Motherfucking Crazy

326 13 21

Lucifer's heart weighed heavily in his chest, burdened by a newfound awareness of Alastor's capacity for suffering. As the silence settled around them, Lucifer couldn't escape the nagging guilt that tugged at his conscience. The weight of his actions bore down on him, and he yearned for redemption.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice barely audible, swallowed by the heavy air that enveloped them.

Alastor stood motionless, his expression guarded, almost as if he were shielding himself from further pain. The moment hung in the balance, teetering between vulnerability and self-preservation. Lucifer felt an overwhelming urge to flee, to retreat into the safety of his pride. But something held him back—a flicker of empathy, a desire to confront his own shortcomings.

Summoning his courage, he continued, the admission a testament to his personal growth. It was no small feat for the embodiment of pride to swallow his own arrogance and extend an apology.

"I realize I've always been rude to you, and our relationship has been strained. For that, I apologize," Lucifer confessed, his voice tinged with genuine remorse. "The truth is, I'm consumed by jealousy. It fucks my mind to know that there are people who could care for my daughter better than I can. In my blindness, I've never truly regarded you as a person, You are just a person."

It felt bitter on his tounge.

Alastor emitted a sharp, startled noise, his surprise palpable. The fact that the prince of pride could humble himself enough to utter an apology was nothing short of shocking. The revelation seemed to shift something within Alastor, causing him to reassess his own perceptions.

"Being here with Charlie doesn't grant me the right to disrespect you," Alastor started, his voice filled with a newfound humility. "I understand what it's like to have to leave, to be stripped of one's identity. Thank you for your understanding, despite my past behavior. Let's start anew, shall we?"

"Okay," Lucifer replied, his voice softer now, laced with a touch of vulnerability. They had drawn closer together, walking side by side towards the kitchen's exit, the tension between them gradually dissipating. "Hello, I'm Lucifer. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Alastor," he responded, a genuine warmth in his tone that hadn't been there before. A sense of camaraderie began to take root as they continued their stride, their conversation flowing more fluidly. The weight of past grievances seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a shared understanding and a newfound bond.

"And as for my past dealings," Alastor added, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation, "we can overlook them, as there's nothing we can do to change them now. Dwelling on the past only hinders our progress."

Everything seemed to be progressing smoothly but as fate would have it, their steps faltered, tangled in a momentary lapse of coordination, sending Lucifer and Alastor stumbling over each other's feet. Gravity pulled them inexorably downwards, their bodies colliding in a tangle of limbs and swirling emotions. Time seemed to slow as they toppled, the world around them fading into a blur of muted colors and hushed sounds.

In the midst of their unexpected descent, a surge of adrenaline coursed through their veins, their hearts pounding in synchrony. The air crackled with a potent mixture of anticipation and uncertainty, as if the very fabric of their reality held its breath, waiting to witness the outcome of this inadvertent collision.

As they landed, Lucifer found himself pressed against Alastor's chest, their bodies fitting together in a way that felt both strangely foreign and eerily right. The weight of their intertwined limbs created an intimate embrace, their breaths mingling in the charged space between them. Their eyes locked, searching for answers, for meaning, in the depths of each other's gaze.

Their lips, mere inches apart, brushed against each other in a tantalizingly gentle touch. It was a meeting of contrasts—soft yet electric, fleeting yet filled with unspoken desire. Time stood still, the world around them melting away, as if nothing else existed except for the warmth of their connection.


Al's POV

I jumped up and so did the short king. My faces feels like its melting what the fuck. I have basically just kissed the KING OF HELL HIMSELF.

I what?

I spat like he had the plauge?

I let out a snarky remark?

None of the above I stared.

I looked the king of hell right in the eyes.

The thing is during the momment I felt myself lean in to it a little.

I don't like him, I can't like him.

This is my enemy, or my friend or my.... My I don't even know.

So i did somthing truely amazing I,

Ran for the fucking hills.

I turned on my heels and rushed away.


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