🧪⛓️ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1⛓️🧪

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March 10th 2018

Loud sirens are going off everywhere

Levi's coach stopped the baseball match due to 'a virus' that was spreading

Levi walks with his baseball gear under his arm to his dad's car, that was waiting for him.

"Hey, Lev, come on, we got to go home fast." Levi's father said as levi got in the car

"Papa, what's going on? Coach stopped mid-match, we were winning!" Levi asked, putting his baseball gear in the backseat and putting his seatbelt on

"Nothing to worry about, Lev." His father said. Though it was certainly not true, Levi trusted him.

"Where is uncle Paul?" Levi asked while his father rode fast over the highway, which was very busy.

"Uncle Paul, is... busy packing for vacation."

Levi looked confused, they had gone on vacation last Christmas, why so soon again?

But he didn't complain, he loves playing baseball with his father in Spain, or going to a footbal match with his uncle in Argentinia.

He layed back in his seat as they passed some people on the road, looking for someone that would give them a ride.

As a older man with beard stook his hand out, obviously asking for a ride , Levi's father sped up.

"Papa? What are you doing? They just want a ride."

"No, Levi. I dont care. We cant trust anyone at these times." Levi's father awnsered harshly.

"But we always helped them.." Levi mumbles as they rode past the pleading Family.

Soon they reached their 2 story house, where Levi's uncle is already hurriedly packing food, water, clothes, and other basic needs into the trunk of their pickup truck.

Levi and his father stepped out of the car, that is parked behind the pickup truck.

"James! What took you so fucking long?" Levi's uncle yells at Levi's dad.

"Damn idiots blocked the whole highway in a panic. Do you have everything? We need to go."

"Water, food, clothes, yeah i have everything."

Levi's dad motion's Levi over, "get in Lev, now."

"But my bat? I take it with me everywhere!" Levi protested

Levi's dad sighs, "get in the car, i'll grab your damn bat.". Levi smiles happily and goes to sit in the backseat.

They're all in the car and Levi's uncle is driving. Levi is silently playing with his baseball bat, which is perfectly polished with a intact handle.

"What is going on?" Levi asks. After a few minutes of silence, Paul speaks up. "There's a vi-" Unlce Paul was about to explain when James, Levi's father, interjected.

"He's too young." He says strictly to Paul. "Oh, come on James. The kid's 7, he's ganna find out one way or another."

James looks down, giving a slight nod to Paul. Paul takes this as a hint to keep explaining, "There is a deadly virus going around. It turns everyone in these.. Biting, rotting bodies.. what i'm basically saying is that, they turn into dead people who walk."

"... Like how batman turns at night?"

Paul hesitates for a second, but then nods. "Exactly, like batman but evil."

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