Open Arms

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Al's POV

The chaotic streets of Cannibal Town swirled with activity as ever, but none held my attention like the garish establishment looming ahead. Stepping within Rosie's, the familiar atmosphere of debauchery and depravity washed over me like an old friend.

At the counter, the voluptuous demoness herself was engaging in her favorite pastime - tormenting some poor soul for her own wicked amusement. Catching sight of me, her grim grin widened. "Alastor darling! What terrible tidings bring you to slum it with the common rabble?"

I slid into a seat, summoning my brightest smile. "Why Rosie, is a social call from an old acquaintance not reason enough? I come bearing the most scandalous of gossip, as I'm sure you're dying to hear."

Leaning in close, I related the most baffling event to occur within the sterile walls of the Hotel - how our resident fallen archangel and I had found ourselves in the briefest, most unexpected of liplocks. Her delighted cackle rang through the cacophony.

"You and Lucifer?! Well I never. Now don't tell me the fearsome Radio Demon actually enjoyed a taste of our moody monarch?" She eyed me shrewdly through a haze of smoke and sin.

Did I? The memory summoned strange sensations, stirring curiosity beneath revulsion. But such musings had no place in these walls or amongst old "friends." I only laughed. "Perish the thought, my monstrous matron! Merely another amusing anecdote to spice up your dreary recess."

"Anyway dear, theres an exhibition at the hotel tommorow I'm sure Chalie would love you to be there." And with that I stood up. "I'll be there, can't wait." Rosie yelled back.

We waved our goodbyes and I made my way back to the hotel.

I have to figure this out once and for all.


Luci's POV

The carpet blurred beneath my feet as I paced my private chambers endlessly, mind reeling with troubled thoughts. That damned encounter in the kitchen simply wouldn't cease replaying on an endless loop - each tiny, forbidden detail seared into perfect recall.

My lips still tingled with the fleeting imprint of Alastor's cold touch. Something about that brief, accidental contact had stirred confusion deeper than I cared to plumb. I needed distraction, answers - anything to escape this maddening introspection.

Descending to the hotel bar, I settled on a stool with more force than intended. The bartender - I believed his name was Husk  (bros getting old) - eyed me sardonically. "Rough day, your Highness? Look like someone shoved an entire fire iron up your royal ass."

"Husk thats so rude, but he's right sir." Angeel took a seat next to me.

I leaned in close to the two of them, dropping my voice low. "We can't speak of this to a soul, but...I may have accidentally kissed your boss earlier."

Husk and Angels brow shot skyward in shock before both of them were sent collapsing into raucous laughter. 

"You and Smiles?" Angel said between snickers

"Well slap me silly and serve me on a platter, I never thought I'd see the day! So what'd you think of ol' Al's lips, your Majesty - give you butterflies?"

Glowering, I signaled for the strongest drink Husker had on tap. Though I had to admit...the memory wasn't entirely unpleasant. 

And that prospect disturbed me most of all.

"If you want a little advice," Angel leaned his head on his hand '

"We don't have any!" And again they both guffuaud with laughter.

"Very funny you two." I said walking away but tyhey her nothing as they held eachother to steady themselves.


I went up the balconey. I gazed broodingly out upon the wretched streets below as agony and fear suffused the very air. This was the reality I had created in my fall from grace - my everlasting legacy. How had it come to this, and I, the mighty Lucifer, reduced to such turmoil over a single damned soul?

I can only questoin how did his life get like this. Alastor had gone from his enemy to his brand new friend to a plauge in his mind only for the door to the balconey to rattle.

The door behind me rattled, and I turned to find Alastor himself upon the threshold, regarding me with an unreadable expression. We studied one another for a long moment, shadows and secrets dancing amidst the space between. Then, abruptly, he spoke.

"I apologise but I need to clear this up." And with that, before I could even question what he was sorry for he closed the distance and pressed his icy lips to mine, as if testing unknown frontiers.

I stood frozen, mind reeling in confused Circe at this shocking contact. Oh, how I longed to respond, - but eons of pride held me paralyzed.

Alastor took my stillness as rejection, pulling away with a bitter chuckle. "My apologies, it seems I misread the strange energy between us. I'll bid you good evening, Lucifer."

"Wait," I heard myself rasp, reaching out to grasp Alastor's wrist before he could depart. My mind raced, centuries of pride warring with this strange magnetism neither of us could deny.

When he turned, I did the only thing I knew to prove myself - I pulled him close against me and slanted my mouth over his in a hungry, demanding kiss. He stiffened in surprise, then melted with a feverish urgency, fingers gripping my hips to draw me nearer still.

Breathless, we broke apart, and I whispered hoarsely, "This feeling...what is it?"

Alastor chuckled low, eyes fever-bright with mingled want and wonder. "My, my Lucifer, full of surprises as always. But I don't know. Lets figure it out."

I silenced him with another claiming kiss, lifting myself to perch upon the balcony railing and lock my legs around his waist. He answered my passion eagerly, lifting trembling hands to cradle my face as shadows swirled hungrily around us.

Another rattle at the door shattered the spell, and we slowly parted, coming back to ourselves. Whatever this was, we had only just begun to understand...

ThanKs For ALl THe VOtE GuYS 

I know that we asks for more enimety but yalls I cannot handle slowburn sorry 

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