Chapter 5

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(A/N: I broke my phone and half the keyboard doesn't work so chapters will be slower as I can only upload prewritten chapters until I get it fixed)

It didn't take long for me to find my target. I attempted to walk over to them but found myself surrounded, maybe this wasn't the best approach. I may have forgotten how unthreatening I actually look.

"This is the Moonlight killer? You sure?" One asked another.

"He matches the poster, didn't expect him to be so.. small."

I tried to leave but quickly found myself shoved up against a wall. I stared up at the one that shoved me. If they thought they could easily hand me in, I definitely wanted to prove them wrong.


Dragging away a corpse from a murder scene is never a simple task, the blood trail can be difficult to clear up.

I surveyed the damage feeling proud of myself before I left. It was a blood bath, end-trails strewn across the ground and splattered up the walls. Bodies left mangled and partially dismembered. Making a mess like that felt therapeutic in a way, they deserved it after all.

The body of my target was dragged back to my house and thrown in an old bathtub in my basement. I covered my tracks ensuring it couldn't be traced back to where I lived.

Now, I had meat to prepare. I was wearing all black, surely already stained clothes. They'd be easy to wash, so I wasn't fussed about getting them dirtier.

Using my bare hands and a long, sharp knife I began to gut and cut up the body. I hadn't gotten too far into the process of readying the body when I heard a creak in the floorboards behind me. I turned to see Levi staring at me in shock.

"Levi baby, what did I say about the basement?" I said holding up the bloody knife and twirling it slightly in my hand.

He immediately turned and went back upstairs. I turned back and continued with the body. Finally I had all the cuts of meat I needed, I loaded the waste product into a bag and left it to dispose of later. The blood in the bath began draining into a bucket as I washed off my hands and went upstairs.

I calmly walked by Levi to properly clean up, when I returned he was waiting for me on the sofa.

"That meat you gave me, is was human wasn't it?" He muttered.

"Does it matter where it came from?" I asked.

"Of course it fucking matters!"

"If it makes you feel any better, that guy I just chopped up was a loan shark. He beat a fair few people."

He just stared at me, processing the fact that he ate part of a person may be a lot for him.

"You're a cannibal."

"Smart boy, so are you now."

"Not on purpose!" He protested.

I removed my mask and smiled innocently at him, "You liked my cooking though.. right? What did you think I do with all the bodies I'm paid to 'dispose of'?"

"Not eat them?!"

I sat with him just for him to scoot away from me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and dragged me back.

"You liked my cooking.. why does it matter what kind of meat it was? I'm still feeding you, be glad I'm not locking you up somewhere."

He glared at me.

"Now.." I said, "What did your friends say about you staying with me?"

"..nothing, just said they hoped you were nice."

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