Chapter 5 Amanda

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What happened after she had been chopping wood was fuzzy. She remembered Gabe carrying her, she remembered him stripping her, she remembered the warmth of his body, she thought she remembered him kissing her body, the warmth of his lips rousing her, she thought she remembered him mounting her, and how he felt inside her. How it had started a burn within her that thawed her frozen body. But she must have been wrong because when she woke next to him, he had his boxers on and although he was hard, she knew it wasn't for her and just an early morning wood that appeared in sleep. She had to admit she was disappointed that her hallucination wasn't real. He was beautiful, built similarly to Lucien, Gabe had seemed like an angel when he had bathed her and held her.
Lucien! That mother fucker, she was going to fucking kill him. When he gets back he better look out because she was going to be ready and waiting.
"Would you like something to eat?" Gabe asked, wasn't he amazing?
"I would love a little something please, but nothing too difficult to make."
He nodded and left the room.
She knew she should be angry with him, he knew how cold it was and didn't tell her how unsuitable her clothing was, but she liked him, he had been her guardian angel, sent by the goddess herself to save her.
She thought again about her hallucination, she wanted that for real. And what Amanda wanted she usually got. It was how she got to be where she was, not in a cabin of course, she meant junior partner of Clearwater. This was something she had to remember, she wasn't weak like people here thought her dynamic was, she would prove Lucien wrong, she would be fine here, and with Gabe's help, (a smile crossed her lips when she thought of Gabe) she would fucking thrive and then when he returned to see what she had done here, she would fucking kill him.
Deciding laying their naked didn't give off the best vibes, she carefully got up and went to the wardrobe, she wanted to see what Lucien had brought her, every single outfit  was either a tight skirt or a tight dress, the leggings she had worn before were one of three pairs that were hanging, she had copious amounts to choose from and he had chosen the sheerest, thinnest three she owned. None of it was suitable for being in the cold, it was as if he wanted to keep her here away from everyone. Well, she thought to herself, there was a whole other side to this wardrobe, and she intended to use it. Grabbing a pair of grey sweat pants and a sweatshirt, she slipped them on, they smelt of Lucien that fucking bastard, but she hated to admit it the smell comforted her. She should hate it, but she didn't, it reminded her of that first night they spent together. She sighed wistfully, then remembered he was a bastard and she was only wearing his clothes out of necessity.
When Gabe returned he had a tray with a hot bowl of soup and some crackers, she ate both eagerly.
Then she noticed he was staring at her with furrowed brow.
Concerned she asked him what the matter was.
"You're wearing his clothes, you smell of him and I don't like it."
"I know me neither, but the only clothes he bought me were clothes I wear in the office or a night out, he brought me nothing suitable for the weather or for lounging around." She replied splaying her hands with a shrug. "He probably thought he could keep me inside, dressed in a sexy clothes - well fuck him."
Gabe gave a little smile and a nod.
"You should rest Amanda." He said smiling sweetly.
"Mandy." She replied.
"Mandy?" He asked
"Yes Mandy is what my friends call me."
He smiled and nodded, "Rest then Mandy."
"Will you stay with me?"
He looked down at himself and looked like her felt decidedly self conscious.
She noticed him looking. Within seconds she had whipped off the sweat pants, and was just in the long sweat shirt, it was Luciens so it actually fitted her more like a dress. She giggled. "Now we are both dressed for bed."
She noticed a pained expression on his face, like he was uncomfortable, but she wanted him in the bed. Scrap that she just wanted him.
He went to climb on the cover like he had before, and she grabbed his arm. "Don't be silly, it's too cold for that."
She lifted the quilt as an invitation for him to climb under. She noticed he paused slightly, closing his eyes as if the thought brought him pain.
She was curious to his thinking, she had never met an Alpha who would refuse or dislike to climb in bed with an omega, in fact she had never met any male of any dynamic who wouldn't want to do it, so she was curious about his reluctance. Did he not find her attractive? Oh goddess was he gay? What a shame for the females if he was, lucky for the males.
But he soon climbed under and held out his arm for her to snuggle into him, just how they had slept last night, but this time she had other thoughts in her mind. She didn't want to sleep.
She snuggled in close and wrapped her leg over his, tickling the hairs on his chest. She didn't want to make it obvious or uncomfortable especially if she wasn't his type, little movements that could be considered natural were the best way. She was good in bed, even if she said so herself, and it wasn't anything necessarily to do with her dynamic, she knew how to turn males on and she was going full steam ahead with that plan.
She sat up slightly and as she did she raised her leg higher up his, to the point she was probably just kneeing his balls slightly. Not painfully of course, just a light feather touch. She felt him stiffen but then she disguised the move by asking a question.
"When is Lucien due back?"
"Honestly I don't know, he said it could be a while, and that I was to look after you, he did say however that if you went in to heat I was to leave and let you go through it alone."
Oh he did did he, how did he know about her fluctuating heat, how did he know she may go into heat again soon?
"Well an Alpha would say that wouldn't they, they don't know the pain that comes with it of your not serviced."
She was trying to think of a better word that fucked, but serviced made her sound like a transport vehicle. So she added "you know with sex." She wanted him to be thinking about sex, actually she wanted him to be having sex, with her. But slowly, slowly catchy monkey as her dad used to say.
"Yeah I understood." He said turning a little pink.
She was having an effect on him, she knew it. Perhaps words were a good way to start this attack. "That's what Lucien was doing when you heard us, heard me." She dipped her head playing bashful. "Anyway he doesn't know the pain, if I go into heat again, I warn you now, if you're here, you won't be safe." She laughed as if it was a joke, but it was no joke, now she knew the pain of a heat she knew she needed an Alpha to get through it.
She was becoming aroused thinking about how he could 'service' her. Fuck yes he could!
She moved her leg again, and she felt his hardness with it, he shifted moving it slightly away.
Fuck why had she taken the pants off and not the sweatshirt, she would love to be pushing her tits into him right now, would he resist then? She was getting wet, and she was sure he would smell it, Alphas had an amazing sense of smell, it was how Lucien always knew she was aroused, and she was now. "Will you do that?" She asked looking him dead in the eyes,
"Do what?" He asked in reply.
"Leave me in agony if I do go into heat, or will you help me with the pain." She said in a breathy whisper. Their eyes were locked and she swore she saw a flash of silver in them for just a second.
"I don't know." He said honestly. But that flash of silver told her everything she needed to know. He would be here quicker than a rat up a drain pipe if she needed him and that she liked very much. She moved up the bed and kissed him on the cheek thanking him for his help. Now this move served two purposes, not only did she kiss him and stay so now they were a breaths width apart. But she had also kind of climbed on to his body to reach him, so she was almost straddling him now with his cock well and truly against her leg now. She had seen this cock fully hard and it was huge, not as thick as Lucien's but definitely longer. She bit her bottom lip at the thought and his eyes followed the movement, subconsciously he mimicked it biting his own. She felt hime shift again beneath her, but not to move closer as she was hoping, but to move a little bit further away.
Damn it! What was wrong with this male, she was obviously offering it up on a platter, why wasn't he eating?
She sighed for a moment, she needed to rethink her plan and fast,

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