The Allegations

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Jake POV

I've just started the stream and people are already flooding the comments asking about New Years.

Did me and Johnnie kiss?

Yes but it didn't mean anything.


Of course it didn't. We're friends. What happened was just like a fist bump...but with our lips. Have me and Johnnie actually talked about it? Ummm well no. but i'm sure he thinks it's like that too. So why is everyone making a big deal about it?

"Sup people" I wave to the stream fixing the camera on my dash. "It's been a couple days I know. I know "I say putting my hands in surrender. "But don't worry, I got some new snacks I wanna try." I pulled up a bag filled with new snacks to show off. "And. and! Since he helped me pick them out. Johnnie will also be trying them! Yall just gotta wait till he shows up!" I watch as the chat throws more questions about me and Johnnie. I hope he doesn't look too closely at chat cause some are pretty embarrassing~.

"Ok ok I know i've had this before but like I needed to get the Outrageous Bar cause im a slut for reeses"I put a finger to my lips pressing them together letting out a funny giggle. I tear open the package and take a bit exaggerating my munching as I lean forward towards the mic.

As I eat it I swing my eyes left and right breathing loudly. "Damn so fucking good. I eat this shit like it's my job "I chuckle out. I see a figure walking towards the car out of my peripheral vision. He knocks on my window and I roll it down. He makes a funny face and says

"Sup nerd"

"No sir you can't wash my windows gyeet!" i reply, playing with the window controls going up and down." he leaves the frame and walks to the passenger side getting in. i give him a smile and offer him a bite of my bar. He looks at it.

"I thought you ate that already"

"Yeah the first 3" his eyes widen/

"3 I thought I bought you 1." I give a sly grin looking out my window.

"Uhhh well I might have put more in the cart when you weren't looking" he shrugs exaggerating a lisp.

"Welp there goes all my money" we laugh. His eyes scan the chat "how's everybody doing" he gives a little wave. It's cute, the way he waves he moves his upper body with it and his hair shakes in his eyes. Then he does it. Flips his head to the side to move it out of his way. I smile and reach into the bag.

"Well we got some delicious little trinkets to shove into our holes today johnnie" i smirk

"I'll shove your hole" he looks a little confused by his own words and we both laugh. I notice hes reading the comments.


I watch as his cheeks turn a little red.

"Here are the Mac n cheese gummies I found" i say showing the camera the box. It looks like regular old Kraft macaroni but inside there are elbow pasta gummies. Johnnie's face does a cute scrunch up as he hears my words and looks at the box.

"Does it actually taste like cheese?"

"I don't know Johnnie let's find out" I wiggle my eyebrows and burp.

(time skip cause i can :p)

Thankfully Johnnie did not bring up the comments about us during the stream. Though I could tell they nerved him though. Should I bring it up? Na it's fine. We're fine. Everything is fine and normal over here.

"You wanna grab a bite to eat?" He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"After eating all that" i roll my eyes

Jake and JohnnieWhere stories live. Discover now