Vhope: Meanings

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prompt: ring

A/N: kind of continuation of priceless?

Hoseok's wedding ring means a lot of things to him.

It's a beautiful sleek gold band, with tiny diamonds decorating an infinty symbol on it. It had taken about six months of his pay saved over three years, but it was worth it the way it decorated Taehyung and his ring fingers.

It was a symbol of the lifelong commitment he had to the man he loved, with whom even a lifetime seemed short. It displayed virtues such as loyalty, love, trust, friendship, partnership, commitment, care, years- all in a tiny, shining, never ending circle.

He's thumbing it, as he and Taehyung stand outside a jeweller store. His heart is thumping, his brain isn't acknowledging the fact that they are here and it's time.

Taehyung's hand sneaks into his, and gives him a gentle squeeze. "Hyung," he says,"if you don't want to do this, we'll find---,"

"No," is a tired reply that comes. He's tired of their debts being harshly knocked at the door each morning, the empty pantry that greets them for breakfast, the cold ground beneath their backs as they shiver all night long. He knows that an empty stomach cannot be a home to high morals. He's a beggar, not a chooser.

He tightly smiles as Taehyung, who looks as lost as him as well. Both of them had promised to keep the other happy. Yet, today the very symbol of that promise was going to be sold off to meet their basic needs.

He's dazed; he doesn't understand when and how they both entered the shop, talked to the shopkeeper and named a price. A price for the two brilliant years of commitment they had spent together. As harsh as it sounded, poverty made him realise that everything has a price.

Now, its time to take off the ring, something that's been a part of him for two whole years, and place it on a table for some green paper. Hoseok's mind is tearing apart.

Taehyung and his hands are shaking, but nonetheless they rise, and hold the ring. Hoseok is feeling the ring- the smooth, cold, shiny surface, the happy memories of his wedding day, the two years with the most perfect person he cold ask for- all going in one go.

As the ring slides through his finger Hoseok can feel his stomach rumbling, his knees weak from hunger, his eyes unfocused because of tears. Finally, its out of his finger- and placed on a table with its twin. The shopkeeper uncaringly sweeps it away, and puts it on his weighing balance. Taehyung and his eyes follow the rings, as they are weighed, and then put into a box, away from their sights forever.

Hoseok feels like the biggest loser. His basic needs, his body had made him betray his ideals, something that was a huge part of his life. And now he can do nothing, but pick up the stack of papers on the table, and walk away with his shaking knees.


"Hobi," Taehyung sighs, as he runs his hand through Hoseok's hair, who's shaking and bawling like a baby. He's also feeling empty- he feels like he's literally missing a finger, a huge part of his memories, a part of his and Hobi's married life.

But those rings had fetched them enough money to pay off all their debts, and buy food which would last for a few days. This meant their daily earnings could now be used to buy basic stuff and not be spent away in bills and installments.

But seeing Hobi like this was tearing him up. He knew Hobi had a huge emotional attachment with things- he was the kind that would treat things as if they had feelings. So he knew that the wedding ring was a sort of obsession for Hoseok.

"I'll get you some water," he cooed, as Hobi nodded weakly and gasped loudly for air. Taehyung got up and went to their 'kitchen' (a small cupboard at one corner of their one room apartment) and took out a water bottle.

A small square of silver aluminum foil fell on his head, along with the bottle. He bent down to pick up the foil and bottle, and put the foil back into the cupboard, closed it and began to run towards Hoseok when an idea popped in his head.

He brought the water bottle to Hobi, who was sitting up. He placed the bottle near his lips, as he gently chugged small gulps of water, Taehyung rubbed his back.

Finally he set the bottle down. "Hobi," he started. Hobi looked at him with tired, red rimmed eyes. "You know, everything happened for a reason."

Hobi sadly shook his head, and his chin began to crumple again. Before he could burst into another sob, Taehyung quickly got on to one knee awkwardly.

"It's kind of late," he said, and held his hands behind his back,"Our problems have brought us a long way. But our memories have served us longer, hence a little tribute to them."

Hoseok is looking at him confused, and Taehyung grins. "Jung Hoseok, my dearest, most handsome, most kind, most perfect husband," he says softly,"My alien heart belongs to you. Our problems don't suffocate me, because you're my fresh breeze. We live in one room, but with you, its a mansion of joy. We sleep on empty stomachs and full hearts. I know we haven't been saying this lately, but I love you, would you please marry me again?,"

He holds up a ring made of the foil, and Hoseok can feel the huge rush of mixed emotions he can only feel with Taehyung.

He tears up again, but these are happy tears; he gives his hand, and Taehyung gingerly puts the ring on the ghost of his earlier one. He pulls out another foil ring, and Hoseok places it into his finger, remembering his vows and putting all his heart and feelings into the process.

They hold hands, as they stand on their knees and read their vows, as shyly as they had on their wedding day.

"Can I now kiss my groom?," he giggles, and places his lips softly against Tae's.

Gold or aluminum, a ring is a ring, a vow is a vow, a piece is a piece.


Two years later when they can afford to wear the most expensive giant platinum ring on their ring fingers, Hoseok and Taehyung continue to wear the tiny thinning teared up foil rings. Because surely, money can't buy everything.


Wow authornim you do have a thing for rags to riches story how exactly broke are you.

So I was getting waxed the time I wrote this, and I think I converted my agony into angst. If hair uprooting converted into midlife crisis makes sense.

We're so close to 100 votes! Let us get our VHope sailing with 100 votes <3

Also, my sister is getting engaged on Saturday (we have a ceremony for it) please send her your blessings!

Loads of love to y'all.

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