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James ran through the alleyway with Levi in his arms.

Levi kept looking around, sometimes to be met with a normal person, sometimes a weird looking person..

"Levi, Eyes on me. Don't look around, you wont like what you see, trust me." James says out of breath.

James squeezes between a few people who are in a panic, only to be met with more people, plus a Biter who is chasing the people up.

James huffs and he takes a right, being met with a metal gate.


James hurriedly bangs his shoulder against the gate, making it slam open.

James quickly rushes through the gate and closes it behind him, shutting the Biter behind it.

"Papa, where are we going?" Levi asked while looking at the biter, not taking his fathers advice.

James puts his hand on the back of Levi's head and softly turned Levi's head to face his chest.

"We're going out of the city. It will help us not get infected because there will be less people."

James explained while he walks away from the gate, now walking in the streets of the city.

"What about uncle Paul? Will he be there too?" Levi asked while he started to play with his sleeves.

James sighs, knowing the awnser to that question very well.

"We will have to see, buddy. But lets focus on ourselves now, alright?" James said with a slightly sad face.

"Alright.." Levi smiles slightly as he adjusts his position to be right up instead of laying.

James rushes through some more streets, then a bit later he is standing infront of a door to the famous fast food shop 'McDonalds'.

James kicks the door open and he walks inside, Setting Levi on the floor.

"Lev, dont go anywhere okay? I need to see if the manager's door is open." James says as he looked down at Levi.

"Okay, Papa, i'll stay right here" He says with a smile

James nods and turns to walks away, before looking over his shoulder at his son.

"I mean it Levi, Dont. Go. Anywhere."

James leaves through the staff only door, leaving Levi alone in the main area.

Levi looks around, before taking a seat in one of the couch chairs, putting his bat on one of the tables.

He swings his feet as he looks out the window.

Lots of people were running. Why?

Levi thinks to himself as there was a loud bang coming from the main room door.

Levi looks up, "Papa?" Hr says as he jumped off the couch chairs and he slowly walks towards the doors.

Levi reached the door, and he looks up at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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