Guess I'm a Coward

512 18 48

Luci's POV

What divine mysteries or maddening terrors I had uncovered in the wine-filled dark, I knew not. All that remained upon the morning's bleak arrival was a skull-cracking ache and more questions than when slumber took me.

"Dad you look really rough are you ok?" Charlie asked passing by me as I sat in my chair brooding. "I'll be fine my apple seed, thank you" I said even though it offened a little. I look rough you shoulda seen your ass durring your emo phase.

As I nursed my aching head over black coffee, resigned that no sin or substance could purge the memories, two certainties emerged through the haze:

1. Alastor is a strawberry bambi and he sleeps in an upright pose with eyes wide open like some demented sentinel - it defied all rules of nature I had come to know. What hellish power allows such a visage I cannot fathom, but steer clear of it I shall for now.

2. I need to quit drinking. Cause tell me why the fuck my head was pounding harder than Vox's dick on extermination day. (yes he bragged about it all over the internet.)

But like that ,some knowledge, like Alastor asleep, is best left undiscovered. For now, I will focus on nursing this vicious headache in quiet solitude, and staying well away from both the kitchen and Alastor til the pain subsides.

Even though I don't mind staying away from the latter for life.

Fuck me silly. Not Alastor though. Ok. Stop.That. NOW


Al's POV

The morning sun shone brightly in the pentagram sky as I made my way through the twisting alleys of Cannibal Colony. While such squalid hovels held little appeal, one demoness' company was always diverting enough to pass the hours.

"Rosie dearest!" I called cheerily upon spotting her lazing upon a rotten sofa out front of her abode. "I've tales that will have you cackling for weeks, my dear."

She glanced up with a lazy smile. "Well don't keep me waiting, Strawberry. What fresh mischief has our illustrious Prince gotten himself into now?"

Settling in, I regaled her with every grisly detail of last night's most peculiar happening. From Lucifer's inebriated state to his bewilderment over discovering me in mysterious slumber. Rosie roared with glee at each turn, as I knew she would.

"You torment that stallion to his wit's end, I swear!" she giggled once regaining composure. "One might think you bear some soft spot for our noble ruler, Alastor, as often as you prattle on about him."

I snorted in vehement denial. "Preposterous, my carnivorous companion! I merely appreciate fine examples of befuddlement, and none provide finer fodder than Lucifer in his least dignified moments. There is no fondness between us demons, as you well know."

Rosie cackled all the louder. "Me thinks the Radio Demon protests too much! But no matter. I expect you'll keep us well entertained with whatever new ways you chaotic beings continue to bewilder one another. Also sorry to break it to ya but I may or may not have eaten my husband again." We both laughed out loud.

Smiling enigmatically, I took my leave. I had plaaces to be. Places I would not like to be.My meetings with my bondholder have ne such delightful occasions. As I sauntered into the opulent lobby of the estate, cane swinging , I imagined all the riotous schemes we might concoct to amuse ourselves. Although I relished in the power and the conquest. This man was still a fucking phyco.

I waltz through the doors many staff crowed the halls but not one was demon or imp. I continued down the halls that seemed endless. I reached the door and without an actual choice I pushed it open.

But one glance at the portly demon's dour expression as he descended the grand staircase dashed any hope for levity. Something dark roiled beneath the surface of his normally jovial facade, and my instincts screamed peril.

But one glance at the portly demon's dour expression as he descended the grand staircase dashed any hope for levity. Something dark roiled beneath the surface of his normally jovial facade, and my instincts screamed peril.

"Alastor, there have been... rumors circulating of late regarding your allegiance," Mammon rumbled without preamble. "Care to enlighten me as to their veracity?"

Keeping tone light as wisps of unease curled within, I replied, "Nothing but the usual fantasies and scaremongering, I assure you! Now, shall we discuss more positive—"

A meaty fist cracked across my jaw before I could finish, the force hurling me across the foyer to crash against the wall in a shower of shattered marble. Stars burst behind my eyes as I struggled upright on wobbling legs, blood dampening my grin.

He summoned the familliar grewwn chain and the stiches on my smile became visiable."Do not toy with me, whelp!" Mammon bellowed, looming over my crumpled form. "I will have the truth of your schemes, or suffer greatly!"

Summoning shadows to reinforce my wounded vessel, I spat back defiantly, "There is no truth to uncover, you pompous bag of coins! I am bound faithfully to your service eternally."

A speculative gleam entered his eye then, threatening yet ponderous. "For both our sakes, demon, I pray that claim proves more stalwart than rumors suggest..."

With that enigmatic parting, he turned and strode away, leaving me bleeding amid the ruins of his greeting. It seemed even tyrannies had their limits, and mine could only be tested so far before greed broke its chains. A lesson well learned, if survival was the reward.

The shadows whisked me away from Mammon's opulent halls, depositing me within the familiar walls of my tower. I hissed in pain, clutching my aching midsection as shadows peeled away the ruins of my coat, revealing mottled bruising blossoming beneath.

No matter. My true injuries lay elsewhere, where scars ran far deeper than flesh. Mammon must never learn of the plans hatching . Or of my dalliances with one so unlike any demon.

Thank whatever elder powers saw fit to gift me foresight that I had insisted our exchanges remain our own, not to be tattled even in the throes of Mammon's wrath. No demon has ever dared to challenge me, or I guess those that have didn't live to tell the tale. They couldn't see me weak. Never.

I was leaning on the my desk, holding my head. This happened after my fight with Adam too. It seems I may be going Insane.

It made me begin to mutter nonesense under my breath and static cracks and fizzs came with every passing second my breeakdown was swiftly inturpped by a regal voice.

"Alastor? Are you OK"



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