Exhausted? *

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guys this is my first time writing smut 😣 pls tell me if its any good cuz I have no idea what I was doing

i proofread it like once so...

You were laying on the living room couch with your feet on the coffee table, watching a show on the television. It was well after evening, and no light shone through the open windows. You really ought to shut the blinds now, but you were putting off moving from your position. You hear a key turn in the door down the hallway, it must be Taylor-home from the studio.

The tall woman hastily walks in without even bothering to take her shoes off, even though you had just finished mopping the floor ten minutes prior. As you finally stand up to approach Taylor, she throws her bag and coat to you, causing you to almost slip as you slide your socks across the hardwood floors to catch them.

Taylor groans, "Ugh... I am so exhausted today..." She jumps into your arms, expecting you to carry her even though she's much taller than you. "Wash me. I want to take a shower," she whispers sharply into your ear in that husky voice that commands you to do whatever she says. It wasn't unusual of her to use that tone, but her voice sounded extra raspy today.

"Mkay babe.." You respond as you begin to make your way up the stairs, somehow managing to keep her in your arms. Taylor giggles lightly and her hands trail down your chest to your thighs as you bring her to the bedroom you share. Yawning, she leans her head against your shoulder and mumbles, "I worked so hard today babe..." This is the first time she's ever called you 'babe', which makes your heart race as you place her on the bed. "Seriously, my throat hurts so bad." Taylor groans softly and leans back while kicking her shoes off, and you stare at her.

"What?" Taylor demands, as she notices you looking at her.

"This is the first time you called me 'babe'," you point out while blushing at her, and she shrugs.

"Huh, I guess it is..." A smile sneaks across her face as she looks up at you, "You like it?"

"Definitely, T." You chuckle and Taylor's smile widens. "Good. You're my babe."

You grin more, before walking to the bathroom to get the water running. Taylor leans back against the headboard and takes a deep breath. She looks tired, but there's a slight sparkle in her eyes. As you walk back in the room, she calls you over and you go to stand next to her.

"Wash me," Taylor repeats, holding up your chin with her hands, her blue eyes darker than usual as they stare into yours.

"Oh come on.. you're a big girl aren't you? You can wash yourself.." You tease and Taylor pouts playfully, "Shut up." Her cheeks are flushed pink, and she looks as though she was a teenager who's just been caught trying on her mother's makeup. The woman wasn't used to relying on you so much, but she really was worn out. Taylor groans bashfully, "Just.. just wash me okay?"

"Sure thing." You nod and help her stand up, she's now towering over you, leaning against you while you lead her to the tub. Taylor's hand is on the back of your neck, gripping it tightly. Her touch is hot on your skin, and you blush.

When you get into the bathroom, she lets go of you and sits down on the edge of the tub. Taylor's long arm reaches over to turn the lights on while you finish preparing everything, picking up a loofah and soap. It doesn't illuminate much, and you two have been delaying working on it.

"We really do need to replace that light." You point out, to which she ignores.

Taylor strips down, just carelessly leaving her clothes all over the floor. She steps in the warm water and leans back as much as she can. Her knees bent above the water since she can't quite fit perfectly.

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