Chapter 1 Amanda

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Who the fuck is he?
The Alpha sat on the chair staring at her was large like Lucien but much more rugged. Unlike Lucien he was fair haired, and had a shaggy beard that just touched his button down plaid shirt. He wore worn jeans that stretched over his large thighs. And his eyes were silver, well not really, just the lightest blue she had ever seen, in fact she wasn't sure but for a moment they did look silver. He looked wild.
"Who the fuck are you? And where the fuck am I?" She said almost in a whisper. She would admit it, she was scared, not knowing where she was and who she was with was fucking frightening.
The strange Alpha gave a snort in laughter, then trailed his eyes over her body. It was then she realised just how exposed and vulnerable she was. She had always been told by her father never to show fear, so almost leisurely she pulled the sheet back up her body but she was sure she wasn't fooling anyone, she knew her pulse was fast and she was probably giving off major fear pheromones right now, and just like any Alpha, he was well adept at detecting those.
Snorting again he stood, and without saying a word he left the room. As he left she heard the snap of a lock.  Well shit!

She scrambled up and immediately lifted the covers on what she thought was a window, but what she actually found was wooden planks, she looked round the room, and for the first time, she really took in her surroundings. It was obviously some kind of cabin, everything was made of wood and not luxurious polished wood, but a rough wood that looked as if it had come straight from a tree.
The room had an enormous bed (that she had been laying on) two sets of draws and two other doors in the wall. She opened one to find it was just a wardrobe (which contained her stuff from the hotel - what the ever loving..) and the other was to a small bathroom. Thank the goddess she thought at least she didn't have to call if she needed to use the amenities, but then she paused because all that was in the bathroom was a bath, no toilet, no sink just an old metal bath tub. Were they fucking kidding, there weren't even any taps on the bath, just the tub itself, and it didn't go unnoticed that there was no lock on the bathroom door either.

Panic began to set in, real deep seated scary panic. She had absolutely no idea where she was, no idea how long she had been here and no idea who it was that had taken her. Whoever it was, she knew had taken her from the hotel because all of her stuff was here. Had she arrived during the heat? After?
She sank to the floor in utter despair as something dawned on her, her recollection of the heat was at best dream like, she remembered calling Lucien from the hotel, but did he even arrive? She remembered the smell of Alpha, her omega's need for an Alpha taking over all other thoughts. Was the Alpha she had spent the heat with Lucien like she had thought? Or was the heat spent with another Alpha? Perhaps the Alpha who had been watching her when she first awoke? Oh goddess, she should never have got involved with Lucien, she should never have come to North Outland, if indeed that is where she still was.
She sat on the floor contemplating her options, she was if nothing a pragmatic omega, her boss always said that if you gave her lemons she wouldn't just make lemonade, she would make lemon tart too. She just needed to take stock of everything that was happening.
She sat naked on the floor of the bedroom, which if she was looking on the bright side was a good size, just then she heard the door unlock.
She was tempted to bolt for the bed again, but what would that solve? This Alpha had obviously already seen her naked, so he was seeing nothing new here, she needed to read him - if he came in and she bolted for the bed, all she was doing was showing him he had the upper hand, and that was something she didn't want him to think because Alpha's were naturally predatory, and a bolting omega? That was prey. So she just sat there and waited to see what was happening.
He walked in and didn't even spare her a look as he carried a tray to a small table, what ever was on the tray smelled fucking delicious, and she was starving. Very tempted to leap up and grab the food before he even set it down. But she didn't.  Instead she feigned disinterest and looked at her hands, as if suddenly her nails had become the most interesting things in the universe, she was well aware how ridiculous she looked sat naked in the corner of the room checking out her nails, but she had committed to it, so that was that.
He turned to her looking at her position, and snorted again! What was it with this fucking Alpha and his snorting - was she that funny? Don't answer that she said to herself.
But then for the first time he spoke. "Good your up. Get dressed you have chores to do."
Chores? Fucking chores? What was she, ten? Children had chores, not junior partners of Clearwater Advertising Agency. But honestly the getting dressed part seemed like a good idea so at present she kept her mouth shut. Food and clothes were priority and the thought he may take away either of those options kept her silent. She was also aware how unusual this was for her.
He turned and left the room clicking the lock back into place.
She got up trying to decide which of the food/clothes conundrum to tackle first, he could take food away but her clothes were in the wardrobe, so she opted for the food. Walking over she saw toast, soup and some fruit, deciding she could actually tackle both at the same time she grabbed some toast and headed to the wardrobe.
She searched what had been brought and realised it was pretty much everything, she noticed there were men's clothes in there too, but decided to ignore them as they seemed to be just plaid shirts and jeans. Going to the draws she searched every one of them looking for underwear, she found none.
Fuck! She muttered, but hey, she had been underwearless many times so she took out a pair of soft, fine yoga pants and a form fitting crop vest, slipped them both on with a pair of bed socks. The cabin wasn't cold, thanks to the wood burner, but the floor was rough and uncomfortable. She then sat on the bed with the tray and demolished the rest of the food. She placed the tray on the table and waited. It seemed like an eternity before she heard the clump of boots outside the door and the slipping of the lock. The door flew open and slammed against the wall. He looked enormous stood there in the doorway, wearing a huge puffy jacket, his jeans and massive boots. He glared at her and she glared at him.
"Is that what you're wearing?" He grunted, disbelief on his face.
"Yes. Do you have a problem with it?" She replied snootily.
The corner of his lips turned up as he shook his head, and waved the way forward, saying. "After you princess."

The Outland's Alphas  Part 2Where stories live. Discover now