VHope: Last Bite

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prompt: food.

Taehyung right now, is bursting from inside.

He's crazy mad right now. Others are laughing and eating, not noticing how's he's almost vibrating with anger. The smell in the air is doing him no favor- he's hungry, but he's not getting to eat what he wants.

While the others are feasting on fried chicken, he's stuck with eating/drinking/whatever the hell it is (its not eating for him) soup. And not just any soup, the one he hates the most. Cabbage soup.

He hates green vegetables, and cabbage leafs smell terrible. The soup tastes like the water in which cabbage leafs have been left till they had rotten- and salt. Lots of salt.

Taehyung has a good metabolism, but today he wasn't allowed to join the others. Because in the morning, three bags of chips had been found missing from the pantry. And who was the first and final suspect? Taehyung, of course.

He gritted his teeth. Just because he was the one who had trouble sleeping at nights and roamed around the corridors, didn't mean the was the one who'd have all the midnight snacks. He didn't even wake up once last night, but who cares, right?! The person who ate those chips gets chicken too, and he's the loser!

He pushes away his soup plate, and crounched to control his hunger pangs. The rest are still playing around, and he's hungrily eyeing the chicken.

"Hungry, hyung?," Jungkook teases, as he waves the chicken piece in his face and proceeds to bite it immediately. Taehyung huffs, and looks away. His mouth is filled with water but he refuses to lose his pride.

"You shouldn't have eaten the chips when you knew we had a shoot, Tae," Seokjin coos/scolds, and it makes Taehyung even more madder.

"Thanks for the reminder," he spits out, and crosses his arms to his chest. The others find this cute, and laugh, completely insensitive to his misery.

"Hey, the last piece is left now!," Jimin says, and everyone turns their head to the plate.

"Kyaaah~," everyone attacks the plate, and they're just falling over each other and hitting each other, while Yoongi, the one trapped below releases a string of curses he had prepared to use in Cypher but was censored and Seokjin telling him to hush up because "kids were in the room".

Taehyung just gets up, and leaves to his room. He hates everyone here.


Taehyung is pressing a pillow to his stomach now, grumbling, thinking who was the criminal who had him framed. He was going to beat the crap out of him/her/it and feed them a million nights of extra salty cabbage soups--

The door opens and interrupts his torturous thoughts. 

Hobi Hyung enters, smilingly, and Taehyung's heart misses a beat. He puts a finger on his lips, and tells him to remain hushed as he checks the corridor and then locks the door.

Taehyung is wondering why Hobi Hyung is locking their door (and blushing at his own ideas that are coming up) when his hyung tip toes to his bed, and sits adjacent to him.

Mother of God is this what I'm thinking it is---

"Don't say a word," Hobi warns him, and puts a hand in his pocket.

Holy shit.

What's he got in t-that p-pocket--

He takes out a pink polythene, and Taehyung can smell a distinct smell of oil and fat.

He opens his lips.

"Sshhh," Hobi immediately puts his hand on his lips, and checks his back (as if someone would see him from a locked door).

"Why did you get chicken here?," Taehyung mutters angrily. "I'm tired of this joke, eat it outside--,"

Hoseok flicks a finger to his forehead. "Pabo," he whispers,"Its for you."

Taehyung blinks his eyes- once, twice, so much so he can feel the remaining mascara sticking his eyelashes together.

"For.....for me?," he asks, like a child.

Hobi giggles. "One piece won't hurt," he says, as he unwraps the piece. "I know you didn't eat the chips, you were asleep all night. Your slippers were in the same place in the morning."


"On your bed," Hoseok laughs, and hands him the polythene. "Eat now."

Taehyung feels a rush of emotions. He feels so happy, someone noticed, and top of that, someone who he wanted to notice.

Taehyung looks at the chicken, and then him. He opens his mouth wide.

"Are you a baby?,"

"I'm your baby," Taehyung grins, and Hoseok fights a blush. They've been flirting like this for some months now, yet Hoseok can't stop the rush of blood to his cheeks when he says things like this.

He takes the chicken out, and puts it near Tae's lips. Taehyung gingerly takes a big bite, and munches on it like a cow. There are crumbs and oil coating his lips, and Hoseok laughs as he gently wipes away the crumbs from his lower lip.

Taehyung's heart picks up speed, and he whips back a bit in surprise. "You'll kill me just when I'm eating," he mumbles, and leans back in again so Hoseok clears away the remaining crumbs.

Hoseok holds his laugh behind his hand, and holds up the chicken again to Taehyung. However, Taehyung turns the piece to him. Hoseok raises an eyebrow.

"Taehyung, you've not eaten--,"

"You ate only one piece too. I saw it. Eat now," he says, and pushes the piece closer to his lips. Hoseok smiles, and takes a huge bite- both laugh at their childlike antics.

Turn by turn, they finish the piece, throwing the bones in the polythene. When the last piece remains, Taehyung immediately puts it between his teeth, and leans to Hoseok, blushing. Hoseok smacks his face, as he breaths in deeply and quickly bites away his part, his lips barely touches Tae's as they rush.

Both giggle. Taehyung thanks him quietly, and jumps forward to kiss his cheek. Hoseok jumps a bit and blushes, as Taehyung continues to hug him. "Now we have to find a way to bury this," Taehyung says, holding up the polythene. Hoseok snaps his fingers.

"I just know where."


The next morning, Jungkook screams his head off when he sees a small pink polythene filled with chicken bones in his dance shoes with a note 'I know what you ate that night'.


Hello my peeps. Thank you so much for your blessings, my sister read your messages and loved them so much! My family had a blast, so I'm kind of tired and catching up with school is so hectic. Sorry for this dry imagine, but I really really need prompts now.

See you guys soon! Keep supporting please <3

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