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November 3rd, 2025.


The young Boy, or Levi, got harshly awaked from his not so nice dream, due to a loud bang coming from the blocked up doorway.

Levi immediatly grabs his black and gold baseball bat, that he had from before the outbreak 7 years ago.

He gets up, off of his handmade bed, made from old blankets and some dirty wood planks and he silently walks over to the door.

He peeks through a small hole that was inside the door, only to reveal a bloody looking Biter, the first stage of being infected, standing infront of the door banging on it with its head.

He sighs angrily and he takes a step back from the door. He grabs a empty can of beans and he climbs ontop of a old and broken wardrobe, now being eye to eye with a hole big enough for him to fit through.

He takes a deep breath and he sticks his head through the hole. He looks down at the Biter, and he cuts the empty can into a sharp ball of metal using a pocket knife.

He aims and then...


The biter fell down to the ground, dead while bleeding from its head. Levi sighs, "Sorry, i dont wanna be infected today. Come back tomorrow?" He is obviously joking, its dead.

He climbs back down from the wardrobe and he walks over to a small desk, where his backpack, cans of food and bottles of water, and a notebook is laying.

He grabs the notebook and opens it, he turns to page 13, revealing a pretty good drawing of a Biter's whole body. He writes down a few notes, "Weakness: Sharp hit against the head." He says aloud while writing.

He then shuts the notebook and lays it back down with a soft thump. He walks over to a window and he takes a look at the seemingly dead city, Literally.

He sighs as he leans against the glass slightly, careful not to step on the broken glass, he looks down onto the city from the abandoned hotel he is in.

He cleared the hotel out a bit ago, only sometimes a Biter or a Runner, the second stage of being infected, find a way into the building.

He yawns and he steps back from the window, putting his baseball bat down beside his makeshift bed before going back to laying down.

Levi is so damn tired of this stupid virus. why does the virus do this? How did it start? Where did it originate from?

He has been trying to find out these questions. He's not getting far, but he's getting somewhere.. He thinks.

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