Mission: Rescue

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Rei: Now, we warned you, this could have been all over, nice and quick. But, you've made it pretty clear what you want...

Rei nods at Mika, the two put on masks and Mika presses a button under the desk. Some sort of Gas comes out a vent.

Rei: We're so close to making you into the perfect Elite solider 3, we can't let you go now...

3: *Coughing* What... do... y-ou...

Before 3 could finish, she faints.


3 days later:

Captain + 4 + 8 POV:

The Captain, 4, and 8 have fully searched Alterna, TWICE. Including the boss levels, in which annoyingly, all the members of deep cut had challenged them to a "dance battle". They even looked enough that the map of every site now said "Surveyed"... But of course, there was one kettle that they all avoided, After Alterna. The 3 agents sat at the squid sisters camp, resting after awhile of searching for 3 again.

Captain: Well... I guess we all know where to look now...

4 excitingly gets up.

4: Where?!

The Captain looks over to After Alterna.

Captain: Exactly where we thought not to go alone... But we have all three of us, surely we can do it if we actually sneaked in...

8: But what if they use some of the music they stole from DJ Octavio?

4: We can ask the Squid sisters, Off the hook and Deep Cut to come over?

8: Right good idea!

8 texts the idols, and gives 4 and the Captain a thumbs up after 6 seconds of waiting for a reply.

Captain: Ok, I guess all we gotta do is wait then...

About 30 minutes later:

The idols arrived, they looked much better than before as they had been resting ever since Mission: Motherfuzz.

Marie: Please don't tell me... You want us to do THAT again?!

There was lots of complaining idols for a good 10 seconds.

Captain: *Trying to talk over the idols* Quiet down! We're not gonna do that again, but we ARE gonna go back there again, to find 3.

Shiver: And where in this do we come in? We don't have your hero gear

Captain: Glad you asked! We need you incase they use more of that DJ Octavio music they stole.

Then there was even more complaining, and 4 was starting to get annoyed.

4: ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH! Do you guys even WANT 3 to be safe again!? She could be getting tortured over there for all we know! So stop being so selfish, and help us save 3!


Marie + Callie + Marina + Pearl + Bigman + Shiver + Frye: *Quietly* ...fine

Captain: Alright then! Lets get going and find 3!

The Agents and idols got up and headed for the final kettle After Alterna, with a ton of energy, especially from 4 (As always).

5 minutes later they find themselves at the path to the other part of After Alterna, the arena.

Captain: You all ready?

8: Ready.

Captain: 4?

4: I was born ready!

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