Chalter 11 Gabriel

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The cover being whipped away caught Gabriel off guard, he looked to see who had done it and found Lucien standing there, then as quick as a flash he saw a tiny naked omega fly through the air at him.
She literally jumped on him, knocking him to the ground in surprise and putting her hands around his throat.
"You fucking dirty bastard."she yelled as he easily pulled her hands from him.
He flipped them over so he was on top of her tiny body.
The next move Gabriel could only assume was a knee to the balls, because Lucien went bright red and rolled off her in pain. Wasting no time she leapt on him again, straddling him and started punching his face. Recovering from the ball kick, Luke grabbed her hand and pinned them to her sides.
All this time a string of expletives were flowing from her mouth, Gabriel had no idea she knew such insults, but honestly, he felt Luke deserved it.
"Calm the fuck down omega." Luke said using an Alpha command, but she didn't! All the time he held her she was struggling like a breed possessed.
Gabriel didn't know what to do, did he help her? Did he go against his friend? There again he pretty much already had. He had slept with her, he had developed feelings for her. He couldn't help it.
"Get the fuck off me she yelled as he stood holding her around the stomach lifting her off the ground and carrying her to the bathroom. Opening the door with his foot, he literally through her in, using his foot against the door as wedge stopping her, as she tried with all her might to get out. Struggling, he pulled the large chest of draws, that was next to the door, in front of it using it as a barricade. The chest of draws was heavy and Gabriel doubted that Amanda could break free.
Then when he was sure the door was secure Luke turned to him.
"Did you fuck her?" he asked as his chest heaved from the exertion he had just suffered.
Gabriel stood there and said nothing, deciding what was his best play here.
"I ask you again Gabriel, did. you. fuck. her?" His last four words were punctuated with a finger point in Gabriel's direction.
"Yes." Gabriel answered.
Luke paused and looked at him, then took a step in Gabriel's direction, so Gabriel continued.
"You fucking kidnapped her man, you took her from her life and brought her here, against her will, expecting me to baby sit her."
Gabriel's own anger started to build, he loved his friend but this was beyond crazy.
"Didn't mean you had to fuck her. You knew she was mine. You knew .. "
"Was she? Was she yours Luke?" Gabriel through back at him, interrupting what he was going to say.
"Because she doesn't seem to think she is."
A stifled "I'm not!" Came from the bathroom.
Gabriel threw his hands up as if to say 'See!'
"I tried to stay away, I tried so hard, I wanted to speak to you first and talk to you first."
"It's not up to him who I sleep with." Came another muffled reply.
"She went in to her heat Luke, she was in agony, have you ever seen the agony an omega goes through in heat?"
Luke looked at him and Gabriel was convinced he was getting through to him.
"I told you to leave." Luke muttered deflated and beaten.
"I said to leave if she went into heat."
"And leave her in agony? What kind of breed don't you think I am?"
Luke sat on the bed, completely broken. He knew everything they said was true, and he knew he had lost her to Gabriel, he couldn't hold her against her will, not really.
"I think she is my true mate." Luke said in a much calmer voice.
He sat on the bed with his head in his hands.
Gabriel moved to the bathroom and shouted through the door. "If I let you out will you promise not to try to kill Luke."
"No!" Came the reply making Gabriel smirk. "I am serious Mandy, will you promise not to try and kill him, we all need to talk about this like adults. Will you promise me."
There was a huge pause where the two Alphas just stared at each other waiting for her response.
"Ok." It finally came, so Gabriel moved the draws back to their original position.
He opens the door and the naked omega stood there, with a heaving chest.
She came and stood next to Gabriel.
"Right," Gabriel said. "Let's go talk."
Luke stood up and glared at them. "Put some fucking clothes on first." He grumbled as he walked out of the bedroom door.
Gabriel turned to Amanda and asked. "Are you ok princess?"
She nodded at him but moved in and held his waist for just a second. Gabriel returned the sentiment and kissed her on top of her head, "let's sort this." he said stepping away and grabbing the sweat pants he had practically ripped off last night.
"Your heat is gone?" He inquired quickly.
She nodded. She was also grabbing clothes to wear, slipping them on before moving towards the living room.
"It was not a real one, just one brought on by the lack of suppressants in my body."
"You have them now - the suppressants?" He asked.
She shook her head, "no he didn't bring me any."
Gabriel nodded - what had his friend done!
Moving to the living room Luke was sat at the table with his head in his hands.
When Gabriel and Amanda joined him he looked up at both of them.
"Ok." Gabriel said, "speak, tell us why you did this."
Lucien took a deep breath before answering. "I couldn't stop thinking about her, the first night we met," he directed this to Amanda. " I really thought we had a connection, the sex was mind blowing,"
Gabriel let out a growl, he couldn't help himself.
Lucien continued anyway. " I really thought we were going to be together, then you sent me that shitty note, and my Alpha just went feral.
I couldn't control it, every time I saw you I had to have you, and you didn't seem like you hated it." He looked at Amanda earnestly.
"I didn't." Was her short reply.
"Then one of the old breeds told me about a breed who had lost it like me and it was because he had found his true mate." He was looking Amanda in the eye and Gabriel's Alpha didn't like that at all, he wanted to punch both his eyes so he would have trouble seeing. But he held it down and let it play out.
"He told me how the breed had taken the woman to the mountains against her will, because she wouldn't accept it, and everything turned out well for them. But I guess he didn't leave her with his BEST friend, did he!" He glared at Gabriel, but Gabriel didn't even flinch.
"Well don't you think speaking to me would have been better?" Amanda asked him.
"Do you know what the mad thing of this is? I was coming round, I was thinking of a way we could make this work."
A pang of jealousy shot through Gabriel's stomach, and Luke looked at her in disbelief.
"But now." she said shaking her head, "now I don't know what's going on, or what to do."
Luke looked at her and took her hand across the table.
Gabriel wanted to rip his hand off, but he stayed calm, taking measured breaths.
"Could we start again." A hopeful Luke asked.
She slid her hand away and looked at Gabriel.
"My head is so messed up." She said shaking it as if that would sort out her thoughts.
Gabriel spoke for the first time. "Amanda, you know how I feel about you, I tried to fight it, but the pull was too strong."
He could feel Luke's eyes piercing into the side of his face, but he didn't care.
"I have and idea." Gabriel said excited that this may be the answer. They both looked at him waiting.
"Amanda you stay here, you're comfortable here and all your clothes are here. Luke and I can stay at mine, and give you some space and time to work things out in your head."
He didn't know if this was the answer but it was a good compromise to let her sort out her feelings.
"Amanda?" He asked waiting for her answer, she nodded.
They both looked at Luke, who looked reluctant, but nodded too.
Gabriel wasn't exactly looking forward to spending time with Luke after everything that happened, he wanted to be with Amanda, she was his, he knew it. But it was the best he could come up with in this situation, the biggest thing is that Amanda mustn't feel pressured at all. And hopefully with a bit of space and time, she would realise she wanted him over Luke. After all he hadn't kidnapped her had he?

The Outland's Alphas  Part 2Where stories live. Discover now