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Lucy's Pov:

I step out of the airport and the fresh air hits me as I give a sigh of relief. I never really liked the buzz of it. Loads of people running around, stress and awful aeroplane food. Leaving home always made me sad but it also feels like I'm going back to my second family at UConn. I really do love it here with all my friends. However, I do miss the countryside I call home back in England. I go to my beloved car that I left here and pack my things in the boot and headed to campus which was just an hours drive away. I plugged my aux in and started blasting my playlist on the way until my fav song came on "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars.

I rolled up to the campus apartments as that is where all the athletes for UConn stayed which I loved so I didn't have to get up super early for practice. I was in the same block as the Basketball girls, as I am their physical therapist with my roommate and best friend Blake.

There weren't many cars here as the semester hasn't started yet. For the first few weeks all the sports teams have preseason practice which was to get them fit and ready for all our games. My job is to make sure none of them break themselves. I hulled my cases upstairs and opened my apartment to see Blake. "Lucy !!" She screamed running up to me. We hadn't seen each other since last school year as I had to go back to England, but we called and messaged every day. I missed her so much. "So good to finally hug you again!!"

Me and Abby chatted for a while catching about how our summers went. Hers mainly consisted of her boyfriend Jonno and going to the beach. Whereas mine was mainly summer balls, house parties and days by the river. I loved spending summer at home. There just something about the English summer it seems so innocent yet such a mess for teens and early twenty year olds when the nighttime came.

After our catch up I went to my room in the back of the apartment. All of my posters still up of my fav sports players, artists and friends. I love my room so much it was my safe space for sure. I quickly got changed and headed back to the lounge as me and Blake made plans to grab ice cream at the store on campus, before our debrief meeting for the plans for the year ahead for the girls upcoming basketball season. I just threw on some grey baggy joggers and my UConn huskies jumper with my lanyards string peeping out my pocket with my backpack.

We made our way to the ice cream shop and sat down at a table with Jono, Abby's boyfriend. I really loved them together they were so cute always smiling and giggling together. It made me happy seeing her happy. "Hey Luce, how you been?" Jono exclaimed "not too bad how about you" I replied going to order mine and Abby's ice cream.

After a while me and Abby headed back as we had the team meeting while Jono went to go set up our equipment for tonight. Our band was playing tonight at the party, and it would be the first time the girls heard us play. We kept it secret that we were in a band that we made in our first year.

On our way to the meeting, I spot KK and Ice with the rest of the team. As we got closer, I run over and jump on KKs back as she jumps but soon relaxes after she realises it was me. "Girl Boo!! how you been I haven't seen you in so long" "I'm good boo how are you" I replied laughing as she always had so much energy. "I'm good but we need to hurry before Geno gets mad at us" we both broke out with laughter as we started to walk with the team. it was so nice seeing everyone again as I went round catching up about our summers.

Then it came to her. That stupid smile plastered along her perfectly sculptured face. "Hello trouble" she said as I jumped into her arms with her hands wrapping around my waist. I had missed her the most. Me and Paige had become very close last year following her ACL injury that had her wiped out for a whole season. I was the one assigned to make sure she got back to the best player that she can be. Before last season me and Abby weren't close with any of the girls we just showed up to training and games and rarely spoke to them if it wasn't necessary. Paige is the reason we are now all so close. If it wasn't for her inviting us to all the social events and parties, we would never have been added to what I call my second family now.

our meeting with Geno went past quick. we got details on what he wanted to achieve this season and how we were going to achieve it. We all came out of the meeting talking about the party tonight. The first day all the sports teams are on campus there is a huge party to welcome new additions of freshman to the teams and celebrate the year ahead. All discussing what we were going to wear and who's going in what car as we were all going together.

"Have you heard there's a band there tonight?" Azzi says to the group as we walk back to the apartments. Me and Abby look at each other with smiles on our faces. "What was that smile for" Paige says as she walks beside me as we were catching up with each other on what happened over summer. "you'll see later I guess" I said shrugging my shoulders at her while letting out a giggle. "hmmmmm" her eyes narrow down at me. Little did she know I couldn't get her out of my head all summer. I didn't even get with anyone else as she was so prominent in my mind. However, no one knew I liked girls except Abby, and I didn't even know if Paige liked girls, so I keep my feelings hidden as I don't want to ruin our friendship. 


authors notes 

hope you guys liked the first chapter hopefully its okay let me knowwwww 

party next !!!!!

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