now, baby bear be good for daddy okay?" Jongho nodded sleepily, cuddled into Hongjoong's shoulder. The pair left the bathroom leaving Seonghwa alone to take a shower, stripping of the days old dirty clothes and finally stepping under the hot water.

Downstairs Hongjoong had settled Jongho into his playpen after the toddler had fallen asleep, focusing on rubbing Wooyoung's back as the second youngest was sick in the kitchen sink. "I know little bug, it's icky.  But you'll feel better once you get it all out." In the living room the other kids were huddled up watching cartoons in the living room. There was a knock at the front door, "I got it dad!" San's voice came. The third oldest was completely better unlike the rest of his siblings, his normal energy right back where it normally was as he ran to the door. "Thank you Sannie." Hongjoong brushed Wooyoung's hair out of his face, tying it in a low ponytail.

San opened the door with a smile, "grandma! Hi!" The woman at the door smiled. "Oh hello Sannie! I see you're much better. Oh and my little Yeosang! You're so big now, and are you gaining weight!? That's amazing!" The woman rubbed the two boys heads before looking over into the kitchen. "Good morning son, is Seonghwa upstairs?" Hongjoong nodded, still tied up with a vomiting child. "Yeah he's in the shower! I'll head up once he's done. I'll get Jongho up once I'm done." Once he was sure Wooyoung was done throwing up he took the boy back to his spot on the living room floor. "Wooyoung is the only one still throwing up. Did Seonghwa tell you that?" She shook her head. "Ah no. But don't worry, I can handle it. Took care of Seonghwa lots as a kid." Hongjoong sighed in relief.

Seonghwa entered the room after a few minutes, dressed in a light pink sweater and some jeans. "You look lovely honey~" Hongjoong smiled, leaning to kiss his husband. "Thank you babe, shower is yours." Hongjoong nodded. "Just give me 20 and we can go." The couple shared another kiss before parting. "Hey mom, seems the kids already glued themselves to you." He chuckled softly. "Good morning son, you and Hongjoong did well with these six. Not many parents can handle 6 sick kids." Seonghwa nodded, "we did the best we could with our six. But as we say, eight makes one team." The kids had settled down beside Wooyoung, comforting their still sick sibling. "They've been fussing over Wooyoung since he's still struggling to overcome it. But he's better than he was." A cry interrupted the pair, Jongho stood in his play pen, reaching his arms out. "Mama!" He cried loudly. Seonghwa immediately took the toddler into his arms, picking him up and rocking him. His hand laid across his forehead, a sigh of relief came. "His fever broke, thank goodness. Let's check your temperature kiddo." Seonghwa smiled at his mother, who'd been swept away by Mingi talking about his stuffed animal.

Grabbing the thermometer Seonghwa placed it under Jongho's arm, while he waited he decided to make the other kids a light breakfast with orange juice and mixed fruits with a side of yogurt and oats. "Mama!" Yeosang waddled over, a book in hand. "Look what grandma got me!" It was a book Yeosang had wanted for a while, unfortunately with most of  Hongjoong's money going to bills since Seonghwa was done working for the summer they were unable to purchase the book. "Did you say thank you pumpkin?" He smiled. "Yes mama! Can we read it to Wooyoungie later?" Yeosang's eyes were wide and sparkling, accentuating his birthmark even more. "Of course we can pumpkin." Hongjoong came back down stairs from his shower, hair slicked back and dressed in comfy clothes. "There's my hubby." Seonghwa kissed his husband's lips softly. "I was only gone a bit. Hello baby bear, how are you feeling?" Hongjoong pinched the baby's cheek. "I got him babe, you focus on breakfast." The thermometer beeped under the toddlers out, Hongjoong took it out reading the temp. "His fever went down a lot, it's barely over 98 now." Seonghwa sighed in relief. "That's good, we should still take Jongho with us. I don't want to leave mom with a fussy three year old." Hongjoong nodded, taking the toddler. "I'm gonna set out the kids clothes, hang the shower schedule and get Jongho dressed."

The couple had a lot of schedules in such a large house, from showers, to who got the gaming system when, to who got to watch which cartoon at what time. It made things a little less chaotic with six kids. Seonghwa finished up breakfast, carrying two bowls at a time for each child. "Orange juice stays in the kitchen unless it's in a cup with a lid understood?" , "yes mama." The six children nodded. Seonghwa's mother smiled, "I taught you well how to parent your children. You and Hongjoong both." Hongjoong came back down with Jongho, who slept peacefully against his shoulder. "Jongho fell asleep again. Should we just leave him home?" Seonghwa smiled fondly. "If mom can handle it?" , "don't worry you two. I can handle this. Just go run your errands, maybe have a nice lunch together." The couple nodded. "We will be home soon."


Hongjoong and Seonghwa had finished their shopping; now the couple sat together at one of their favorite restaurants, "I'm glad we got to do this. It's been a while since we've gone out without the kids." Hongjoong rubbed the back of Seonghwa's hand with his thumb. The elder nodded, "I agree, I'm glad they're getting better. Then we can go on that trip to the water park we've been planning." Hongjoong nodded, "speaking of which our summer pass should arrive in a few days. Once the kids are completely better we can go before I head back to work." Hongjoong had been given a two weeks vacation to ensure his kids were completely healthy again before heading back to the studio.

"It's going to be boring once you go back to work. Just me and the kids watching cartoons all day, no sneaking away to make love during nap time~" Hongjoong choked on his own spit. "We can always make love before bed." Seonghwa chuckled. "It's not as thrilling." Their lunch arrived soon after, the couple eating and chatting in peace made them realize just how much they missed their kids. Returning home they were met with the children all cuddled up sleeping, Seonghwa's mother was in the kitchen washing the dishes. "Oh mom you didn't have to do that, I would have done it." Seonghwa pouted. "Oh nonsense! It's a few spoons and bowls no harm. Wooyoung is feeling better too, finished his whole bowl and hasn't gotten sick once." That made the couple sigh in relief. "Thank you mom, we appreciate it." Hongjoong kicked off his shoes, carrying the bags into the kitchen. "Why don't you two take a nap? You deserve it, I don't mind keeping an eye on these angels a bit longer." The couple shared a look, "okay mom. Thanks." Seonghwa immediately tugged Hongjoong to their bedroom, locking the door behind him. "So, can we make love?" His voice was sultry, making Hongjoong blush. "If you can be quiet, anything you want."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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