A Very Dangerous Race

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This is a bad idea, thought Hope.

What was the bad idea? All of the ninja and Wu being balanced by Lloyd. The other ninja agreed with Hope that this wasn't a good idea.

Hope was afraid that Lloyd may fall or break some bones, but it didn't matter in the end, for a huge wrecking ball knocked through the wall and everyone toppled to the ground.

Dareth came into the room. "WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!!!! This wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?" asked a foreman. "Let me see that order." After checking with a builder, he noticed that Dareth was right. "Oh yeah. My bad. Sorry ‘bout that. We'll be back in the morning."

After the foreman and builder left, Dareth picked up his trophies. Cole asked Dareth about what was going on.

"Well, I fell behind on some of my payments and some developer named “Darnagom Enterprises“ is buying the entire block to put in some stupid frisbee-golf course. They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone," explained Dareth.

As Dareth cried over his fake trophies, Zane noticed something odd.

"Wait a minute. "Darnagom"? When you rearrange the letters, it spells..."

"O grandma?" guessed Jay.

Hope couldn't help but giggle at that. She wished that Alyssa could also hear that joke.

"No! Garmadon!" corrected Kai.

"Um, my dad is behind this?" asked Lloyd.

Just then, Nya came in and presented a solution. Which was to enter the Ninjaball Run. The grand prize was 100000 dollars (I think it's dollars. Correct me if I'm wrong). However, Dareth was still worried as the race was supposed to be very dangerous.

Most of the ninja planned to enter the race with the newly repaired Ultra Sonic Raider while Lloyd was using the Ultra Dragon. Strangely, some of the other competitors included the mailman, two Skulkin called Kruncha and Nuckal, the Royal Blacksmiths, Jay's parents, Captain Soto's crew, and the Darkley School's students.

Alyssa came to watch the race. "My parents will be watching from home," she said. "You should have seen their faces when they saw that you are a ninja."

Hope was slightly embarrassed. "Yeah. I'm kind of nervous though."

"Well, good lu..."

Alyssa's voice was drowned by loud beeping coming from the school bus the Darkley students were driving. Nya was trying to tell the boys something, but her voice was also drowned out.

"Wait, are those little boys?" asked Alyssa. "They shouldn't be allowed to drive a bus."

Hope shrugged. "Well, I have heard that they are very mischievous." She went to join the boys.

However, as the race started, the Ultra Sonic Raider wouldn't move. Clearly somebody was already trying to sabotage them. But it was impossible to figure out who.

Fortunately, the ninja were able to fix whatever was wrong and they were off. Soon, they managed to overtake some of the other competitors, including Soto's crew. However, the worst was still to come.

"Oh no, Garmadon!" Kai suddenly called.

"What?" asked Jay.

A cannon was aimed for the Ultra Sonic Raider, but luckily the Ultra Dragon suddenly crashed into the Bounty.

"Nice going, Lloyd," said Kai.

"You saved us!" said Cole.

"I did? I mean, yeah, I did! Hey, what do you say we work together?" asked Lloyd.

"Yeah, I say let's show 'em what we ninja are all about," said Jay.

"That was close though," said Hope. "Lloyd almost fell off."

Later on, Lloyd did end up falling off. The Skulkin used a grapple cannon to grab one of the Ultra Dragon's legs, causing it to crash to the ground and Lloyd to topple off. However, it also backfired in the Skulkin as the chain got stuck on a nearby tree and they fell off their vehicle.

Still, the other ninja were progressing well until they discovered that they were running out of fuel. However, Jay's parents were nearby and offered to lend a hand.

Jay pointed out that stopping may cause them to lose their lead, so Ed got out of his moving vehicle and proceeded to walk on the Ultra Sonic Raider until he reached the filler cap. Jay helped him to fill the gas.

However, Serpentine were suddenly being thrown off the Bounty. Some of them landed on top of the Ultra Sonic Raider. Jay, Cole and Zane went to fight them.

Unfortunately for Jay's parents, they ended up crashing. Jay took a loose headlamp so that a part of the vehicle can still continue the race.

Now it was just the Bounty and the Ultra Sonic Raider. The ground started cracking until a huge divide appeared.

"Oh no," said Hope. "What do we do?"

Just then, Kai had an idea. He instructed everyone to hang on before accelerating. He pulled the lever and the Ultra Sonic Raider turned into a jet. Jay, Cole and Zane used Spinjitzu to jump onto the part that was flying.

It was a close call. The ninja won only because of the lamppost that was tied to the Ultra Sonic Raider. Not only that, but Lloyd unexpectedly reappeared on the Bounty to reclaim it for the ninja.

Alyssa ran up to Hope. "I'm so thankful that you're alright! I almost fainted when that cannon almost hit you."

"Hey, it's alright," said Hope. "I'm not afraid anymore. And now Dareth has his dojo back and we have the Bounty."

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