Chapter 12: New phone

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Another day in Isekai world, before Fujioka get ready to school, she went to Daisuke's office room. "Daisuke?" Fujioka called him as she entered his office room. "How many times do I have to tell you? Knock the door first before you get inside my office!" Daisuke told her. "Ah gomen! (Sorry!)" She leave the room as she close the door back and knock the door and open the door. Daisuke sigh. "Nani? (What is it?)" he ask. "Can I have a new phone?" Fujioka suddenly ask him. "Hmm? Why do you want me to buy it for you?" Daisuke ask her. "Well.." Fujioka began to tell him her story

A flashback suddenly through her mind. "Fujioka-chan!" Monoma greet her in the hall way. "Eh? Monoma-kun?" Fujioka turn around as he greet her. "I wonder if I can ask you something" Monoma said with cocky tone. "Sure.. What is it?" Fujioka ask. "I want your phone number" Monoma said. "Eh? What is this? Are you trying to flirt me?~" Fujioka teased him. "That's nonsense! I'm playing truth or dare with my classmates. Come on! Give it to me already!" Monoma yell to her. Fujioka suddenly think to herself "Yabai! (This is not good!) If I tell him that I don't have a phone, he's going to make me feel bad about it" "Umm.. Actually, I forgot my number hehe" Fujioka laugh awkwardly. "Is that so? Or maybe you don't have a phone? You have a rich dad but your dad don't buy it for you? Is your dad really that strict? That's so sad" Monoma mock her as Fujioka only being silence getting pissed off as Monoma walk away towards his class.

"Just to talk with a guy?" Daisuke interupt Fujioka's story. "Not only that!"

Another flashback where Fujioka in her class. Suddenly, Yayaozoru and the girls came to her in her seat "Fujioka, how about we exchange our numbers? That'll be easy for us to communicate". "So da ne! (That's right!)" Hagakure agree to her. Fujioka decided to tell them the truth "Actually, I don't have a phone yet". Everyone suddenly became silence in awkward way and Yayaozoru decide to break the silence "D-Daijoubu! (T-that's fine!) You can just tell us if you have a phone"

"And that's the reason" Fujioka end the flashback story. "Hmm.. I'll think about it" Daisuke said. "Hontoni?! (Really?!) You're the best!" Fujioka got cheered up. "Now go get ready already! You're going to late for school!" Daisuke told her. "Hai! (Yes!)" said Fujioka happily as she starts to get ready.

Daisuke open his car window as Fujioka leave his fancy black car "I'll see you at 12:00 p.m. Ja ne! (See you later!)" told Daisuke. He close his window car as he drove away. Fujioka wave her hand and as she turn around, as always, a crowd was watching her, still amaze on her. She went to her class as she notice, the crowd started to follow her.

As Fujioka was on the class, the A1 class started to get crowded just wanted to get to know with her. "Everyone! Go back to your class! Lesson is going to start in 5 minutes!" remind Iida towards the crowd but none of them listen to him. "S-someone.. Tatsukete.. (Help me...)" Fujioka said to herself.

Suddenly, Bakugou started to yell at the crowd "Oi everyone! How many times do we have to tell you?! Get the hell out of here or I'll make you die!!". "Kachan! Calm down!" told Midoriya towards Bakugou. "No one can make me calm down you nerd!" insult Bakugou. The crowd started murmuring "Who is he?" "So aggressive!" "I think we should leave" "Yeah we should go" Everyone start to leave A1 class as Bakugou chase them until outside of the class and yell through the hallway "SHINEI!!!! (DIE!!!!)". "Calm down already" said Fujioka to Bakugou. "I told you no one can make me calm down!" Bakugou replied. "It's time to take a sit! It's for our next lesson!" Iida remind them again.

Before Daisuke went to his mission, he went to the phone store to buy phone for Fujioka. "Oh! That one looks cute.. Can I have that one?" ask Daisuke to the cashier. "Sure! Ano.. (Umm..) Who is this for if you don't mind I'm asking" The cashier ask. "It's for my daughter" Daisuke replied. "Ehh?!! Do you have a daughter?" the cashier shock. Daisuke nod to him. "When did you get married?" the cashier ask again. "I actually adopt her" Daisuke said. "Honto desu ka? (Is that so?) Isn't it to young for her to have a phone?" ask the cashier. "Actually, she's 16.. Thank you for the phone" Daisuke bow down for the cashier. "Ah! Hai!" The cashier also bow down to him. As Daisuke walk away, the cashier as himself "Is there really a 16 year old who got adopted?"

At 12.00 p.m, Daisuke went to the school to take Fujioka home. As Fujioka enter the car, Daisuke hand her the bag that has phone in it. "Here.. I buy you a phone". Fujioka take out the box from the bag and open the box. "Woah.. Kawaii! (So cute!) Arigatou! (Thank you!)" She hug him happily.

"And then.. She hug me.." Vent Daisuke towards Suzue as he wipe his tears using tisue. "You scared me there, master" said Suzue

This is Fujioka's phone btw (This pic is from Pinterest)

This is Fujioka's phone btw (This pic is from Pinterest)

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End of chapter 12~

(I take a rest btw.. That's why I post late)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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