Chapter 2 Amanda

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He led her down a small corridor to the main part of the cabin. He moved to the kitchen and said "you'll need shoes."
"Oh right," she said as she quickly ran back to the room and grabbed a pair of shoes out of the bottom of the wardrobe, these just so happened to be her least favourite pair of stilettos, they weren't as high as she normally liked, but for chores around the cabin she was sure they would do.
When she re-entered the main room it occurred to her that 'what the fuck was she doing?' Get dressed, shoes and chores why was she being so compliant.
He looked at her in what seemed to be disbelief. Shaking his head from side to side, he shrugged as if to say to himself 'ok, your choice' and it was, it was her choice what she wore, and what shoes she put on.
He threw her a jacket that was going to be big on her, she was tiny compared to his large frame. She slipped it on none the less and followed him to the door. Ok chores were outside, maybe the shoes weren't the best choice but she was sure she could make it work, she wasn't going to give him one singles ounce of one up manship. When he opened the door the cold, bitter wind hit her. Outside in front of her was white. Everywhere was covered in a thick layer of snow.
He turned to her and smirked, fucking bastard, why didn't he say she was preparing for a trip out into a fucking blizzard. Shit! But Amanda being Amanda pulled the jacket round her waste, kept her head up and ventured out into the freezing cold.
He followed her, she swore she heard him laughing but she wasn't going to satisfy him by looking at him. She started to move forward. Tracking through the snow in high heels wasn't easy, it was fucking hard but would she show it? Hell no! Trudging forward, she had traveled some distance when she heard him say, "This way princess."  She knew he said it with mirth and she bet had let her travel a distance on purpose, just to make her walk back. He was such a fuck wicket.
Goddess she was frozen already, but head still held high she followed him to the side of the cabin where there was a huge pile of wood.
He handed her an axe and ordered. "Start chopping, there is a whole cabin to heat, and I certainly ain't chopping ya firewood for ya."
Holding the axe, she had to admit she didn't have slightest idea on how to do it. So she just stood there. How on earth did he expect her to chop wood.
He went to move away but turned and saw her still standing there.
Rolling his eyes and huffing he walked back.
"Here I will show ya."
He took the axe from her and placed a log on a large tree stump. Swinging the axe above his head he brought it down on to the log and split it in one fail swoop.
Handing her back the axe he said. "Gowan then."
Not wanting to seem the least bit weak in front of this Alpha she struggled to the pile of logs, goddess she wished she hadn't worn the stilettos now.
She struggled back and placed a log on the stump. Mimicking his actions she swung the axe bringing it down, completely missing the log and wedging the axe in the stump. Burying down her annoyance, she smiled at him as if it was funny, (it wasn't, it was embarrassing) she pulled on the axe handle to dislodge the axe, unfortunately the axe didn't move. It was stuck firm in the stump.
After about her fifth attempt at removing it, the giant Alpha huffed and came over pulling it out like it was a knife stuck in butter.
"Comear." He motioned for her to get closer which she did.
He handed her the axe then pulled her in close, standing right behind her, flush against her back, and laid his arms along hers. Goddess he was warm, he smelt so woodsy and the tickle of his beard on her cheek sent shivers down her spine. He moved closer, if that was possible and guided her arms up into the air bringing them back down with a swing of the axe on to the log.. it spilt right away, he picked up half of it placing it back on the stump, and moved in close again. She felt herself nestling back into his warmth. "Stop that." he grunted.
Turning her face to his which meant they were centimetres away, she asked. "Stop what?"
What had she done now, yes she had nestled back a little but he was warm, and she was absolutely freezing.
"Stop ya wriggling and concentrate." He said looking at her lips and not her eyes.  He smelt so good, the smell went up her nose and down to her core. What the fuck was she doing? This Alpha is a cock whistler. She shook herself out of it.
His eyes snapped up and his body went taught. "Ya want help or not?" He grizzled.
"Yes, yes I want help." She replied while forming the chopping pose once more. Again he guided her arms in a large swing and brought it down on the log splitting it.
"Now you try." He said stepping away.
So she did. She stumbled to the log pile getting two this time, figuring it would save her time later, popped one on the stump and chopped. The axe sliced with wood in half and she gave out a little cheer, very pleased with herself, she looked up at the Alpha smiling.
He grunted in her direction and walked off.
Fucking moody bastard.
She continued on for what she thought was about two hours. But her hands were getting more and more painful with the cold, which seemed to be seeping into her skin and making even her bones feel frozen. She had lost feeling in her feet ages ago. The work helped, but after two hours even that did nothing. She found herself shaking and her teeth chattering, she actually felt weak. Her head was starting to spin, two more she thought to herself almost in a delirium, just two more then she would take a break in the cabin.

The Outland's Alphas  Part 2Where stories live. Discover now