VHope: Nervous

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prompt: selfie

Hoseok is fiddling with his phone. He's biting his lip, thinking deeply.

He wishes he wasn't awkward at things he shouldn't be awkward at. He wishes he was like Jungkook- attracting everyone by his charisma, no need to ask anyone. Or even like Jimin- confident enough to approach anyone he wants and strike a conversation hard to let go.

It doesn't mean Hoseok is not outgoing enough- he knows he's an annoying ball of sunshine, and that everyone in the group likes him. It's just one person he wants to connect with, but he's just nervous and doesn't know what to say to him.

He's met a lot of people in his life, but he's never ever met anyone even slightly similar to Taehyung. Taehyung, he, he's--- he's just brilliant. He's just himself. Hoseok doesn't simply know how to approach him. His rectangular smile, his sparkling eyes, his energy- everything made Hoseok notice him more and make his chest tingle and his cheeks stain with a light blush.

It's been a month since BTS has debuted, and they've been an instant hit with the audience. To keep up the hype, promotions were obviously required- the most basic being posting selcas.

Hobie had taken a selca with each member- during practice with Jungkook and Namjoon, during rapping in the studio with Yoongi, in the kitchen with Jimin and Jin. Now the only person who was left was Taehyung, and he didn't understand how to approach him.

It's not that Taehyung didn't like him- he was very nice and welcoming (although his actions were albit alien-like). But its just they hadn't interacted much. And on top of that, Hoseok's little crush on the boy with an alien heart made his tongue dry and his body shake whenever he approached him.

But today, he had decided he would do it. He'll take a selca with Taehyung.

So he goes to the practice room, where everyone is running around and screaming. He spots Taehyung in a corner with Jungkook, rapping along the song that was being played. He was so energetic, and so happy. It was infectious- Hoseok's worried self too gave a small smile.

But he looked busy right now (moreover, in a deep conversation with Jungkook) so Hoseok felt it wasn't his day, again. He sighed, and kept toying with his phone while glancing at the alien boy again. He wished he was Jungkook right now so bad- but obviously he wasn't. So he turned to leave.

"Hoseok Hyung!," A voice, so familiar and enchanting, came behind him, but he was too embarrassed to look back. He exited the room, and walked towards the dorms, hoping V had lost interest and gone back.

He unlocked his phone, to see his camera on selfie mode. Damn it, I should just give up---

"Hobi hyung!," panted the same voice behind him. Hoseok turned sharply to see Taehyung crouched on his knees. "Why do you walk so fast?,"


Taehyung got up, and walked up to him. "I'm sorry, I knew you were waiting for me behind but I was---,"

He got distracted from what he was saying on seeing Hoseok's camera on selfie mode. Hoseok noticed and gulped.

Should I should I not this is my chance come on speak something--

"Were you taking a selca?," V asked wide eyed, his mouth dropping open cutely. Hoseok's cheeks flared.

"Ye--I mean, n-no,"

"You know Hyung, we don't have a picture together!," V exclaimed, looking back at him. "I was about to tell you this. You have a photo with each member but me." He pouted. Hoseok scratched the back of his head.

He remembers. A huge smile made way to his lips.

"Come on, let's take the selca now!," V exclaimed, and grabbing Hoseok's shoulders went behind him. Hoseok could feel his chest pressed to his back, and his cheek against his, and honestly it was the best feeling in the whole world.

He raised the camera, and struck different poses with Taehyung. None of them seemed to fit though. Both struck poses but neither liked the way their faces were coming.

Five mintues passed and both were frustrated. Hoseok's arm ached.

This sucks. Officially.

He sighed, and put the camera down. Taehyung looked around in the hallway, thinkingly, while mummering something to himself (back at being his alien self).

Hoseok had now given up, and was about to lock his phone and apologize to V for wasting his time when suddenly he spoke up.

"Hyung, I have an idea. One last try."

This was his chance! Hoseok immediately put up the camera, and V again pressed himself to his back.

"What do I have to do?,"

"J-just smile, ok? And don't kill me for what I'm going to do," Taehyung mumbled, and focused his eyes back at the camera.

Hoseok released the tension in his shoulders (while secretly enjoying the feel of two hands grasping them with just the right hold) and gave the smile he had been holding back. The smile that Taehyung remembered he didn't have a photo with him, the smile his crush was pressed against his back and the smile that he was finally going to take a selca with him.

Taehyung's eyes momentarily got distracted from the camera, and gave a soft look to Hoseok's face. The look was so tender, Hoseok's cheeks again stained red.

He thought this was the pose, so he moved his finger to click it.

But with a few nanoseconds, he felt two soft, plump lips pressed against his cheek, and in shock his finger immediately tapped the click button and his lips fell a bit apart and his eyes slightly widened.

Taehyung immediately withdrew when the photo snapped. "I'm sorry but you're so cute I couldn't stop myself OK bye Kookie was asking me a GK question---," and he ran, literally sprinted back in the hallway to the room.

Hoseok meanwhile, was still frozen like a statue. When it hit him, that Taehyung found him cute and he had just kissed his cheek and that they had taken their first selca, did he grin widely, and dance like crazy in the middle of the hallway. (The touch my body dance xD)



Because Hobi and V have such perfect selca's and I hope this sort of selca exists probably hidden in their phones in a folder called 'my bae~' kbye.

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