1. Stronger Than Them

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Gabriella's POV

My name is Gabriella and I am a werewolf Omega in the Blue Moon Pack. I don't know my parents, I live in the pack's orphanage. My childhood was not happy. I was smaller than the other kids and they used to pick on me every chance they got. I tried to ignore and avoid them most of the time but it seemed that that was making them even more creative in their bullying.

At first they were mostly insulting me but when I turned 12 I took my first beating. The orphanage had a school and the teachers were the ones responsible for our education as well as upbringing our moral system. They taught us common science - math, english and literature, physics, economy, etc. but we also had special classes like human history, werewolf history, werewolf law where we learned about how packs work and all about our werewolf ways of living. We were taught about wolf ranks and pack hierarchy, but my favorite lectures were about our mother - the  Moon Goddess and her greatest gift to us - our fated mates.

One day I was sitting in the school park on one of the benches, eating my lunch and daydreaming of finding my mate. I was desperate to finally be loved by someone. I was so deep in my own thoughts that I didn't sense my worst nightmare approaching me until it was too late. I saw them standing in front of me and I could feel the anger radiating through them.

"So you finally decide to show your face" Ben, the self-proclaimed leader of their gang, said. I was just looking him in the eyes, trying not to show them my fear.

"What do you want?" I finally asked

"You need to pay for what you did!" said Rob and grabbed and pulled me upwards so I am standing now.

"Let me go! I did what you asked, I did your homeworks!" I yelled

"Mrs Simmons recognised your handwriting and failed us anyways!" Ben yelled

"Are you really that stupid? Why didn't you rewrite it with your own handwriting?" I couldn't believe their stupidity

My refusal to submit made them even more mad and that's when I felt sharp pain in my cheek. I realised that Ben slapped me and I was shocked. I knew they were mean bullies but they have never hit me before. The slap that I received from their "leader" seemed to be the sign they were all waiting for and that's when my life became from worse to worst.

After that day Ben's gang started finding all kinds of excuses to use me as their personal punching bag. The teachers knew I was being bullied but didn't do anything about it. One day, when I was still 13, Mrs Simmons was tending my wounds, I could see her eyes were filled with tears.

"Why are you sad?" I asked her

She looked at me in shock but recovered quickly and replied: " I don't like seeing you hurt."

"Then why don't you do something to stop them" I asked a little irritated

"Gabriella, you need to understand that in our world no one will fight your battles for you. There might be people in your life that would gladly fight side by side with you, but you are the only person you can count on." She said softly

"But I am smaller than them and they outnumber me by a lot!" I argued not really understanding how her response was supposed to help me

"But you are already stronger than them. Maybe not physically but you are smarter and strong willed. You refuse to submit to them even after all the beatings you have received. You are stronger than you think. Not many wolves can endure so much pain without screaming, begging or crying. You need to start appreciating your strengths and try to use them to your advantage." She said and kissed my forehead.

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