VHope: Cuddles

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Dedicated to Sparkle_unicorn00, because I'm her number one fan and she's the most amazing reader and supporter. Please check out her works, they're amazing!

prompt: lap.

Jin is staring at Jungkook who's staring at Jimin who's staring at Namjoon who's staring at Hoseok who's staring at Yoongi. Only Taehyung is staring at the lady bird on a nearby bush.

It's 4am, and if anything, bangtan boys should be inside the car and going to their destination, which is the BTS dorm. They've been shooting since the past 12 hours and they're tired and their bones are weighing heavy.

Except one problem.

The car sent to pick them up is a six seater.

Which comes to an obvious conclusion- someone has to sit on someone's lap.

"Jungkook, sit on Jimin's lap. You're the youngest."

"Jimin is the shortest. If anything, he should be the one sitting on Namjoon-hyung's lap, he's the tallest."

"Where are your honorifics boy?! I'm not sitting on anyone's lap. Let Yoongi and JHope adjust- they're small and they'll fit."

"Oh hell no. My butt is sore from sitting on that chair for my solo. I don't want anyone on my lap or me on anyone's lap. Don't mess with me right now, I'll screw your photos."

Hoseok just gives him the classic JNope look and turns away. He's too tired to give a retort.

Taehyung is still watching the ladybirds with fascination.

Hoseok smiles softly at seeing this. Taehyung fascinated is the most cutest side you can see of him, when his eyes are wide and his lips are slightly agap and there are delicate movements and postures on his side.

He's just perfect, the kid. He makes Hoseok fall more and more every single day, and Hoseok can't do anything, but go with the flow and enjoy the simple little things about him.

"V, what do you say?,"

"I'll sit on the lap," Comes an uninterested reply. "Decide who's lap its going to be."

BTS now gears up energetically for a game of rock, paper and scissor. Everyone is hoping to win. Except Hoseok.

And luckily, he loses. He pretends to groan, while secretly he's bursting bubbles.

Taehyung comes back to the world now, and looks at him nervously. As everyone sits into the car, he whispers to Hoseok. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a burden......,"

"It's nothing like that!," Hoseok screeches, trying to calm his excited nerves. "You're no burden. Come on now."

He slids into the front seat, and motions Taehyung to come. Taehyung bites his lip, moves into the car, and comfortably sits on Hoseok's lap.

He's tall, so Hoseok can't see the view in front, but he's clearly not complaining. Taehyung's scent is hitting his nose, the one he love the most- vanilla, with a hint of musk- and Taehyung's soft body is in front of him.

He's sitting straight, so upright that the seatbelt doesn't reach the distance. So Hoseok unconciously pulls him back, onto his chest.

Only when a warm back is onto his chest and hair is tickling his jaw he realises, oh shit.

He slides the seatbelt, and the car takes off. It's an hour's journey, so he has a long time to enjoy this feeling. The feeling of a cute boy pressed against his chest and sitting on his lap and staring out in the front.

His arms are fixed by his sides, and he's still wondering if he's allowed to touch or not. It's only when Taehyung whines and pulls his arms, does he comply and rejoices at the feeling of hugging someone so warm and so lovely.

Taehyung sinks into his touch, and mummers a happy sound.

They can already hear the soft snores from behind. Hoseok sighs. When he's tired from being active for long, it takes him time to sleep. Usually he's on his bed thinking of the future or Taehyung, but right now he's living a dream so he obviously can't sleep.

Taehyung too isn't sleeping, just grinning at the views and moving his head around.

"Hyung, are you uncomfortable?,"

"No," Hoseok whispers back. "Why?,"

He's so close to Taehyung's lips, it takes him more than a moment to stop staring and admiring them to realize they just moved and said something.

"Hyyuuung~," Taehyung whines, pulling his jacket like a kid. He smiles back.


"I'm not sorry you lost. I enjoy sitting on the lap on my favourite Hyung," Taehyung says, his eyes watering, a yawn escaping his lips.

Hoseok's heart meanwhile, is soaring beyond the roof.

He laughs. "Me too, my favourite dongsaeng,"

Taehyung gives him his rectangular smile, and fiddles with the buttons on his shirt. His head is now resting on Hoseok's chest, and Hoseok feels he's complete.

His eyes are closing on their own accord, even though he's desperately trying to fight the fatigue off. He and Taehyung are making small talk, like they always do, and his arms curled around Taehyung's shoulders and they're literally cuddling in the front seat of a vehicle.

But now Hoseok's eyes are refusing to stay open, and Taehyung is also talking softly, meaning he's about to sleep too. He settles on Hoseok's chest, snuggles his nose a bit, places his hand on his chest, and closes his eyes. Only then does Hoseok close his own.

But only a few minutes later, he hears a voice. "Hyuuung," a whisper says," why is your heart beating so fast?,"

Hoseok's eyes whip open, and his lips fall apart- he doesn't know what to say, and he wonders if he means his secret is out in the open. He's going to lose a friend and a person he loves, all thanks to his stupid heartbeat.


Taehyung looks at him curiously, and then smiles. He picks up his free hand, and places it on his own chest.

Hoseok feels a strong beat, and very very fast pulse, a pulse which is literally breathing alive under his fingers. He looks back at Taehyung, who's smiling at him.

"We share seats, and a heartbeat too," he laughs, and Hoseok is feeling so many things right now, he can't say anything.

"Is this a confession?," he asks, uncertaintly. He's wants to know right now, he's too tired of waiting.

"Does this mean we get to cuddle more like this?,"


"Then yes it is!," He giggles, and pushes his face into Hoseok's chest, clearly blushing and embarrassed. Hoseok laughs, and breaths in relief- relief that the person he loves likes him back, relief he hasn't lost the person he loves the most.

And the best of all.

Relief this isn't the last time they cuddle.


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