𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖙.

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As they drove, they came across many incidents.

Somebody got hit by a Police car, A building was burning, And worst of all...

Levi looked out the window, wanting to see what all the noise was, only to be met by a dirty and bloody looking woman, fully chomping down on a little boy's leg.

"Buddy, look away.." Paul said. "W-what is she doing..?" Levi asked shocked.

"Levi. Look away!" James yelled, making Levi immediatly look down and hide his face in his hands.

Paul quickly drove through the city, only to be stopped by a traffic jam.

"The hell are they doing?" Paul says annoyed. James responds, "well, we're not the only ones who want to leave Paul. Take 3rd Avenue."

Paul gives a nod and takes a turn, now driving through 3rd Avenue.

They drove, drove, and drove, hoping to be out of the city before sundown. But, considering how late it already was, that unfortunatly isnt ganna happen.

Soon enough, they were 2 streets away from leaving the city when Paul suddenly slammed on the breaks.

Levi lets out a small gasp and James looks at Paul "The hell Paul? What are you doing?"

"I can't just keep driving, James, I'll run people over!" Paul yelled as he slowly drove past the panicing people running away

"What are they running to..?" Levi asked Sitting in the middle of the backseat and looking out of the front windshield

"Or either, they're running from something.. Paul, back the truck up." James said

"Back up? There are people behind me, James I cant just fucking back up!" Paul yelled out angry.

The two older men start to get into a arguement while Levi just sits there, being unable to do anything about it.

"Uncle Paul, Watch out..!" Levi yells out. The second after, a large white bus crashes into them, Making the car flip.

Levi opens his eyes slightly, only to be met with blood covering his hands and his lower abdomen.

"Levi..? Levi, awnser me.." Levi hears faintly from the seat infront of him, Its his dad's voice.

"Dad..? Is that you..?" Levi awnsers softly.

"I'll get you out of here, buddy, stay calm okay..?"

There is some loud kicking noises and then some glass breaking.

"Levi, can you crawl to me..? I opened the window, we can get out.." James says as he slowly crawled out of the broken window.

Levi crawls over to his dad and his dad pulls him out of the car.

"Are you okay..?" James says to levi, having a head injury himself.

Levi gave a small nod

"Good, good.. we need to go on foot now, can you walk?" James says as he wiped some blood of Levi's hands with his t-shirt.

"Mhm.. Where's uncle Paul..?" Levi says as he looks down at the wrecked car behind them.

"..He isnt here anymore, okay? We're fine, that's all that matters."

James sees Levi's baseball bat on the ground, slightly damaged.

He grabs the bat and gives it to Levi.

"Here you go, little man.. Keep it save, will ya? It was expensive, plus, its very good for protecting yourself against these chompers." James said, with a slight teasing tone.

James then picks Levi up and runs of into a alleyway.

He runs through the alleyway, sometimes stopping to look behind him or to look behind some corners to make sure nobody, dead or alive, is there.

As James runs he comes across a Biter, he slows down and pulls out a small revolver from his pocket.

The biter sees them and starts to walk with a limp towards them.

James aims and...


The biter falls down with blood leaking from its head and James quickly ran of with Levi in his arms sobbing from the loud noises while holding onto the bat tightly, through the alleyway.

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