Chapter 4 Gabriel

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Once the bath was full, he carried her to the tub. Gently slipping her in to the warm water, he held her head above it gently swilling the warmth around her. Trying hard not to look at her body he studied her face. She was stunning, truly beautiful. He had had his fill of females, but none compared to her. He started to resent his friend as jealousy flooded through him. How was he gifted this female of such wonder. Any Alpha would give his eye teeth to be gifted such an entity. He couldn't help it, his eyes swept down her body taking in every curve, her breasts were huge compared to the betas he had been with, this made his cock twitch - guilt made his stomach ache, her waist was small and her hips full. She was a living goddess and he had been tasked with the job of looking after her. It was then he swore to himself that he would. He would teach her how to survive this harsh world, and it was harsh. What was he thinking bringing her here. His friend should have kept her in Outown where there were at least a few modern luxuries. Here, life was hard. She didn't need hardship, she wasn't built for it. She was far too small and too delicate to be here.
Her skin was returning to its normal milky white hue. He just prayed that the rest of her body recovered too.
He had a huge white fluffy towel reading to wrap her in when she was ready. He was trance like watching her, and he almost hadn't realised that her eyes had opened and were staring at him.
"Your awake?" He said softly. "Thank the goddess, you had me so scared."
She smiled back him. "Was I an Amanda popsicle?"
He huffed a laugh. She still seemed drowsy, which he didn't like, he wanted her back to usual sassy self, but he guessed it would take time.
A pang of guilt ran through him again at what he had done. What had he turned into. It wasn't right he knew it wasn't, he just hadn't been able to help himself. Her smell was too alluring. Fuck he needed to watch himself around her. Nothing like that could ever be repeated, it was obscene and he was utterly appalled at himself.
"Where am I?" She asked in a soft, not quite with it voice.
"Your home." He replied softly.
She smiled sweetly at him. "Good." She whispered before letting her head drop back into his hand.
The water was beginning to chill now and with fear that it may do more harm than good he decided to lift her and wrap her in the towel. Taking her back to the fire, he sat in the chair which rested close and sat her on his lap. Making sure she was covered, he held her there, letting the warmth of the fire work its magic and dry her hair. Once she was dry, he stood and carried her effortlessly to her bed, where he pulled off the towel and lay her on the soft mattress covering her with huge quilt and skins.
He turned to walk away, he was halted by a gentle voice from behind him. "Don't leave me, please stay."
He closed his eyes for a second, he had been glad at the thought of escape, having her naked so close to him was too much temptation, he wanted her. But she was his friend's omega, he had vowed to take care of her, not bed her. He knew he was to blame for this situation, his friend had told him she was a city omega and needed help with things, he had let his jealousy of his friend control his actions towards her, he hadn't warned her of how cold it could get when he saw how she was dressed, he had left her to it.
What kind of man had this omega turned him into, none he could recognise that's for sure. This would be the last time he touched her, she had asked him to stay so he would, but from now on, after this time, he would keep as much distance as possible.
He lay on top of the covers next to her, holding her against his chest, she had nuzzled their of her own accord and he certainly didn't mind holding her. As her fingers toyed with the hair on his bare chest, he imagined what it would be like to have her as his, would they lay in bed like this? Probably not, if she was naked next to him there would be only one thing they were doing, and it sure as hell wouldn't be this PG. Eventually her soft breaths and her gentle stroking sent him to sleep.

He woke about an hour later and much to his surprise she had wriggled above the cover and had her whole body wrapped around his, her leg was pushed up against his cock, and that hadn't got the message not to touch her because that was at full mast. Fuck, what did he do, he tried to think of anything that he hated, but his mind kept heading back to the beautiful omega wrapped around him. He felt her stir and decided to feign sleep. He felt her shift and a small "Oh!" Was whispered.
He felt her wriggle away from him and he imagined her standing by the bed. Fortunately the movement and him trying to concentrate on sleeping had deflated his cock, so when he opened his eyes to see what was happening, it was back to normal size again.
She was stood by the bed with one of the skins wrapped around her.
"How do you feel?" He asked concerned she was up way too fast.
"Naked." She replied in a tone he wasn't sure of.
"Do you remember what happened?"
She stopped for a moment almost looking wistful. "I remember the cold." She shuddered as if the memory was enough to chill her to the bones again. Then she paused as if trying to recall what happened. "I remember you and the bath. And you holding me trying to warm me." She said. "Thank you for that by the way." She smiled, obviously a little confused.
"Where am I?" She repeated the question from earlier.
"Home." He answered again.
"This isn't my home." She stated. But he couldn't understand that, yes it was, a new home immediately and she hadn't been here long, but he had heard her and Lucien fucking like bunnies, he had heard her screaming Alpha to him, as he rutted her into oblivion. How the hell did she not know where she was.
"You're in Lucien's cabin." He said confused.
"Mother fucker!" She screeched, "he fucking did it, he fucking took me, and in my heat too." She was pacing back and forth, obviously angry, no angry was too small a word, she was furious.
He didn't get what she was saying, well he did, but that couldn't be true. Could it?
"And you're in on this too." She said between gritted teeth pointing a finger viciously at him.
"No, no, I don't understand what you're saying."
She must have believed him, maybe the confused look on his face had convinced her.
She dropped down on the floor with and enormous huff, looking around herself bewildered.
"Can you please tell me what you're talking about." He pleaded. Her face was utterly crestfallen, she looked so upset and broken that he had a mad urge to go to her and comfort her, but he had vowed not to touch her.
"My suppressants were a dud batch or something, and I came on my heat, the doctor said I would come on and off it for the next month or so. When it hit me it me hard. I had come to North Outland to do a deal with Delta, I met Lucien at a meeting, we fucked after, I thought why not," she shrugged her shoulders her ramble was hard to follow but he was getting the gist. "He is a good looking guy."
He was shocked at how brazenly she talked about sex with Lucien, for an omega she seemed terribly head strong.
She continued. " After that he started stalking me, he would turn up and use his Alpha mojo to have sex or to get me off." Gabriel, said nothing but his thoughts were going crazy. Lucien had done this? He couldn't imagine it of him.
"Then my pills didn't work and my heat was so painful I needed someone to take the edge off, so I called him. Next thing I know I am coming out of the heat here, with you watching me. I have no fucking idea how I got here. None. Where the fuck is the bastard, I'm gonna kill him." She said leaping to her feet completely forgetting her naked status and it seemed completely forgetting that not too long ago she was on deaths door, because as she stood, he could see her head went woozy and she looked like she was going to faint.
He leapt to help her, his hand slipping round her, he of course couldn't help notice that he grabbed her tit, but she was too shaken to notice.
He led her back to the bed.
"It's too early for you to be walking around, please lay down."
He expected a fight but got none, she pushed herself further up the bed and pulled the quilt up.
"What's your role in all this?" She quizzed him, through slightly slanted eyes, as if now wary of him.
"Honestly, I have kind of been lied to get me here. Lucien told me he had a new mate, that she was an omega, but he had to leave to sort out some deal in the town, he asked me to look out for you."
She looked at him and raised one eyebrow, (he had always wanted to know how to do that).
"What on earth made you think I was his mate, because I am not." She said shaking her head.
"Umm!" He awkwardly ran his hand over the back of his neck, how was he going to say he heard them fucking like jack rabbits. "Umm, I kind heard you, you know at it. And ya didn't seem like you were protesting, you seemed like you were into it."
"Of course I was, I was in heat. Fucking bastard took advantage of my delirium. And brought me the fuck here" she said throwing her arms wide.
"How do I get back?" She asked hopefully.
"Umm, ya can't. Lucien has the only plane and walking or a transport would just be out the question the weather how it is."
She let out a massive sigh and looked deflated.
"I don't even know your name." She said looking at him, all the fight gone.
"Gabriel, but most people calls me Gabe."
The smile she gave him, started something in him he couldn't explain. Maybe it didn't start it, maybe it fuelled it. It was a want, no it went beyond want, it was a need. But there was something between her and Lucien, and he had also made a vow never to touch her. This need he had would remain unsatisfied.

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