You Are In Love

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guys i really love this one !! 😣

It was hot and it was summer. You're lazing around on the hammock set up on the poles of your grandmother's patio, with a book in hand and a pitcher of juice on the table next to you.

Glancing to your left, countless books are recklessly stacked upon each other. You've already breezed through most of the collection you brought for your vacation, and are rather bored by now, wanting to do something else. Although, you're unsure what else to do, so you continue to bask in the sun and flip through the pages of your book, trying to avoid it from being spoiled by sweat or juice.

Ever since you were a child, you'd visit your Gram's—as you call her— house and stay there every summer. You much preferred it there, away from the city and all its crowds. Plus, your grandmother was a lot less strict than your parents, and pretty much lets you free to do whatever your teenage heart pleases. Though of course you spend a lot of your time with her, attending the garden, being her model for her latest crocheting project, and various activities.. She lived in quite a peaceful town in California, close enough for walks to the beach and access to about every shop.

Your grandmother has been resting all morning, and although it's noon and the sun is high in the sky, you find yourself alone. Placing the book flat down on your chest, you look around the neighborhood. It's the same as it ever was, and you watch as the old couple down the street bicker about some lawn decoration. When they spot you, they stop and wave. Most people know you, since in your free time you like to help around town.

Sighing, you're about to just give up and roll off the hammock and face plant into the fresh cut grass, when a glimpse of blue from your neighbors house catches your eye. Observing, you see many boxes on their porch, and a young girl. She seems about your age, and she's skipping along the lawn, her blonde hair dancing in the flow of the wind. She's wearing a baby blue dress and holding a rattan basket. You watch her walk off into the street, and she glances at you for a second before continuing.

You're not sure why, it might've been your boredom or just the buzz of seeing a pretty girl, but you place your book atop the stack and hop on your bike. Being able to ride while wearing a dress was one of the things you considered your specialty. It wasn't practical, but it made you feel cute. You follow down the road, trying to get a glimpse of her without making it feel awkward. Which didn't exactly work since she gave you a weird look, but it was fine.

A few hours later, after you've visited the library and gotten even more books that you'll be done with in a few days, you park your bike in the tiny pathway leading up to the back door. You unlatch your bag from the platform behind the seat and carry it by your elbow. It wasn't quite time for any meal yet, but food was ready—as it always is—and you could smell it through the screen door. You walk in, wincing as it slams against the metal door frame.

"Hey Gram!" You call out, expecting her to be there, but are met with silence. "Gram?"

Placing your book bag down on the table, you walk around to one of the many other entrances. There you find her, halfway out the doorway in her little brightly colored shawl. The old woman is rambling on about something to someone, and when she finally notices you her face lights up.

"Oh! She's here! Y/n, darling, come say hi to our new neighbor!" She exclaims, stepping out so you can follow her. When you do, you are met with a tall blonde woman. She looks much like the girl you saw earlier, except of course older, but they had the same bright blue eyes. You connect the dots and figure that she's probably her mom.

"Hello! You're so pretty!" The woman says to you kindly, to which you reply a small thanks.

The two of them look at you for a moment, before your grandmother lightly pats you on the back, "See Andrea, they'd get along won't they?" She asks the woman, who you now know as Andrea.

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