VHope: See

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prompt: dark

"When you'll come back, o darling,
The flowers will blossom back in the garden,
The springs will rain like they're dancing,
This is how two hearts will meet"

A/N: I'm not dissing Namjoon here, but just trying to write what J-Hope and V must've felt when the whole scenario happened. Namjoon is human too guys, but no matter what, even the smallest sneaky remarks have the tendency to cut anyone deep.

Hoseok is rolled into a ball under his blanket.

His knees are tucked to his chest, his arms loosely wrapped around them, his nose is tucked in the partition of his legs. His breathing is unsteady, and his cheeks and bedsheet is wet.

His thoughts are unsteady, and he's trying to divert his mind. But he cannot stop thinking about two things- one, what Namjoon said today, and two, the sniffles coming from the bed next to his.

He knew Namjoon was just jesting, and the latter had the tendency to give sharp cutting remarks from time to time, but today he did it publicly, and god did it hurt. Hoseok played along, laughing at the statement although his heart clenched and he felt tears stinging the corner of his usually happy eyes.

Ever since he's joined BTS, he's enjoyed being a ball of sunshine. But he knew people had a tendency to forget that even the sun doesn't shine on rainy days.

He is hurt. He admits to himself. He's hurt, that he's not pale, which directly means he's not appealing to the eyes. He's hurt because its such a serious issue in his country to be pale, and no matter how many skin products or cosmetics he uses, he doesn't become pale. It hurts because every night he refuses to take his makeup off, thinking of someone who see his actual face, they would pull more jokes and honestly, he did not have the capacity to take anymore of them.

Most of all, it hurts that Namjoon insulted the person he loves the most in the world and he didn't fucking utter one word against him. He's a failure as a Hyung and a boyfriend.

The sniffles from the other bed got louder.

Taehyung, he thought.

Of most things, Hoseok felt angry what Namjoon had said about Taehyung. Taehyung was just a kid, and was very sensitive. He didn't show it, but Hoseok knew ever single tear that wet Taehyung's pillow when they lay to sleep every night, and it clenched his heart. He didn't want Taehyung to end up like him, unhappy with his looks, too dark for the world to see.

And what Namjoon said was a complete lie. Taehyung was not dark. He was handsome, his features were perfect, his skin was smooth and creamy and beautiful and blemish free. People could mistaken Taheyung for the moon, he was so beautiful.

He's a kid Namjoon, what the fuck is wrong with you?!

He sighs, wipes away his tears. He's about to pull away the blanket, but he stops. He's washed away his makeup for the first time in a long time (to analyse himself in the mirror), and he wonders of TaeTae will not like his face. Or not see him at all.

But he knows Taehyung right now matters more, so he pulls out his ugly face, kicks off the blanket, and gets up from his bed and goes to Taehyung's.

Taehyung is turned to the other side. His shoulders are shaking, his sobs are more audile, and he's holding his own shoudlers. He's looking so vulnerable, Hoseok can see himself in him. And it doesn't feel right.

He sits on his bed. "TaeTae," he says, and shakes his shoulders. Taehyung immediately stiffens, and runs his face and sits up. "H-h-hyung," his voice cracks.

Hoseok isn't lying when he says that he can see Taehyung. He can see the handsome face that's always bright and happy, now the handsome face that is tear stained and has a running nose. He can see the dark eyeliner smudged near his eyes, and he can see Taehyung's skin. Taehyung never disappears with the darkness as he continues to look at him.

Hoseok doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Taehyung's neck, and the latter immediately responds and tightly hugs him back. He cries on the crook of his neck, and Hoseok gently soothes him, as he runs a hand through his hair and coos sweet things in his hair.

"Aye TaeTae, its OK my baby, its ok,"

He can feel the tears on his neck, Taehyung's hot breath coming out in short gasps, and the insecurity washing over him.

Finally when Taehyung calms down, he turns his head and rests it on Hoseok's chest. Hoseok pulls his legs into his lap, and he feels better, now that both of them had calmed down.

Silence follows the next few minutes, as Hoseok rocks Taehyung, who's like a baby in a mother's arms. He can feel the sadness radiate from the atmosphere.

Taehyung now starts to wrap his arm around his neck and place tiny kisses on his neck. That's his way of comforting me, Hoseok thought, as he began to nibble his ear lobe and come dangerously close to the sweet spot just below his ear.

Taehyung pulled Hoseok's face down, and put his lips against his. The kiss is desperate- he's kneeded his lips too hard against his, sucking and biting in a way that is both arousing and frightening Hoseok. Hoseok gently pulls his hair and tilts his head, and responds as fiercely.

Taehyung is now pushing him down to the bed; Hoseok is confused. When his back hits the bedsheet, Taehyung pulls up a bit, and stares at his face with such a tender expression, Hoseok can't help but blush.

Taehyung smooths away the hair on his forehead, and lays a kiss there. He gently closes Hoseok's eyes, and places two tiny kisses on his eyelids. He glides his lips to his nose, where he places a kiss on its tip. A small bite on his lips follow along with a chaste kiss on his chin.

Hoseok's heart is fluttering and cheeks are bright red. He's happy he's dark for once, thinking Tae couldn't see his blush.

"I can see you, Hyung," Taehyung grits out, slowly. "It's three am, its the darkest time of the night, and I can see everything. Your eyes, your nose, your lips, your forehead, your chin, your expressions, your blush- everything. Every fucking detail. I can fucking draw you right now with a blindfold. You don't disappear with the night hyung. You're too bright for it....Like a firefly. I can see you, I can see you, I swear." And Hoseok's heart is elated at this.

"If you say so..," Hoseok finally says when he can find his voice. "Then I need no one else to see me. It's just you. Only you."

And now Hoseok is letting out sobs and digging himself into Taehyung's neck because he feels safe, he feels loved, he doesn't care whether he's dark or pale because Taehyung loves him no matter what.

And he knows he can always see Taehyung. Whether it's dark, light, when there is everything or when there is nothing, when he's in a crowd or alone, he will still be able to see him. Fifty years down the line when Hoseok will lose his eyesight and all his senses he will still be able to see his TaeTae, and when both of them fade away from the world to eternal darkness, he will still be able to see Taehyung.

Nights aren't as dark for both of them now.

I wrote this oneshot fucking twice and wattpad deleted it twice. I'm sorry if this isn't up to the mark, I swear I was so frustrated yesterday with all BTS drama and wattpad deleting my oneshot I almost threw my phone outta the window.
Also I went to Starbucks yesterday and ended up ordering a caramel macchiato and started crying when it came. My brother disowned me publicly and I was sobbing loudly at Starbucks WTF. X'D

Anyways, 1K reads! Thank you so much gives, please keep supporting this fic

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