Part 3 Gabriel

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He looked up from feeding the animals and realised there was a deathly silence. When had she stopped chopping? He wasn't sure how long it had been quiet for.
For fuck sake, this female was torture. If it wasn't hard enough babysitting an omega that smelt so fucking good and looked so fucking awesome, now he had to cut wood for the cabin too, his patience with this female was wearing thin. Parading around naked and even when she was dressed she was barely covered, certainly not dressed for the weather. What was she playing at?
He put down the bale he was carrying and headed to the other side of the house. At first he wasn't sure what was going on she seemed to be sat in the snow by the wood pile.
"Get up princess, you can rest when you're dead." He shouted walking towards her.
When she didn't move, he started to worry.
"Oi princess." He yelled again, still getting no response.
He ran to her. Fucking hell, she was actually blue, was she dead? Fuuuck he hoped not. What would he say, yes he baby sat her for 2 days and yes she was alive when he got her, it's not like he could take her back to the store and get a new one if he broke her, like he did with the axe he borrowed from cross eyed Jim. His thoughts were muddled mainly because he had no fucking idea what to do. He took some deep breaths to stop the panic and put a clear head on. First things first, was she breathing? He went over to her and stuck his hand under her nose, very light breaths could be felt. Thank fuck she was breathing how ever softly it was, she was breathing and he could start with that.
He bent down, lifted her and started to carry her to the cabin. Goddess damn she was so light, so little in her frame. What had he been thinking letting her come out dressed like this, he she chose the clothes and he had let her out of spite really, watching an omega was hard, and she was just so fucking gorgeous, he was punishing her for being stupid enough to wear what she wore. But look at how it had back fired. Never again.
When he got her inside he lay her near the wood burner, she was unconscious and he was racking his brain on how to bring her back from being hyperthermic. Bath! A warm fucking bath, not boiling but warm enough to bring her body temperature back to normal. He went to the main bathroom and turned on the heater, the heater warmed the water stored over the bath, it was only ever turned on when a bath or shower was needed, but took about thirty minutes to warm up. However, that was too long he needed instant heat now. He went back to her, her clothes were wet which wasn't going to help. Fuck! He was going to have to undress her, did the goddess know what torture looked like? Gently he removed her coat and those goddess awful shoes, they were the easy part. She lay below him with that skimpy top on and those tights, he had already seen what she looked like under those, but being this close, being able to touch, fuck that was a whole new ball game.
Lifting her slowly under the shoulders he pulled up her vest, her tits popped out and her nipples were hard from the cold. Mother of the goddess, he just needed to concentrate. He forced himself not to look, but every now and then he found his eyes drifting. Then he pulled down the tights, oh fuck, brilliant she was pantyless and hairless. Biting his bottom lip to distract, he then covered her quickly with all the skins he had collected on the way back from the bath. She was still blue and he was really starting to panic, how could he warm her any more than he had already. Then something came back about his survival training that made his heart sink and leap in one go. Body heat! Body heat from another breed would help and the best way to transfer it was skin to skin. He knew he had to do it, but how was he going to keep his hands off her, how wrong would it be to catch a feel while she was out cold? Fuck. He started to undress and decided boxer shorts did not need to come off, one small mercy. Climbing under the skins with her and resting his head on the makeshift pillow he had made, he pulled her in close. She was like ice. Her smooth silky skin, which he was now rubbing was frozen, fuck, what if he was too late.
He pulled down the covers a little to see if he could see her chest rise and fall. It was doing, but his eyes were locked on the swell of her breasts and the hard nipples that had pebbled the skin around them as they had drawn it in to their peaks. The fact she was freezing hadn't changed her fucking delectable scent. Which was travelling straight to the iron rod between his legs. Shit! He decided to give in to his whims once, he was trying to keep her warm after all, and her tits needed warming just as much as the rest of her.
He cupped it gently - mother fucking omegas - her skin was so cold, but so fucking smooth, and her breast was so fucking heavy, weighted in his hand. It took everything he had not to latch his mouth on. Or should he? Goddess what was he thinking. His thoughts were at war. On one side he would never have an omega like this again, so close and naked, and on the other side she was freezing and he should be concentrating on bringing her temperature up, oh and there was that little things that she was unconscious and everything he did would be without permission. Mehhh that was the least thing he was worrying about. Fuck it. Just a little fondle and cuddle (which he was already doing right?) could only do good in the quest of raising her temperature right? He raised himself above her and lowed his body down on top of hers, only to warm her of course. Slipping his lips around her nipples wasn't quite in the same quest, but who knows it might work. Fuck that felt good and he swore he heard her moan a little. Even in her state noises could be made right. He sucked the nipple into his mouth, lathing it with his tongue, giving a small tiny bite before resuming sucking. While is mouth was on one breast the other was being weighed and squeezed by his hand. These tits were awesome. He spent a good five minutes paying attention to them, knowing his cock was just getting harder and harder. At present his cock was between her knees, to get him the right height for her tits without lifting his body from her - warmth was key right? Every now and then he would thrust to feel the friction of her legs and the more he did so the need to be brought to climax grew. If he just pulled down his boxers he would be able to feel her skin against him, and dry hump her till he came couldn't he? Would that also help with raising her temperature? Of course it would. He knew every damn thing he was doing was wrong, but what did the goddess expect if she gave him a naked omega? He wasn't a monk after all, he was a fucking red blooded Alpha, that was bred to take an omega when and where he wanted, and if you leave an Alpha to baby sit an omega, things were gonna happen.
He pushed down his boxers, just enough to free his cock, and slid up her body, resentfully leaving her breast behind. But now his cock was nestled between her legs and he had to admit that was so much better.
He started to move, thrusting gently between her legs, allowing his cock to slide against her sex. Fuck that felt good, what if he slipped the tip in? Just to feel what it felt like? Would that be so bad?
Raising up he notched his cock at her entrance and slipped it in. Fuuuck what was he doing? This was so so wrong, but it felt so right. Her wet smooth skin encased his head and he wanted to feel it all the way. He needed to feel what it was like to be buried to the hilt in an omega, just this once. He made a pact with himself that once he had tried, that was it, he would pull out and go run that damn bath. So savouring the moment he began to push in. Mother fucking bastard hell. He had never felt anything so good. He had never been bare in a female, and certainly never been taken so deep. When he hit the end of her passage he stopped and just stayed there. How was he going to carry on knowing what this felt like? Having an omega within arms reach but not being able to sample this again. How would he survive. He lay there for a few minutes buried deep, not moving. It was so hard, every instinct told him to thrust, told him to fuck her till be knotted her. But he couldn't, he was torturing himself, so he pulled out and pulled up his boxers tucking his wet cock away, vowing to never wash again. He stood leaving the omega on the floor covered in skins and went and checked the heater, the water was ready, so he stood in the bathroom, filled with shame as he watched the water level rise.

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