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On Friday evening, between the hours of 8 and 9, just before the carnival night that will take place over the weekend, everyone who works or studies has taken the day off, therefore this is the time of day with the most people on the road.

Instantaneously, a magically relevant hot search appeared to the top of the list, and it stood out notably among the news about various celebrities.

# A mysterious Taoist saves people with her left hand while simultaneously holding a bowl of soup with her right hand without spilling it! #

When the crowds observed this intense quest, they caller out that a master must have be alive.

Taoist? People being saved? Is it possible that the Taoist master has descended from the mountain?!

The most popular video on the issue was viewed by curious internet users after they clicked on the topic. There was audio accompanying the surveillance video. As soon as it started playing, a woman's nearly piercing scream could be heard coming from the room.

"Hey! Don't run!!!"

It was still early in the morning, and the mother and her toddler had initially stopped by the side of the road to purchase food. The child abruptly tore herself away from her mother's grip just as she was about to pay, and she rushed across the windshield of a car that was parked on the side of the road.

The mother started yelling because the child was in her blind spot just as a truck was racing towards them with no other vehicles in front of them.

Bullet screens denounced the behavior.

"Running around is a really bad idea at this time."

"What a mischievous little brat!"

"I just don't get it why these kids like to run out of the house all of a sudden like that."

Even after the mother threw her phone and hurried in the direction of her child, she was still a few seconds too late.

Fortunately, there was someone who could outrun her!

A gray figure with the aroma of noodles overtook the mother and grabbed the child's collar.

The wind and exhaust fumes from the passing truck blew in their faces.

"Don't be a nut & run around on the road."

The observers took a closer look and realized that it was a Taoist master in a long robe who had saved the child.

The bullet screens spontaneously burst into flames.


"How did the master taoist appear in front of us in the blink of an eye?"

"I didn't even blink!"

"Where did the master flash originate from?"

"That was way too fast!"

"Is that a light work?"

"Even though the master encourages everyone to 'believe in science,' she actually relies on light work to save lives."

"Master, I want to learn this!"

The mother rushed over and snatched up the child as soon as she arrived, calling out in a tone that was equal parts anxious and sobbing, "Junjun!"

"Why did you run?!" In her rage, she gave the child a vicious slap across the back before looking the child over from side to side. There was not a single problem.

When the mother eventually started to feel a little more peaceful, she turned around and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Taoist master!" in a repeated and grateful manner.

Book 1: Crying Brothers: The Little Sister We Hate Is Actually a BigshotWhere stories live. Discover now