The search for the lost agent

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Captain + 8 + 4 POV:

The agents are at the squid sister's camp, it's been 1 day since 3 disappeared.

4: Alright Cap'n what's the plan today?

Captain: Well the idols are resting their voices still, so we can't do any music, and we only have 3 agent's with us right now. So, I think it's best we stick to searching for 3 in the other kettles, and avoid after Alterna for now.

8: Sound's good to me

4: Ok, lets go looking for 3!

Captain: Ok now that we're all excited to find 3... I'm gonna tell you what site's you should go to, 4, Site 1 and 2, 8, Site 3 and 4, and I'll do Site 5 and 6. Oh, and by the way, don't go into the boss kettles, Deep cut's waiting in there for a 'Rematch'.

4: Aw but now I wanna go there

Captain: Sorry, but I think we should let 3 do the Rematch, she did fight them after all.

4: Fine... *sighs*

They all go off to their assigned kettles.

4 POV:

She see's a screen showing her the level information and looks at it.

Get to Know Alterna, Your Only Choice

Show off your skills and reach the goal

4 stands on the weapon selector, the walls go up.

4: AGH! What the flyfish!

A screen appears Infront of her with multiple weapon options.

4: I don't remember this happening when I was with 3... She DID complete the challenges, so would that mean she'd be able to avoid selecting a weapon now? Eh, that's something to ask her later...

4 looks up, the selector says Hero shot.

4: Or... Maybe she just chooses that every time? I'm getting sidetracked though, I better get started...

4 chooses the Hero shot, the walls go down, and none of her gear had changed.

4: This is weird, but whatever, just look for 3 I guess

4 enters the place, and she see's a ink rail, 4 gets onto it and rides shooting every balloon she see's, and then jumps into the squid ring.

4: This is kind of... fun actually

She is greeted by a ton of stuff, she starts by heading up a gusher, and throws a splat bomb at the ink rail, she swims up it at hits the propellervator and collects her first key in the stage.

4: Ok! 1 down, aloooot more to go

4 jumps down and collects squid rings as she falls. She see's a Ink switch, she hits it and a rectangular platform comes out of the left, she inks the wall and swims up it. 4 destroys the balloon in front of her on sight, and inks the wall trying not to get her ink sucked from the Squee-G, but fails.

4: Ugh I hate Squee-G's...

She trys again and again and again until she try's distracting it by completely covering the wall with ink, and swimming up. 4 then grabs the key, and jumps down.

4 inks the ground and swims toward where the next key would be, while looking around her to make sure just in case there was anything there that could lead her to 3. She see's a Sponge, inks it, and see's dual ride rails, and jumps into the squid rings as she rides. She then swims up the Inkfurlers in front of her. 

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