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- Italics will be talking in Korean. and Bold will be for speaking in English.

jisung POV

I was walking home from school in the blazing heat, and I had a long sleeve on, so I was burning. But I was happy. The test we did today was brain cell killing, and surprisingly I passed with a 99. Well not surprisingly, I studied really hard. I was really happy because I would have been able to make my mom, really happy, and I've been wanting to do just that for a while now, but it seems like everything I do is wrong.

But not today. I have a good feeling both mom and dad will be thrilled with me. Once I saw my house I started running with full speed towards it. Considering my situation, a lot of people would've believed my parents and I lived in some type of porta potty, but it was far from that.

Our house was something a Grown ass man would sell his heart for, just to barely step big toe into it, not thinking of how he would sell his heart and still be able to live.

Once I got to the house, I opened the gate, and ran to the front door, putting in the code and I walked into the in house with a huge smile on my face, as I slipped my feet into the first slides I could see.

I saw my mom come around the corner and look at me through my peripheral vision. Once I finally stood up from putting my slides on, I looked at her and turned the paper around. "Loo-" I got cut off by her grabbing a fist full of my hair and yanking me towards her.

"oww-" "Shut up." My Mom said and I quickly shut my mouth.

"Are you serious right now?!" She yelled but I didn't say anything back. 1; Because I just found out I did something wrong AGAIN, and 2; Because she told me to shut up.

"Answer me when I talk to you, dimwit."

"Am I serious about what?" She stayed quiet, and I knew what that meant, so I restated my question.

"Am I serious about what?"

"A 99... is that all you could do?"

"Are you... mad at me because I didn't get a 100?"

"It should seem that way, does it not?"

"I-It does, b-but I don't g-get why. I studied r-really hard, and I was only 1 p-point away" I said, really close to bawling my eyes out in front of her. This has happened so many times, so I've tried to force myself to 'be tough in front of her'. But when my mind focuses on the word 'her' it then starts to focus on the point that, that 'her' is my mom.

"Yeah! Just one point away! Why couldn't you make that One point?!" She suddenly yelled and I jumped a bit.

"I-I don't K-kno-" I was cut off by my back hitting the wall and I let out a painful groan.  I saw her go get one of her water boilers, and I let my first tear of many, fall on my cheek and on to the ground, as I shake my head and try to move backward, just to realize again that my back was against the wall.

"No, please, please, I'm sorry, I'll do better next time!! PLEASE, PLEASE, JAEBAL, ANNIYO, ANNIYOOO" That last 'Anniyo' (no) was stretched out, as she poured the boiling water on my arms stomach and neck. The last thing I remember before I passed out was the door opening, and everything went black.

Minho's POV

I was in my room, looking out the window. I had been high about an hour ago, but now I'm just regular old me, and it hurt. I was in pain mentally and physically. Knowing that your life is the exact same thing as a pile of stink dirty clothes, is way worse than just living it.

Why can't I just live it? Why do I have to know that I'm not doing good. And why do I have to always come to the conclusion of not giving a flying frying pan about it. My life means nothing... to other people and to myself.

It's like...being tied up in a chair and you KNOW you're about to get shot to death. You KNOW that once you hear those two 'clicks' sounding off from the gun, you're done. But you also know that if they let you go, you're going to do the EXACT same thing that got you in that chair in the first place, UNTIL you die.

With me, I know that I can throw up my guts from drinking, but I still do it. I know I can die from lung cancer from smoking, but I still do it. It's the only thing that takes the pain away, the only thing that makes me feel...happy?

But enough with the sappy sht. I'm kind of hungry. My mom hasn't called me down yet, and I'm starving, I wonder what sh-

My thoughts were cut off when I saw a teenage boy -looks around my age- running to his house. His hair was a really pretty blue and it looked really fluffy.

But something caught my eyes, and I checked the weather. it was 98 degrees outside, but he wore a black sweat outfit, and he had a mask on. It was pretty hard to see the mask, considering he had his head hung low.

I propped my head up by resting my chin on my palm with my elbow on the window seal. But what made eyes fall out of the sockets, was that he was going into the rich people's house in the neighborhood. did he live there??

Well, no duh, he got in... I zoned out for I guess a really long time and I came back to reality, and I heard someone scream on the top of their lungs. At first, I was pretty skeptical, but then I just left it alone, thinking someone was having real fun.

Not like drinking and going to strip clubs' fun. like a kid playing with their parents, fun. I was brought back to my senses once again, when I saw a HUGE man with a weird sinister smile on his face, and he had, what looked like a knife in his hand.

I'm talking 'fatter than fat' huge. I hate body shaming, but it looked like he had double everything. a double chin, a double neck, double tits, a double back, double balls (don't ask... those pants were tight...) shoot, even a double face. He scared the pee out of me.

Maybe It wasn't a scream of job. But either way, I wouldn't be able to do anything, so I left it alone.


So...how did my first chapter turn out? was it good?? I hope it was :) and OF COURSE I COULDNT MISS THE CHANCE TO SHOW YOU HOW JISUNG LOOKED!! YOU HAVE TWO CHOICES :))

how did my first chapter turn out? was it good?? I hope it was :) and OF COURSE I COULDNT MISS THE CHANCE TO SHOW YOU HOW JISUNG LOOKED!! YOU HAVE TWO CHOICES :))

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